
Dragon Share

Show off your favorite dragons.
TOPIC | Prettiest Dragon Above You!
@Bafa59 c [url=] [img][/img] [/url] rabbit! she matches the sage set here so well, i love the color sunset so much, it has such beautiful colors
@Bafa59 c


rabbit! she matches the sage set here so well, i love the color sunset so much, it has such beautiful colors
@Kivovis Uh... I had to pick two. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] This shiny hatchling! [url=] [img][/img] [/url] And this one because I really don't like jaguar, but it looks so cool on Course!

Uh... I had to pick two.


This shiny hatchling!


And this one because I really don't like jaguar, but it looks so cool on Course!
They keep on kicking me down,
Tryin' to keep me underground,
But did I mention we were paving the way
for the new breed of bad seed?

10g pixel art - go on an adventure (wip) - wishlist/buying
[center]@Dieter love this bb and their accent!! [url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center]

love this bb and their accent!!

_______ ______________
buy my g1s

g1 lair

@emburs [center][url=] [img][/img] [/url] [size=2]I adore!! Loma's unique coloration, and how well she manages to pull off the festival apparel while still feeling elegant and uncluttered.[/size][/center]


I adore!! Loma's unique coloration, and how well she manages to pull off the festival apparel while still feeling elegant and uncluttered.
pixel art adopt of Snowdrop the veilspun, by Ambulocetus

she/her | FR +2
previously Tuberose
@Tuberose [url=] [img][/img] [/url] I love royal petals/butterfly anyway, but paired with a dark primary and the matching jade glimmer is gorgeous. The accent is just everything on this girl!


I love royal petals/butterfly anyway, but paired with a dark primary and the matching jade glimmer is gorgeous. The accent is just everything on this girl!
Limey/They/+3 Hours

Give Me a Like?

@Limey [url=] [img][/img] [/url] I'm normally not a huge fan of a lot of apparel, but this girl absolutely rocks every piece. She has such a wonderful, unified appearance to her. The colors of her genes and apparel blend so well; none of it is an eyesore and fits her theme. She's so colorful and pretty. The layering works very well to make her seem so magical. I would call her your prettiest dragon.


I'm normally not a huge fan of a lot of apparel, but this girl absolutely rocks every piece. She has such a wonderful, unified appearance to her. The colors of her genes and apparel blend so well; none of it is an eyesore and fits her theme. She's so colorful and pretty. The layering works very well to make her seem so magical. I would call her your prettiest dragon.
51983.png G1 Unbred LVL 25 (all stones) Gold/Fuschia/Fuschia - 2kg!

Characters for sale - 25% off

Buying adult fodder - 6kT per dragon + 5kT for unfed adults
@broodingbungalow [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Violet phantom has such a wonderful secondary color, and I love how the cooler tones of her multigaze contrast the yellowish tint. Honestly, I'm just a fan of the way phantom gives gaolers a sort of mask-like marking.


Violet phantom has such a wonderful secondary color, and I love how the cooler tones of her multigaze contrast the yellowish tint. Honestly, I'm just a fan of the way phantom gives gaolers a sort of mask-like marking.
tumblr_inline_pi905v48pa1rhxln1_100.png - she/her
- FR Time
- 21 y/o
- Wishlist
1EVlM.gif FsbHk.gif
@RidgeButch [url=] [img][/img] [/url] His colors go together so well!


His colors go together so well!
@glowb [url=] [img][/img] [/url] This dude is awesome!


This dude is awesome!
Just havin fun
Have a great day/night
@Amosius [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Ivesce's vibrant colors are quite eye catching! She gives me such an appreciation for the banescales' subtler genes mottle and marble.


Ivesce's vibrant colors are quite eye catching! She gives me such an appreciation for the banescales' subtler genes mottle and marble.
tumblr_inline_pi905v48pa1rhxln1_100.png - she/her
- FR Time
- 21 y/o
- Wishlist
1EVlM.gif FsbHk.gif