
Dragons For Sale

Arrange the purchasing and selling of dragons.
TOPIC | [H] Flights & Fancies (Shadow Obbies!)
Logo: Flights and Fancies

Hi, welcome to my hatchery thread!
I specialize in both flight-themed Obelisks and matchy non-triples of all breeds here, plus the occasional exalt rescue. The Obelisks nest in their respective elements, aiming to hatch nests on the first day of their festival; other pairs' hatch dates vary.

- I reserve the right not to sell to anyone for any reason. That boils down to "don't be a jerk" in 99% of cases, though.
- I'm happy to provide renaming scrolls on request, but the hatchies do come with names pre-applied.
- Gem/Treasure ratio is 1:1000 (last updated 12/18/23)
- First come, first serve (but I'm willing to do holds)
- It won't hurt my feelings to see dragons exalted, but I do sometimes check in on sold kiddos, leave a star or sometimes a compliment. I promise not to be weird about it, but if that's something that bugs you, let me know.
Logo: Flights and Fancies

Hi, welcome to my hatchery thread!
I specialize in both flight-themed Obelisks and matchy non-triples of all breeds here, plus the occasional exalt rescue. The Obelisks nest in their respective elements, aiming to hatch nests on the first day of their festival; other pairs' hatch dates vary.

- I reserve the right not to sell to anyone for any reason. That boils down to "don't be a jerk" in 99% of cases, though.
- I'm happy to provide renaming scrolls on request, but the hatchies do come with names pre-applied.
- Gem/Treasure ratio is 1:1000 (last updated 12/18/23)
- First come, first serve (but I'm willing to do holds)
- It won't hurt my feelings to see dragons exalted, but I do sometimes check in on sold kiddos, leave a star or sometimes a compliment. I promise not to be weird about it, but if that's something that bugs you, let me know.
a small yellow and gold flag with the Light Flight's symbol
She/Her, FR +0
No worms in my username-
R e n a i w o m
I like being pinged, if you have a response to what I said!
I often process thoughts by writing... Trying to TL;DR more.

Small Logo: Flights and Fancies
[center][url=]Intro[/url] - Sales - [url=]On Nests[/url] - [url=]Subspecies[/url] - [url=]Moderns[/url] - [url=]Ancients[/url] - [url=]Seasonal[/url] - [url=]Affiliates/Links[/url] ----- [center][b]Current Dragons For Sale[/b][/center] ----- Front Page: [columns][url=][img alt="Mirage, a Shadow/Iris/Violet Obelisk dragon"][/img][/url][nextcol] [quote="Mirage"] [center] Boulder Shadow/ Flair Iris/ Glowtail Violet Shadow Unusual Obelisk Male Hatched the first day of Trickmurk 2025! [url=][img alt="Buy Dragon"][/img][/url] 100g[emoji=Gem size=1][/center][/quote][/columns] [columns][url=][img alt="Specter, a Shadow/Eggplant/Violet Obelisk dragon"][/img][/url][nextcol] [quote="Specter"] [center] Slime Shadow/ Flair Eggplant/ Glowtail Violet Shadow Common Obelisk Male Hatched the first day of Trickmurk 2025! [url=][img alt="Buy Dragon"][/img][/url] 100g[emoji=Gem size=1][/center][/quote][/columns] [columns][url=][img alt="Viceroy, a Thistle/Black/Black Skydancer dragon"][/img][/url][nextcol] [quote="Viceroy"] [center] Clown Thistle/ Butterfly Black/ Capsule Black Shadow Common Skydancer Male [url=][img alt="Buy Dragon"][/img][/url] 75g[emoji=Gem size=1][/center][/quote][/columns] [columns][url=][img alt="Monarch, a Thistle/Black/Black Skydancer dragon"][/img][/url][nextcol] [quote="Monarch"] [center] Clown Thistle/ Butterfly Black/ Capsule Black Shadow Common Skydancer Female [url=][img alt="Buy Dragon"][/img][/url] 75g[emoji=Gem size=1][/center][/quote][/columns] [columns][url=][img alt="Fritillary, a Thistle/Black/Black Skydancer dragon"][/img][/url][nextcol] [quote="Fritillary"] [center] Clown Thistle/ Butterfly Black/ Capsule Black Shadow Uncommon Skydancer Female [url=][img alt="Buy Dragon"][/img][/url] 75g[emoji=Gem size=1][/center][/quote][/columns] [columns][url=][img alt="Ivy, a Crimson/Thicket/White Banescale dragon"][/img][/url][nextcol] [quote="Ivy"] [center] Candycane Crimson/ Sugarplum Thicket/ Trimmings White Ice Bright Banescale Female Hatched on Christmas [url=][img alt="Buy Dragon"][/img][/url] [s]100g[/s] 50g[emoji=Gem size=1][/center][/quote][/columns] Obelbassadors: [columns][url=][img alt="Shock, a Coal/Azure/Steel Obelisk dragon"][/img][/url][nextcol] [quote="Shock"] [center] Coal Ripple/ Azure Saturn/ Steel Glowtail Lightning Uncommon Obelisk Female (Hatched the first day of Thundercrack Carnivale 2023! Also a 6th-gen Naomi descendant!) [url=][img alt="Buy Dragon"][/img][/url] [s]150g[/s] 100g[emoji=gem size=1][/center][/quote][/columns] [columns][url=][img alt="Kyanite, a Hickory/Taupe/Beige Obelisk dragon"][/img][/url][nextcol] [quote="Kyanite"] [center] Ribbon Hickory/ Blend Taupe/ Glowtail Beige Earth Unusual Obelisk Male Hatched on the first day of Rockbreaker's Ceremony, 2024! [url=][img alt="Buy Dragon"][/img][/url] 100g[emoji=Gem size=1][/center][/quote][/columns] [columns][url=][img alt="Sandstone, a Sand/Taupe/Sand Obelisk dragon"][/img][/url][nextcol] [quote="Sandstone"] [center] Ground Sand/ Blend Taupe/ Glowtail Sand Earth Common Obelisk Male Hatched on the first day of Rockbreaker's Ceremony, 2024! [url=][img alt="Buy Dragon"][/img][/url] 100g[emoji=Gem size=1][/center][/quote][/columns] [columns][url=][img alt="Wolframite, a Umber/Taupe/Sand Obelisk dragon"][/img][/url][nextcol] [quote="Wolframite"] [center] Ribbon Umber/ Myrid Taupe/ Glowtail Sand Earth Rare Obelisk Male Hatched on the first day of Rockbreaker's Ceremony, 2024! [url=][img alt="Buy Dragon"][/img][/url] 100g[emoji=Gem size=1][/center][/quote][/columns] [columns][url=][img alt="Foxfire, a Shadow/Iris/Violet Obelisk dragon"][/img][/url][nextcol] [quote="Foxfire"] [center] Slime Shadow/ Flair Iris/ Glowtail Violet Shadow Rare Obelisk Male Born on Leap Day, during Trickmurk Circus [url=][img alt="Buy Dragon"][/img][/url] [s]200g[/s] 100g[emoji=gem size=1][/center][/quote][/columns] [columns][url=][img alt="Illusion, a Midnight/Storm/Violet Obelisk dragon"][/img][/url][nextcol] [quote="Illusion"] [center] Slime Midnight/ Flair Storm/ Glowtail Violet Shadow Uncommon Obelisk Female Born on Leap Day, during Trickmurk Circus [url=][img alt="Buy Dragon"][/img][/url] [s]200g[/s] 100g[emoji=gem size=1][/center][/quote][/columns] [columns][url=][img alt="Rune, a Orchid/Abyss/Orchid Obelisk dragon"][/img][/url][nextcol] [quote="Rune"] [center] Swirl Orchid/ Flair Abyss/ Glowtail Orchid Arcane Uncommon Obelisk Female Hatched on the first day of Starfall Celebration, 2024! [url=][img alt="Buy Dragon"][/img][/url] 100g[emoji=Gem size=1][/center][/quote][/columns] [columns][url=][img alt="Spell, a Orchid/Abyss/Orchid Obelisk dragon"][/img][/url][nextcol] [quote=Spell] [center] Swirl Orchid/ Flair Abyss/ Glowtail Orchid Arcane Common Obelisk Male Hatched on the first day of Starfall Celebration, 2024! [url=][img alt=&Buy Dragon&][/img][/url] 100g[emoji=Gem size=1][/center][/quote][/columns] ----- Various Finds: [columns] [nextcol] [nextcol] [/columns] ----- Level 25s: [columns] [/columns] [center][pinglist=16165][/center]
Intro - Sales - On Nests - Subspecies - Moderns - Ancients - Seasonal - Affiliates/Links

Current Dragons For Sale

Front Page:
Mirage, a Shadow/Iris/Violet Obelisk dragon
Mirage wrote:
Boulder Shadow/
Flair Iris/
Glowtail Violet
Shadow Unusual
Obelisk Male
Hatched the first day of Trickmurk 2025!

Buy Dragon
Specter, a Shadow/Eggplant/Violet Obelisk dragon
Specter wrote:
Slime Shadow/
Flair Eggplant/
Glowtail Violet
Shadow Common
Obelisk Male
Hatched the first day of Trickmurk 2025!

Buy Dragon
Viceroy, a Thistle/Black/Black Skydancer dragon
Viceroy wrote:
Clown Thistle/
Butterfly Black/
Capsule Black
Shadow Common
Skydancer Male

Buy Dragon
Monarch, a Thistle/Black/Black Skydancer dragon
Monarch wrote:
Clown Thistle/
Butterfly Black/
Capsule Black
Shadow Common
Skydancer Female

Buy Dragon
Fritillary, a Thistle/Black/Black Skydancer dragon
Fritillary wrote:
Clown Thistle/
Butterfly Black/
Capsule Black
Shadow Uncommon
Skydancer Female

Buy Dragon
Ivy, a Crimson/Thicket/White Banescale dragon
Ivy wrote:
Candycane Crimson/
Sugarplum Thicket/
Trimmings White
Ice Bright
Banescale Female
Hatched on Christmas

Buy Dragon
100g 50g

Shock, a Coal/Azure/Steel Obelisk dragon
Shock wrote:
Coal Ripple/
Azure Saturn/
Steel Glowtail
Lightning Uncommon
Obelisk Female
(Hatched the first day of Thundercrack Carnivale 2023! Also a 6th-gen Naomi descendant!)

Buy Dragon
150g 100g

Kyanite, a Hickory/Taupe/Beige Obelisk dragon
Kyanite wrote:
Ribbon Hickory/
Blend Taupe/
Glowtail Beige
Earth Unusual
Obelisk Male
Hatched on the first day of Rockbreaker's Ceremony, 2024!

Buy Dragon
Sandstone, a Sand/Taupe/Sand Obelisk dragon
Sandstone wrote:
Ground Sand/
Blend Taupe/
Glowtail Sand
Earth Common
Obelisk Male
Hatched on the first day of Rockbreaker's Ceremony, 2024!

Buy Dragon
Wolframite, a Umber/Taupe/Sand Obelisk dragon
Wolframite wrote:
Ribbon Umber/
Myrid Taupe/
Glowtail Sand
Earth Rare
Obelisk Male
Hatched on the first day of Rockbreaker's Ceremony, 2024!

Buy Dragon
Foxfire, a Shadow/Iris/Violet Obelisk dragon
Foxfire wrote:
Slime Shadow/
Flair Iris/
Glowtail Violet
Shadow Rare
Obelisk Male
Born on Leap Day, during Trickmurk Circus

Buy Dragon
200g 100g
Illusion, a Midnight/Storm/Violet Obelisk dragon
Illusion wrote:
Slime Midnight/
Flair Storm/
Glowtail Violet
Shadow Uncommon
Obelisk Female
Born on Leap Day, during Trickmurk Circus

Buy Dragon
200g 100g
Rune, a Orchid/Abyss/Orchid Obelisk dragon
Rune wrote:
Swirl Orchid/
Flair Abyss/
Glowtail Orchid
Arcane Uncommon
Obelisk Female
Hatched on the first day of Starfall Celebration, 2024!

Buy Dragon
Spell, a Orchid/Abyss/Orchid Obelisk dragon
Spell wrote:
Swirl Orchid/
Flair Abyss/
Glowtail Orchid
Arcane Common
Obelisk Male
Hatched on the first day of Starfall Celebration, 2024!


Various Finds:

Level 25s:
a small yellow and gold flag with the Light Flight's symbol
She/Her, FR +0
No worms in my username-
R e n a i w o m
I like being pinged, if you have a response to what I said!
I often process thoughts by writing... Trying to TL;DR more.

Small Logo: Flights and Fancies
Intro - Sales - On Nests - Subspecies - Moderns - Ancients - Seasonal - Affiliates/Links

Currently Nesting

(Nobody atm, check back later!)
Intro - Sales - On Nests - Subspecies - Moderns - Ancients - Seasonal - Affiliates/Links

Currently Nesting

(Nobody atm, check back later!)
a small yellow and gold flag with the Light Flight's symbol
She/Her, FR +0
No worms in my username-
R e n a i w o m
I like being pinged, if you have a response to what I said!
I often process thoughts by writing... Trying to TL;DR more.

Small Logo: Flights and Fancies
Intro - Sales - On Nests - Subspecies - Moderns - Ancients - Seasonal - Affiliates/Links

- Lightweaver's Marble -
Aesop, an Ivory/Gold/Maize Obelisk dragon
Tapir 100%

Paisley 15% /Flair 85%

Glowtail 100%

Obelisk 100%
Virtue, a Banana/Gold/Moon Obelisk dragon
Nests in Light

- Stormcatcher's Sandstone -
Cumulus, a Platinum/Azure/Steel Obelisk dragon
Bar 75%/Ripple 25%

Saturn 100%

Glowtail 100%

Obelisk 100%
Nimbus, a Midnight/Azure/Denim Obelisk dragon
Nests in Lightning

- Earthshaker's Granite -
Ore, a Sand/Taupe/Sand Obelisk dragon
Ribbon 85%/Ground 15%

Myrid 10%/Blend 90%

Glowtail 100%

Obelisk 100%
Mineral, a Hickory/Taupe/Slate dragon
- Shadowbinder's Agate -
Void, a Midnight/Eggplant/Violet Obelisk dragon
Slime 50%/Boulder 50%
Midnight, Shadow, Blackberry

Sludge 15%/Flair 85%
Eggplant, Iris, Storm, Twilight

Glowtail 100%

Obelisk 100%
Mist, a Blackberry/Twilight/Violet Obelisk dragon
Nests in Shadow

- Tidelord's Larimar -
Larimar, a Caribbean/Teal/Abyss Obelisk dragon -
Tide 50%/Pinstripe 50%

Foam 100%

Glowtail 100%

Obelisk 100%
Aquamarine, a Caribbean/Azure/Azure Obelisk dragon
Nests in Water
Intro - Sales - On Nests - Subspecies - Moderns - Ancients - Seasonal - Affiliates/Links

- Lightweaver's Marble -
Aesop, an Ivory/Gold/Maize Obelisk dragon
Tapir 100%

Paisley 15% /Flair 85%

Glowtail 100%

Obelisk 100%
Virtue, a Banana/Gold/Moon Obelisk dragon
Nests in Light

- Stormcatcher's Sandstone -
Cumulus, a Platinum/Azure/Steel Obelisk dragon
Bar 75%/Ripple 25%

Saturn 100%

Glowtail 100%

Obelisk 100%
Nimbus, a Midnight/Azure/Denim Obelisk dragon
Nests in Lightning

- Earthshaker's Granite -
Ore, a Sand/Taupe/Sand Obelisk dragon
Ribbon 85%/Ground 15%

Myrid 10%/Blend 90%

Glowtail 100%

Obelisk 100%
Mineral, a Hickory/Taupe/Slate dragon
- Shadowbinder's Agate -
Void, a Midnight/Eggplant/Violet Obelisk dragon
Slime 50%/Boulder 50%
Midnight, Shadow, Blackberry

Sludge 15%/Flair 85%
Eggplant, Iris, Storm, Twilight

Glowtail 100%

Obelisk 100%
Mist, a Blackberry/Twilight/Violet Obelisk dragon
Nests in Shadow

- Tidelord's Larimar -
Larimar, a Caribbean/Teal/Abyss Obelisk dragon -
Tide 50%/Pinstripe 50%

Foam 100%

Glowtail 100%

Obelisk 100%
Aquamarine, a Caribbean/Azure/Azure Obelisk dragon
Nests in Water
a small yellow and gold flag with the Light Flight's symbol
She/Her, FR +0
No worms in my username-
R e n a i w o m
I like being pinged, if you have a response to what I said!
I often process thoughts by writing... Trying to TL;DR more.

Small Logo: Flights and Fancies
Intro - Sales - On Nests - Subspecies - Moderns - Ancients - Seasonal - Affiliates/Links

Other Modern Pairs

- Benthic Dream -
Tropic, a Teal/Cerulean/Abyss Pearlcatcher dragon ---
Pharoah 50%/
Metallic 50%


Foam 97%/Bee 3%

Glowtail 50%/
Stained 50%


Fathom 85%/
Imperial 15%
--- Capricorn, a Caribbean/Teal/Abyss Imperial dragon
Nests in Water

- Sea Foam Splash -
Iskam, an Amber/Pistachio/Seafoam Guardian dragon
Tapir 99%/Iridescent 1%

Peregrine 99%/Bee 1%

Capsule 97%/Glimmer 3%

Guardian 70%/
Pearlcatcher 30%
Ariel, an Olive/Robin/Robin Pearlcatcher dragon
Nests in Water
- Twilight Butterflies -
Bonocte, a Thistle/Black/Black Wildclaw dragon
Clown 100%

Butterfly 100%

Capsule 100%

Wildclaw 2%/Skydancer 98%
Kalispera, a Thistle/Black/Black Skydancer dragon
Nests in Shadow
Intro - Sales - On Nests - Subspecies - Moderns - Ancients - Seasonal - Affiliates/Links

Other Modern Pairs

- Benthic Dream -
Tropic, a Teal/Cerulean/Abyss Pearlcatcher dragon ---
Pharoah 50%/
Metallic 50%


Foam 97%/Bee 3%

Glowtail 50%/
Stained 50%


Fathom 85%/
Imperial 15%
--- Capricorn, a Caribbean/Teal/Abyss Imperial dragon
Nests in Water

- Sea Foam Splash -
Iskam, an Amber/Pistachio/Seafoam Guardian dragon
Tapir 99%/Iridescent 1%

Peregrine 99%/Bee 1%

Capsule 97%/Glimmer 3%

Guardian 70%/
Pearlcatcher 30%
Ariel, an Olive/Robin/Robin Pearlcatcher dragon
Nests in Water
- Twilight Butterflies -
Bonocte, a Thistle/Black/Black Wildclaw dragon
Clown 100%

Butterfly 100%

Capsule 100%

Wildclaw 2%/Skydancer 98%
Kalispera, a Thistle/Black/Black Skydancer dragon
Nests in Shadow
a small yellow and gold flag with the Light Flight's symbol
She/Her, FR +0
No worms in my username-
R e n a i w o m
I like being pinged, if you have a response to what I said!
I often process thoughts by writing... Trying to TL;DR more.

Small Logo: Flights and Fancies

Ancient Pairs

- Tinderbox -
Spark, an Obsidian/Black/Fire Gaoler dragon ----
Giraffe 100%

Breakup 100%

Weathered 100%

Gaoler 100%
---- Kindling, an Obsidian/Black/Fire Gaoler dragon
Nests in Fire

- Seeing Spots -
Gouache, an Abyss/Abyss/Abyss Veilspun dragon
Shell 100%

Striation 75%/Web 25%

Flecks 50%/Branches 50%

Veilspun 100%
Chiaroscuro, an Abyss/Abyss/Abyss Veilspun dragon
Nests in Ice

- Light of Day -
Starburst, a Metals/Smoke/Metals Banescale dragon ---
Falcon %/Chevron %

Spinner 75%/Tear 25%

Gliders 100%

Banescale 100 %
Sunrise, a Metals/Smoke/Metals Banescale dragon
Nests in Light

- Seaside Glare -
Kamiak,a Caribbean/Caribbean/Lemon Banescale dragon
Chevron 50%/Ragged 50%

Tear 100%

Porcupine 100%

Banescale 100%
Rhorlak, a Caribbean/Azure/Banana Banescale dragon
Nests in Light

- Alpine Peaks -
Rainier, a Spruce/White/White Gaoler dragon
Phantom 100%

Daub 85%/Spirit 15%

Thylacine 100 %

Gaoler 100%
Olympus, a Spruce/Blackberry/Moon Gaoler dragon
Nests in Ice

- From the Ashes -
Firebird, a Marigold/Sunshine/Grapefruit Auraboa dragon
Flaunt 50%/Mochlus 50%

Flair 50%/Riopa 50%

Topcoat 100%

Auraboa 100%
Phoenix, a Sunshine/Marigold/Grapefruit Auraboa dragon
Nests in Light or Fire

Ancient Pairs

- Tinderbox -
Spark, an Obsidian/Black/Fire Gaoler dragon ----
Giraffe 100%

Breakup 100%

Weathered 100%

Gaoler 100%
---- Kindling, an Obsidian/Black/Fire Gaoler dragon
Nests in Fire

- Seeing Spots -
Gouache, an Abyss/Abyss/Abyss Veilspun dragon
Shell 100%

Striation 75%/Web 25%

Flecks 50%/Branches 50%

Veilspun 100%
Chiaroscuro, an Abyss/Abyss/Abyss Veilspun dragon
Nests in Ice

- Light of Day -
Starburst, a Metals/Smoke/Metals Banescale dragon ---
Falcon %/Chevron %

Spinner 75%/Tear 25%

Gliders 100%

Banescale 100 %
Sunrise, a Metals/Smoke/Metals Banescale dragon
Nests in Light

- Seaside Glare -
Kamiak,a Caribbean/Caribbean/Lemon Banescale dragon
Chevron 50%/Ragged 50%

Tear 100%

Porcupine 100%

Banescale 100%
Rhorlak, a Caribbean/Azure/Banana Banescale dragon
Nests in Light

- Alpine Peaks -
Rainier, a Spruce/White/White Gaoler dragon
Phantom 100%

Daub 85%/Spirit 15%

Thylacine 100 %

Gaoler 100%
Olympus, a Spruce/Blackberry/Moon Gaoler dragon
Nests in Ice

- From the Ashes -
Firebird, a Marigold/Sunshine/Grapefruit Auraboa dragon
Flaunt 50%/Mochlus 50%

Flair 50%/Riopa 50%

Topcoat 100%

Auraboa 100%
Phoenix, a Sunshine/Marigold/Grapefruit Auraboa dragon
Nests in Light or Fire
a small yellow and gold flag with the Light Flight's symbol
She/Her, FR +0
No worms in my username-
R e n a i w o m
I like being pinged, if you have a response to what I said!
I often process thoughts by writing... Trying to TL;DR more.

Small Logo: Flights and Fancies


- Seasonal Sweets -
Festive, a Crimson/Thicket/White Banescale dragon [--
Candycane 100%

Sugarplum 100%

Trimmings 100%

Banescale 100%
Merry, a Crimson/Jade/White Banescale dragon
Nests in Ice for Christmas
- Ace of Hearts -
Ace, a Dust/Dust/Black Auraboa dragon
Love 100%

Affection 100%

Topcoat 50%/Paradise 50%

Auraboa 100%
Wildcard, a Dust/Dust/Black Auraboa dragon
Nests in Shadow for Valentine's and during Pride Month


- Seasonal Sweets -
Festive, a Crimson/Thicket/White Banescale dragon [--
Candycane 100%

Sugarplum 100%

Trimmings 100%

Banescale 100%
Merry, a Crimson/Jade/White Banescale dragon
Nests in Ice for Christmas
- Ace of Hearts -
Ace, a Dust/Dust/Black Auraboa dragon
Love 100%

Affection 100%

Topcoat 50%/Paradise 50%

Auraboa 100%
Wildcard, a Dust/Dust/Black Auraboa dragon
Nests in Shadow for Valentine's and during Pride Month
a small yellow and gold flag with the Light Flight's symbol
She/Her, FR +0
No worms in my username-
R e n a i w o m
I like being pinged, if you have a response to what I said!
I often process thoughts by writing... Trying to TL;DR more.

Small Logo: Flights and Fancies
[center][url=]Intro[/url] - [url=]Sales[/url] - [url=]On Nests[/url] - [url=]Subspecies[/url] - [url=]Moderns[/url] - [url=]Ancients[/url] - [url=]Seasonal[/url] - Affiliates/Links[/center] [center][pinglist=16143] (General pinglist, for when new dragons are listed for sale)[/center] Wanna affiliate? Here's my link-back icons! Shoot me a ping, and I'll stick yours on here too. [center][url=][img alt="Logo: Flights and Fancies"][/img][/url] [code][url=][img alt="Logo: Flights and Fancies"][/img][/url][/code] [url=][img alt="Small Logo: Flights and Fancies"][/img][/url] [code] [url=][img alt="Small Logo: Flights and Fancies"][/img][/url][/code][/center]
Intro - Sales - On Nests - Subspecies - Moderns - Ancients - Seasonal - Affiliates/Links

(General pinglist, for when new dragons are listed for sale)

Wanna affiliate? Here's my link-back icons! Shoot me a ping, and I'll stick yours on here too.
Logo: Flights and Fancies
[url=][img alt="Logo: Flights and Fancies"][/img][/url]

Small Logo: Flights and Fancies
[url=][img alt="Small Logo: Flights and Fancies"][/img][/url]
a small yellow and gold flag with the Light Flight's symbol
She/Her, FR +0
No worms in my username-
R e n a i w o m
I like being pinged, if you have a response to what I said!
I often process thoughts by writing... Trying to TL;DR more.

Small Logo: Flights and Fancies
Intro - Sales - On Nests - Subspecies - Moderns - Ancients - Seasonal - Affiliates/Links

Coming Soon:
An Abyss/Maroon/Spruce Imperial dragon
Astral Omen
A Midnight/Overcast/Ice Skydancer dragon
Moonlit Sonata
A Pistachio/Stonewash/Jade Obelisk dragon
Windsinger's Fluorite



Cerrusite F

Nature M

Intro - Sales - On Nests - Subspecies - Moderns - Ancients - Seasonal - Affiliates/Links

Coming Soon:
An Abyss/Maroon/Spruce Imperial dragon
Astral Omen
A Midnight/Overcast/Ice Skydancer dragon
Moonlit Sonata
A Pistachio/Stonewash/Jade Obelisk dragon
Windsinger's Fluorite



Cerrusite F

Nature M

a small yellow and gold flag with the Light Flight's symbol
She/Her, FR +0
No worms in my username-
R e n a i w o m
I like being pinged, if you have a response to what I said!
I often process thoughts by writing... Trying to TL;DR more.

Small Logo: Flights and Fancies
- Reserved -
- Reserved -
a small yellow and gold flag with the Light Flight's symbol
She/Her, FR +0
No worms in my username-
R e n a i w o m
I like being pinged, if you have a response to what I said!
I often process thoughts by writing... Trying to TL;DR more.

Small Logo: Flights and Fancies