
Dragons For Sale

Arrange the purchasing and selling of dragons.
TOPIC | Mhintee's Market
[center][url=][img alt="Mhintee's Market"][/img][/url] ----- [size=4][u]Rules[/u] || [url=]Sales[/url] || [url=]Clearance[/url] || [url=]Pairs[/url][/size] ----- Hi! I'm Mhintee. I enjoy breeding dragons I think look nice and honestly spend way too much on making breeding pairs.The goal of my thread is to keep things affordable so anyone can enjoy my dragons' offspring! There's no theme here, all pairs are just ones I like. I might change or get rid of pairs as my taste changes. Thanks for taking a look! [pinglist=43173] General pinglist will be pinged for new pairs, pair changes or retirement, clearance sales, announcements, and new hatches.[/center] [quote=The Rule Board] [center][img alt=Rules][/img][/center] [list][*]1:1000 gem:treasure ratio [*][b]All dragons are named[/b], feel free to rename them. I just don't like seeing "unnamed" on offspring lists. [*][b]Pinglisters will have 24 hours[/b] to purchase new babies before everyone else. After the 24hrs the dragons will be listed on the AH and my for sale post. [*][b]To buy:[/b] click the dragon to go to their page, click the purchase button, or ping me here to set up a Private Auction [*]All hatchlings are listed in the AH for a slightly higher price to cover the AH fee. [*]After the initial 7 day AH listing expires hatchlings will be exalted or maybe moved to the clearance post with a discount. [*]Feel free to remove my banner from the bio of any dragons you purchase ^-^[/quote]
Mhintee's Market
Rules || Sales || Clearance || Pairs

Hi! I'm Mhintee. I enjoy breeding dragons I think look nice and honestly spend way too much on making breeding pairs.The goal of my thread is to keep things affordable so anyone can enjoy my dragons' offspring! There's no theme here, all pairs are just ones I like. I might change or get rid of pairs as my taste changes.
Thanks for taking a look!

General pinglist will be pinged for new pairs, pair changes or retirement, clearance sales, announcements, and new hatches.

The Rule Board wrote:
  • 1:1000 gem:treasure ratio
  • All dragons are named, feel free to rename them. I just don't like seeing "unnamed" on offspring lists.
  • Pinglisters will have 24 hours to purchase new babies before everyone else. After the 24hrs the dragons will be listed on the AH and my for sale post.
  • To buy: click the dragon to go to their page, click the purchase button, or ping me here to set up a Private Auction
  • All hatchlings are listed in the AH for a slightly higher price to cover the AH fee.
  • After the initial 7 day AH listing expires hatchlings will be exalted or maybe moved to the clearance post with a discount.
  • Feel free to remove my banner from the bio of any dragons you purchase ^-^
Mhintee's Market
[center][img alt=Sales][/img] ----- [size=4][url=]Rules[/url] || [u]Sales[/u] || [url=]Clearance[/url] || [url=]Pairs[/url][/size] ----- To purchase a dragon click on the image or the purchase button! If you would rather pay in gems or avoid the AH fee ping me or message me! Hatchlings are previewed as adults![/center] ----- ----- [columns][url=][img alt=adult][/img][/url][nextcol][center][url=][img alt=dragon][/img][/url] [size=6][b]Ivy[/b] [img alt=female][/img][/size] [b]Gaoler[/b] ----- [emoji=treasure size=1]23,000 / [emoji=gem size=1]23 [i]Winter Solstice[/i] [left][emoji=primary gene size=1] Orca Phantom [emoji=secondary gene size=1] Thicket Flair [emoji=tertiary gene size=1] Ice Wintercoat [emoji=normal eyes size=1] Wind Common[/left] [url=][img alt="buy me!"][/img][/url] [color=transparent]?[/color][/center][/columns] ----- [columns][url=][img alt=adult][/img][/url][nextcol][center][url=][img alt=dragon][/img][/url] [size=6][b]Pepper[/b] [img alt=female][/img][/size] [b]Gaoler[/b] ----- [emoji=treasure size=1]23,000 / [emoji=gem size=1]23 [i]Winter Solstice[/i] [left][emoji=primary gene size=1] Orca Phantom [emoji=secondary gene size=1] Jade Flair [emoji=tertiary gene size=1] Moon Wintercoat [emoji=normal eyes size=1] Wind Unusual[/left] [url=][img alt="buy me!"][/img][/url] [color=transparent]?[/color][/center][/columns] ----- ----- [columns][url=][img alt=adult][/img][/url][nextcol][center][url=][img alt=dragon][/img][/url] [size=6][b]Hershey[/b] [img alt=male][/img][/size] [b]Coatl[/b] ----- [emoji=treasure size=1]30,000 / [emoji=gem size=1]30 [i]Royal Chocolate[/i] [left][emoji=primary gene size=1] Chocolate Petals [emoji=secondary gene size=1] Chocolate Butterfly [emoji=tertiary gene size=1] Maroon Glimmer [emoji=normal eyes size=1] Wind Common[/left] [url=][img alt="buy me!"][/img][/url] [color=transparent]?[/color][/center][/columns] ----- ----- [columns][url=][img alt=adult][/img][/url][nextcol][center][url=][img alt=dragon][/img][/url] [size=6][b]Kekki[/b] [img alt=female][/img][/size] [b]Aberration[/b] ----- [emoji=treasure size=1]23,000 / [emoji=gem size=1]23 [i]Treenomoly[/i] [left][emoji=primary gene size=1] Tan Tapir [emoji=secondary gene size=1] Crimson Bee [emoji=tertiary gene size=1] Cream Polypore [emoji=normal eyes size=1] Wind Common [/left] [url=][img alt="buy me!"][/img][/url] [color=transparent]?[/color][/center][/columns] ----- [columns][url=][img alt=adult][/img][/url][nextcol][center][url=][img alt=dragon][/img][/url] [size=6][b]Rianon[/b] [img alt=male][/img][/size] [b]Aberration[/b] ----- [emoji=treasure size=1]23,000 / [emoji=gem size=1]23 [i]Treenomoly[/i] [left][emoji=primary gene size=1] Tan Tapir [emoji=secondary gene size=1] Crimson Bee [emoji=tertiary gene size=1] Maize Polypore [emoji=normal eyes size=1] Wind Unusual [/left] [url=][img alt="buy me!"][/img][/url] [color=transparent]?[/color][/center][/columns] ----- [columns][url=][img alt=adult][/img][/url][nextcol][center][url=][img alt=dragon][/img][/url] [size=6][b]Letherii[/b] [img alt=female][/img][/size] [b]Aberration[/b] ----- [emoji=treasure size=1]23,000 / [emoji=gem size=1]23 [i]Treenomoly[/i] [left][emoji=primary gene size=1] Beige Tapir [emoji=secondary gene size=1] Cinnamon Bee [emoji=tertiary gene size=1] Antique Polypore [emoji=normal eyes size=1] Wind Uncommon [/left] [url=][img alt="buy me!"][/img][/url] [color=transparent]?[/color][/center][/columns] ----- [columns][url=][img alt=adult][/img][/url][nextcol][center][url=][img alt=dragon][/img][/url] [size=6][b]Artemis[/b] [img alt=female][/img][/size] [b]Aberration[/b] ----- [emoji=treasure size=1]23,000 / [emoji=gem size=1]23 [i]Treenomoly[/i] [left][emoji=primary gene size=1] Beige Tapir [emoji=secondary gene size=1] Metals Bee [emoji=tertiary gene size=1] White Polypore [emoji=normal eyes size=1] Wind Pastel [/left] [url=][img alt="buy me!"][/img][/url] [color=transparent]?[/color][/center][/columns] ----- [center][size=6]24hr Pinglist Hold[/size][/center] ----- [columns][url=][img alt=adult][/img][/url][nextcol][center][url=][img alt=dragon][/img][/url] [size=6][b]Pickles[/b] [img alt=male][/img][/size] [b]Auraboa[/b] ----- [emoji=treasure size=1]23,000 / [emoji=gem size=1]23 [i]Verdant Venom[/i] [left][emoji=primary gene size=1] Radioactive Mochlus [emoji=secondary gene size=1] Radioactive Riopa [emoji=tertiary gene size=1] Honeydew Paradise [emoji=normal eyes size=1] Wind Rare[/left] [color=transparent]?[/color][/center][/columns] ----- [columns][url=][img alt=adult][/img][/url][nextcol][center][url=][img alt=dragon][/img][/url] [size=6][b]Squiggle[/b] [img alt=female][/img][/size] [b]Auraboa[/b] ----- [emoji=treasure size=1]23,000 / [emoji=gem size=1]23 [i]Verdant Venom[/i] [left][emoji=primary gene size=1] Radioactive Mochlus [emoji=secondary gene size=1] Radioactive Riopa [emoji=tertiary gene size=1] Forest Paradise [emoji=normal eyes size=1] Wind Common[/left] [color=transparent]?[/color][/center][/columns] -----
Rules || Sales || Clearance || Pairs
To purchase a dragon click on the image or the purchase button! If you would rather pay in gems or avoid the AH fee ping me or message me!
Hatchlings are previewed as adults!

Ivy female
23,000 / 23
Winter Solstice
Orca Phantom
Thicket Flair
Ice Wintercoat
Wind Common

buy me!

Pepper female
23,000 / 23
Winter Solstice
Orca Phantom
Jade Flair
Moon Wintercoat
Wind Unusual

buy me!

Hershey male
30,000 / 30
Royal Chocolate
Chocolate Petals
Chocolate Butterfly
Maroon Glimmer
Wind Common

buy me!

Kekki female
23,000 / 23
Tan Tapir
Crimson Bee
Cream Polypore
Wind Common

buy me!

Rianon male
23,000 / 23
Tan Tapir
Crimson Bee
Maize Polypore
Wind Unusual

buy me!

Letherii female
23,000 / 23
Beige Tapir
Cinnamon Bee
Antique Polypore
Wind Uncommon

buy me!

Artemis female
23,000 / 23
Beige Tapir
Metals Bee
White Polypore
Wind Pastel

buy me!

24hr Pinglist Hold

Pickles male
23,000 / 23
Verdant Venom
Radioactive Mochlus
Radioactive Riopa
Honeydew Paradise
Wind Rare


Squiggle female
23,000 / 23
Verdant Venom
Radioactive Mochlus
Radioactive Riopa
Forest Paradise
Wind Common


Mhintee's Market
Rules || Sales || Clearance || Pairs
Welcome to the Clearance sales! Sometimes if I like offspring instead of getting exalted after their seven day AH listing they will get a 5kt discount and be listed again for 3 days.
The babies that end up here are subject to my whims.
Sometimes all of the hachlings from a nest that didn't sell may end up here, sometimes none.

Heres the pinglist to be notified if a dragon goes on clearance.

None right now! Check back later!

Rules || Sales || Clearance || Pairs
Welcome to the Clearance sales! Sometimes if I like offspring instead of getting exalted after their seven day AH listing they will get a 5kt discount and be listed again for 3 days.
The babies that end up here are subject to my whims.
Sometimes all of the hachlings from a nest that didn't sell may end up here, sometimes none.

Heres the pinglist to be notified if a dragon goes on clearance.

None right now! Check back later!

Mhintee's Market
[center][img alt=Pairs][/img] ----- [size=4][url=]Rules[/url] || [url=]Sales[/url] || [url=]Clearance[/url] || [u]Pairs[/u][/size] ----- These are my breeding pairs! I don't really have a structured breeding schedule and just breed the pairs I'm in the mood for, but I definitely prioritize pairs with ping lists! PM me if you have any questions about the pairs. *Sometimes I breed request only pairs on a whim. *Joining a request only pair's pinglist I consider requesting them [url=][img alt="Nesting Grounds"][/img][/url] [center][size=1]made by [url=]wakor[/url][/size][/center] Click the nest to see who's nesting! ----- [size=6]Coatls[/size] ----- [img alt="Royal Chocolate"][/img] Estimated Price: [emoji=treasure size=1]30,000 / [emoji=gem size=1]30 [pinglist=43174] ----- [img alt="Tidal Whimsy"][/img] Estimated Price: [emoji=treasure size=1]30,000 / [emoji=gem size=1]30 [pinglist=44700] ----- [img alt="Cupcake Cows"][/img] Estimated Price: [emoji=treasure size=1]20,000 / [emoji=gem size=1]20 [pinglist=43175] ----- [img alt="Egg"][/img] Estimated Price: [emoji=treasure size=1]20,000 / [emoji=gem size=1]20 *Low Outcome Variety; Only breeding on request. [pinglist=43583] ----- [size=6]Aberrations[/size] ----- [img alt="Birds of Prey"][/img] Estimated Price: [emoji=treasure size=1]25,000 / [emoji=gem size=1]25 [pinglist=43178] ----- [img alt="Treenomoly"][/img] Estimated Price: [emoji=treasure size=1]23,000 / [emoji=gem size=1]23 [pinglist=43179] ----- [img alt="Mint Mirage"][/img] Estimated Price: [emoji=treasure size=1]27,000 / [emoji=gem size=1]27 *Single Outcome; Only breeding on request. [pinglist=43586] ----- [img alt="Wicked Stitch"][/img] Estimated Price: [emoji=treasure size=1]25,000 / [emoji=gem size=1]25 *Single Outcome; Only breeding on request. [pinglist=43587] ----- [img alt="Fairy Daydream"][/img] Estimated Price: [emoji=treasure size=1]24,000 / [emoji=gem size=1]24 *Low Outcome Variety; Only breeding on request. [pinglist=43589] ----- [size=6]Auraboa[/size] ----- [img alt="Verdant Venom"][/img] Estimated Price: [emoji=treasure size=1]23,000 / [emoji=gem size=1]23 [pinglist=44891] ----- [size=6]Veilspun[/size] ----- [img alt="Lace Orchard"][/img] Estimated Price: [emoji=treasure size=1]24,000 / [emoji=gem size=1]24 [pinglist=43180] ----- [img alt="Ember Thorn"][/img] Estimated Price: [emoji=treasure size=1]23,000 / [emoji=gem size=1]23 [pinglist=43183] ----- [size=6]Obelisks[/size] ----- [img alt="Astral Veil"][/img] Estimated Price: [emoji=treasure size=1]24,000 / [emoji=gem size=1]24 [pinglist=43187] ----- [img alt="Seaside Tea"][/img] Estimated Price: [emoji=treasure size=1]23,000 / [emoji=gem size=1]23 [pinglist=43188] ----- [img alt="Lost Verse"][/img] Estimated Price: [emoji=treasure size=1]25,000 / [emoji=gem size=1]25 [pinglist=43189] ----- [img alt="Galaxy Hunter"][/img] Estimated Price: [emoji=treasure size=1]25,000 / [emoji=gem size=1]25 [pinglist=43281] ----- [size=6]Sandsurge[/size] ----- [img alt="Wild Grace"][/img] Estimated Price: [emoji=treasure size=1]25,000 / [emoji=gem size=1]25 [pinglist=43282] ----- [img alt="Lost Cause"][/img] Estimated Price: [emoji=treasure size=1]24,000 / [emoji=gem size=1]24 [pinglist=43283] ----- [size=6]Gaolers[/size] ----- [img alt="Winter Solstice"][/img] Estimated Price: [emoji=treasure size=1]23,000 / [emoji=gem size=1]23 [pinglist=43853] ----- [size=6]Aether[/size] ----- [img alt="Pastel Jester"][/img] Estimated Price: [emoji=treasure size=1]25,000 / [emoji=gem size=1]25 *Single Outcome; Only breeding on request. [pinglist=43585] ----- [img alt="Softly Spellbound"][/img] Estimated Price: [emoji=treasure size=1]25,000 / [emoji=gem size=1]25 *Low Outcome Variety; Only breeding on request. [pinglist=43969] ----- [size=6]Imperials[/size] ----- [img alt="Glowsticks"][/img] Estimated Price: [emoji=treasure size=1]25,000 / [emoji=gem size=1]25 [pinglist=43454] ----- [img alt="Crimson Pyre"][/img] Estimated Price: [emoji=treasure size=1]24,000 / [emoji=gem size=1]24 *Single Outcome; Only breeding on request. [pinglist=43456] ----- [size=6]Snappers[/size] ----- [img alt="Cookie Dough"][/img] Estimated Price: [emoji=treasure size=1]20,000 / [emoji=gem size=1]20 *Low Outcome Variety; Only breeding on request. [pinglist=43584] ----- [img alt="Moo Cows"][/img] Estimated Price: [emoji=treasure size=1]20,000 / [emoji=gem size=1]20 *Low Outcome Variety; Only breeding on request. [pinglist=45048] -----
Rules || Sales || Clearance || Pairs
These are my breeding pairs! I don't really have a structured breeding schedule and just breed the pairs I'm in the mood for, but I definitely prioritize pairs with ping lists! PM me if you have any questions about the pairs.

*Sometimes I breed request only pairs on a whim.
*Joining a request only pair's pinglist I consider requesting them

Nesting Grounds
made by wakor
Click the nest to see who's nesting!


Royal Chocolate
Estimated Price: 30,000 / 30

Tidal Whimsy
Estimated Price: 30,000 / 30

Cupcake Cows
Estimated Price: 20,000 / 20

Estimated Price: 20,000 / 20
*Low Outcome Variety; Only breeding on request.


Birds of Prey
Estimated Price: 25,000 / 25

Estimated Price: 23,000 / 23

Mint Mirage
Estimated Price: 27,000 / 27
*Single Outcome; Only breeding on request.

Wicked Stitch
Estimated Price: 25,000 / 25
*Single Outcome; Only breeding on request.

Fairy Daydream
Estimated Price: 24,000 / 24
*Low Outcome Variety; Only breeding on request.


Verdant Venom
Estimated Price: 23,000 / 23


Lace Orchard
Estimated Price: 24,000 / 24

Ember Thorn
Estimated Price: 23,000 / 23


Astral Veil
Estimated Price: 24,000 / 24

Seaside Tea
Estimated Price: 23,000 / 23

Lost Verse
Estimated Price: 25,000 / 25

Galaxy Hunter
Estimated Price: 25,000 / 25


Wild Grace
Estimated Price: 25,000 / 25

Lost Cause
Estimated Price: 24,000 / 24


Winter Solstice
Estimated Price: 23,000 / 23


Pastel Jester
Estimated Price: 25,000 / 25
*Single Outcome; Only breeding on request.

Softly Spellbound
Estimated Price: 25,000 / 25
*Low Outcome Variety; Only breeding on request.


Estimated Price: 25,000 / 25

Crimson Pyre
Estimated Price: 24,000 / 24
*Single Outcome; Only breeding on request.


Cookie Dough
Estimated Price: 20,000 / 20
*Low Outcome Variety; Only breeding on request.

Moo Cows
Estimated Price: 20,000 / 20
*Low Outcome Variety; Only breeding on request.

Mhintee's Market
Mhintee's Market
Mhintee's Market
Mhintee's Market
Mhintee's Market
Mhintee's Market
Mhintee's Market