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TOPIC | Blues Free Lore And Apparel Design OPEN
@bluetheraptor aaaa tysm for takingthe time, and absolutely no worries, i kbow people have lives outside of fr sp it's all good! these are really cute, i appreciate it immensely!!!!
@bluetheraptor aaaa tysm for takingthe time, and absolutely no worries, i kbow people have lives outside of fr sp it's all good! these are really cute, i appreciate it immensely!!!!
HriQDbb.png -......

♥ call me lulu

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Np! They were probably some of my favorite to do especially Parvati!
Np! They were probably some of my favorite to do especially Parvati!
My Free Lore And Apparel Creations!
My Free Lore And Apparel Creations!
My Free Lore And Apparel Creations!
@bluetheraptor howdy! if you end up vibing i wouldn't mind potential outfits for these two-- they're boyfriends/mates but have very different vibes so i'll go into a bit of the lore/theme for them below! [url=][img][/img][/url] (roderick's going to have Butterfly as his secondary once i save up for it! probably keeping him the dfab fae pose just because i prefer it over the alternative.) unofficial leader of the ragtag group that most wouldn't even call a clan, roderick might be the tiniest member of their crew, but he's got the biggest heart -- and enough curiosity that both his giant guardian boyfriend and his adopted sister, tempest, feel the need to constantly be on his tail. if curiosity didn't in fact kill the cat, it just might kill the fae-- perhaps almost addicted to gaining new knowledge, he's known to go wandering, usually with a book or field guide to scribble furious notes in. though various subjects come and go as far as his focus goes, the Fauna of sornieth is of special interest to him, and he's very into the vibes of befriending anything from a common house cat to those ugly giant rat kings that live in the sewers. the human version of him has some Big Round Nerd Glasses but i'm not familiar enough with the apparel to know if there's a good alternative. i'd prefer to keep the apparel closer to 10 for now max but if it happens to go past that that's fine too! i'd prefer nothing Crazy Expensive (1000g+ per apparel) but at the same time it's nice to have things to save for, so [url=][img][/img][/url] niles is roderick's boyfriend -- roderick is actually his charge, too, so they're very connected! the guardian sees himself as... well, a guardian, especially when his mate is tiny and known for running off towards interesting things without really paying attention to all the dangers lurking around. a bit of a warrior, though it's hardly his only character trait -- and honestly i think it'd be cute if he had some sort of trinket or item that might be a gift from roderick woven in somewhere. same vibes as above apply in terms of cost and number of apparel, but like i said i don't mind kind of loftier goals especially since i'm working on grinding both fairgrounds and coliseum moments!

howdy! if you end up vibing i wouldn't mind potential outfits for these two-- they're boyfriends/mates but have very different vibes so i'll go into a bit of the lore/theme for them below!

(roderick's going to have Butterfly as his secondary once i save up for it! probably keeping him the dfab fae pose just because i prefer it over the alternative.)

unofficial leader of the ragtag group that most wouldn't even call a clan, roderick might be the tiniest member of their crew, but he's got the biggest heart -- and enough curiosity that both his giant guardian boyfriend and his adopted sister, tempest, feel the need to constantly be on his tail. if curiosity didn't in fact kill the cat, it just might kill the fae--

perhaps almost addicted to gaining new knowledge, he's known to go wandering, usually with a book or field guide to scribble furious notes in. though various subjects come and go as far as his focus goes, the Fauna of sornieth is of special interest to him, and he's very into the vibes of befriending anything from a common house cat to those ugly giant rat kings that live in the sewers.

the human version of him has some Big Round Nerd Glasses but i'm not familiar enough with the apparel to know if there's a good alternative. i'd prefer to keep the apparel closer to 10 for now max but if it happens to go past that that's fine too! i'd prefer nothing Crazy Expensive (1000g+ per apparel) but at the same time it's nice to have things to save for, so


niles is roderick's boyfriend -- roderick is actually his charge, too, so they're very connected! the guardian sees himself as... well, a guardian, especially when his mate is tiny and known for running off towards interesting things without really paying attention to all the dangers lurking around. a bit of a warrior, though it's hardly his only character trait -- and honestly i think it'd be cute if he had some sort of trinket or item that might be a gift from roderick woven in somewhere.

same vibes as above apply in terms of cost and number of apparel, but like i said i don't mind kind of loftier goals especially since i'm working on grinding both fairgrounds and coliseum moments!


Could you do some dress-up for Neritzal, please? [url=][img][/img][/url] She's kinda energetic and rambuctious, so I'm hoping for a court-jester theme. I don't need skins or accents, and I haven't written her lore yet, so go nuts!
Could you do some dress-up for Neritzal, please?


She's kinda energetic and rambuctious, so I'm hoping for a court-jester theme. I don't need skins or accents, and I haven't written her lore yet, so go nuts!
I have some ideas for her lore but it isn't really fleshed out so I'd love to see what you can come up with! [url=][img][/img][/url] 1. What is their personality? She's obsessed with the supernatural and will talk about the subject to anyone willing to listen. She's also quite skilled at changing the subject if anyone asks about her past and is more skilled at slight of hand than most. 2. Words describing their personality? Bubbly and excitable but somewhat secretive. 3. Is the familiar a part of your vision of lore? Her current one is awakening for one of the dragons in my hibden so it isn't really hers, but she used to have a tinder toy that I definitely want in the lore. I was thinking it could be a gift from a dead friend or something made in his honor? 4. Age? Birthday? early-mid 20s? I don't have a specific age but she is definitely a young adult (I use human aging in my lore for simplicity) 5. Do you want me to read your lore (if any) to base it off of? I don't actually have lore written out for my clan, just a bunch of notes, so not really? All I have set in stone for her is that she lives in my small yet-to-be-named town in the Sunbeam Ruins and that she moved from Dragonhome somewhat recently. I can give you some more information if you have any questions :> 6. Are they a big part of your lore (if any)? No, she doesn't really affect any of my other dragon's lore. 7. Mate, friends, family, or children you want in the lore? The dead childhood friend I mentioned earlier with the familiar. I am planning on getting a dragon for him at some point, i just don't know what I'm looking for yet. Other than that she is friends with the local old lady of the woods, [url=]Arseni[/url], but she doesn't have to be in the lore. 8. Job? She writes for the local newspaper 9. Anything else? idk if this makes sense but she is more aware of the spirit world than most. It's not like she can see ghosts but she can sometimes sense when one is is near or catch a glimpse of something out of the corner of her eye. She is my designated Tragic Backstory™ dragon so feel free to get dramatic :] 10. Want to be pinged? Yes please! Sorry that's a lot of words, I hope you don't mind ':]
I have some ideas for her lore but it isn't really fleshed out so I'd love to see what you can come up with!
1. What is their personality?
She's obsessed with the supernatural and will talk about the subject to anyone willing to listen. She's also quite skilled at changing the subject if anyone asks about her past and is more skilled at slight of hand than most.
2. Words describing their personality?
Bubbly and excitable but somewhat secretive.
3. Is the familiar a part of your vision of lore?
Her current one is awakening for one of the dragons in my hibden so it isn't really hers, but she used to have a tinder toy that I definitely want in the lore. I was thinking it could be a gift from a dead friend or something made in his honor?
4. Age? Birthday?
early-mid 20s? I don't have a specific age but she is definitely a young adult (I use human aging in my lore for simplicity)
5. Do you want me to read your lore (if any) to base it off of?
I don't actually have lore written out for my clan, just a bunch of notes, so not really? All I have set in stone for her is that she lives in my small yet-to-be-named town in the Sunbeam Ruins and that she moved from Dragonhome somewhat recently. I can give you some more information if you have any questions :>
6. Are they a big part of your lore (if any)?
No, she doesn't really affect any of my other dragon's lore.
7. Mate, friends, family, or children you want in the lore?
The dead childhood friend I mentioned earlier with the familiar. I am planning on getting a dragon for him at some point, i just don't know what I'm looking for yet. Other than that she is friends with the local old lady of the woods, Arseni, but she doesn't have to be in the lore.
8. Job?
She writes for the local newspaper
9. Anything else?
idk if this makes sense but she is more aware of the spirit world than most. It's not like she can see ghosts but she can sometimes sense when one is is near or catch a glimpse of something out of the corner of her eye. She is my designated Tragic Backstory™ dragon so feel free to get dramatic :]
10. Want to be pinged?
Yes please!

Sorry that's a lot of words, I hope you don't mind ':]
Hiii, I'd love an apparel design for Ceitar. He's CCO's vice president and lore-keeper. [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] 1. What is the min/max apparel slots No limits, go crazy 2. Themes? 60s, nerdy, rushed, outdoorsy, something with books or scrolls would be nice 3. Any apparel that you don't want used No, just keep his glasses on 4. Skins or Accents? Nope 5. Want to be pinged? Yes please! 6. Anything else? I'd like him to be somewhat cohesive with the first page of my Caesar Creek tab but still look like an individual
Hiii, I'd love an apparel design for Ceitar. He's CCO's vice president and lore-keeper.

1. What is the min/max apparel slots
No limits, go crazy

2. Themes?
60s, nerdy, rushed, outdoorsy, something with books or scrolls would be nice

3. Any apparel that you don't want used
No, just keep his glasses on

4. Skins or Accents?

5. Want to be pinged?
Yes please!

6. Anything else?
I'd like him to be somewhat cohesive with the first page of my Caesar Creek tab but still look like an individual
Here they are! I had lots of fun with them and their colors were intresting to work with! Im terrible with the currency terms and stuff so i did my best!

Deadly Guardian

Dusk Wanderer
Here they are! I had lots of fun with them and their colors were intresting to work with! Im terrible with the currency terms and stuff so i did my best!

Deadly Guardian

Dusk Wanderer
My Free Lore And Apparel Creations!
oh i love the vibes, thank you so much!!
oh i love the vibes, thank you so much!!

