Kanariah so prettty
Paradox aw thank you :)))) and oh wow that WC is stunning
Katia she is a fire dragon :OOOOO
PhoenixMiko oh gosh ahhaha i do that sometimes i just want to see what happens
DaniSarahP my god i am getting all jelous of all these impulse buys
Fantelle i love dark PC so pretty
JackalSmiler i need a butterfly derg
Aryllia oMg SoOooOO CUuUtE
Aftershock looks so much better as a fae
Kozar would if i had one
I was looking for a fire ambassador for my elemental council and saw this girl. Scryed her as a guardian (she was originally an imperial) and just had to have her. Probably my most expensive dragon in a LOOOONNNG time but totally worth it! She reminds me of an African Painted Dog. Plus, lookit that fire apparel. Just. BOOM. c:
I was looking for a fire ambassador for my elemental council and saw this girl. Scryed her as a guardian (she was originally an imperial) and just had to have her. Probably my most expensive dragon in a LOOOONNNG time but totally worth it! She reminds me of an African Painted Dog. Plus, lookit that fire apparel. Just. BOOM. c:

[font=book antique][url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=15530029]
i bought her as a ripple/shim/ub bc she was cute n cheap?? then i got her a cherub scroll & a mate oops

i bought her as a ripple/shim/ub bc she was cute n cheap?? then i got her a cherub scroll & a mate oops

@rahstis Heh, I've got a bit of a problem when it comes to collecting/keeping dragons. *glances at lair population* But these two were impossible to resist:
Currently has no name, but I've REALLY wanted a Halloween baby, and I was reminded of a post from someone showing off their black Ripple dragon and commenting on how they like how Ripple makes them look like the ashen husk of a burnt tree (which I must agree with). :}
And lastly, this is ButterscotchPie, whom I've had my eye on and finally decided to buy once I officially became Undertale trash. ;w;
rahstis Heh, I've got a bit of a problem when it comes to collecting/keeping dragons. *glances at lair population* But these two were impossible to resist:

Currently has no name, but I've REALLY wanted a Halloween baby, and I was reminded of a post from someone showing off their black Ripple dragon and commenting on how they like how Ripple makes them look like the ashen husk of a burnt tree (which I must agree with). :}

And lastly, this is ButterscotchPie, whom I've had my eye on and finally decided to buy once I officially became Undertale trash. ;w;
[i]Deep sigh.[/i]
I went into the AH to find dragons to exalt, and on the very first page, I saw this darling thing:
And I thought to myself, I'm screwed. I can't turn away. He has matching eyes. I [i]need[/i] him.
And lo and behold, he's here and all dressed up now:
Deep sigh.
I went into the AH to find dragons to exalt, and on the very first page, I saw this darling thing:
And I thought to myself, I'm screwed. I can't turn away. He has matching eyes. I
need him.
And lo and behold, he's here and all dressed up now:

Ping me to get my attention.
basically all my lair?
not even remotely my aesthetic, i have no idea what she's doing here.
i first decided i needed a pair of sisters. then i bought one of the spirals, and decided: why not another to match?
basically all my lair?
not even remotely my aesthetic, i have no idea what she's doing here.

i first decided i needed a pair of sisters. then i bought one of the spirals, and decided: why not another to match?


its gotta be Damario hehe
he just looked like a koi fish and i couldnt help myself!

its gotta be Damario hehe
he just looked like a koi fish and i couldnt help myself!
I have a few, mostly closer to the "don't know why I bought this" side of the scale than "I needed to buy this even though I shouldn't have" side.
The most egregious is my most recent impulse buy, Madrigal, who was probably intended as exalt fodder. This is what she looks like under her lovely skin:
I'm not very fond of the Piebald and Paint genes, and her colors clash horrendously...but I wanted a female Spiral, and she and her mate are gonna give me pastel babies at best and consistent exalt money at worst.
My first impulse dragon was Reman, though he actually turned out rather nicely. His tertiary color doesn't go well with the rest of him, but his tert gene is basic anyway (though I'm considering Spines for him). His mate has a pretty common tert, so I wouldn't think twice about it...if not for the fact that their tertiary color range leaves something to be desired.
And then there's Silvenar. I quite like how he looks, but that's me. He has good genes, but his colors probably make him exalt fodder to most. I've got a good mate for him, as well, though his tertiary color kind of throws off some of their potential hatchlings' color scheme...
I have a few, mostly closer to the "don't know why I bought this" side of the scale than "I needed to buy this even though I shouldn't have" side.
The most egregious is my most recent impulse buy, Madrigal, who was probably intended as exalt fodder. This is what she looks like under her lovely skin:

I'm not very fond of the Piebald and Paint genes, and her colors clash horrendously...but I wanted a female Spiral, and she and her mate are gonna give me pastel babies at best and consistent exalt money at worst.

My first impulse dragon was Reman, though he actually turned out rather nicely. His tertiary color doesn't go well with the rest of him, but his tert gene is basic anyway (though I'm considering Spines for him). His mate has a pretty common tert, so I wouldn't think twice about it...if not for the fact that their tertiary color range leaves something to be desired.

And then there's Silvenar. I quite like how he looks, but that's me. He has good genes, but his colors probably make him exalt fodder to most. I've got a good mate for him, as well, though his tertiary color kind of throws off some of their potential hatchlings' color scheme...
Mojave wow definitely looks btter as a gaurd
Mojave wow definitely looks btter as a gaurd