
Dragons For Sale

Arrange the purchasing and selling of dragons.
TOPIC | [H] Horaphora | 9/23—Autumn + Starfall!
Two elemental flight representatives from another breeding project which concluded today - a really difficult color combination to find! In particular, I was going for a stained tert to make shadow-the-color a closer match to shadow-the-flight primal eyes. Consider the possibilities! (My project scry is included at the end.) [center][size=5]Browse all listings, including these, [url=]here![/url][/size][/center] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][color=beige].[/color] [color=beige].[/color] [color=beige].[/color] [nextcol][color=beige].[/color] [color=beige].[/color] [color=beige].[/color] [nextcol][center][url=][font=gabriola][size=6][b]Keku[/b][/size][/font][/url] [img][/img] [img][/img] [u]shadow[/u] [i]crystal[/i] [u]shadow[/u] [i]butterfly[/i] [u]ultramarine[/u] [i]firefly[/i] eye type [b]unusual[/b] 30k [emoji=treasure] | 30 [emoji=gem] [url=][img][/img][/url][/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][color=beige].[/color] [color=beige].[/color] [color=beige].[/color] [nextcol][color=beige].[/color] [color=beige].[/color] [color=beige].[/color] [nextcol][center][url=][font=gabriola][size=6][b]Keket[/b][/size][/font][/url] [img][/img] [img][/img] [u]shadow[/u] [i]crystal[/i] [u]shadow[/u] [i]constellation[/i] [u]periwinkle[/u] [i]firefly[/i] eye type [b]common[/b] 30k [emoji=treasure] | 30 [emoji=gem] [url=][img][/img][/url][/columns] [center][emoji=snowflake] [emoji=ivy leaf] [emoji=sun] [emoji=maple leaf] [morphology=3198792] [emoji=snowflake] [emoji=ivy leaf] [emoji=sun] [emoji=maple leaf] [size=1][i]general:[/i] @sm06sm @aesthera @Rhaenna @polymathema [i]hatchlings:[/i] @ActuallyAPigeon[/size][/center]
Two elemental flight representatives from another breeding project which concluded today - a really difficult color combination to find! In particular, I was going for a stained tert to make shadow-the-color a closer match to shadow-the-flight primal eyes. Consider the possibilities! (My project scry is included at the end.)
Browse all listings, including these, here!
86368752_350.png . . . . . .

shadow_rune.png small_male.png

shadow crystal
shadow butterfly
ultramarine firefly

eye type unusual

30k | 30


86368753_350.png . . . . . .

shadow_rune.png small_male.png

shadow crystal
shadow constellation
periwinkle firefly

eye type common

30k | 30


Not Found

general: @sm06sm @aesthera @Rhaenna @polymathema
hatchlings: @ActuallyAPigeon
Ooh that's a pretty scry!
Ooh that's a pretty scry!
@aethera thank you!!! the full project is here - I'm really fond of it and enjoying myself greatly!
@aethera thank you!!! the full project is here - I'm really fond of it and enjoying myself greatly!
[center] [b]Affiliate Bump <3[/b] [url=][img][/img][/url][/center]
Affiliate Bump <3

503-A99-BA-2-E83-42-F6-8-B04-6-F6-CB8981-E06.png Wishlist
Wishlist PWYW 4 Art
Bulk Baldwin Transmutes
Clan Lorebook [Clan Lore is a WIP]
[center][url=][img][/img][/url] [emoji=maple leaf size=1][b] A friendly Affiliate bump![/b] [emoji=acorn size=1]

A friendly Affiliate bump!
Three more May flowers today — and we're running out of May, so get these flowers while you can! I'm especially fond of Cassia and that gorgeous radioactive secondary. Browse all available listings [url=]here[/url]. [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][color=beige].[/color] [color=beige].[/color] [color=beige].[/color] [nextcol][color=beige].[/color] [color=beige].[/color] [color=beige].[/color] [nextcol][center][url=][font=gabriola][size=6][b]Cassia[/b][/size][/font][/url] of [i]Heady Hidcote[/i] [img][/img] [img][/img] [u]spring[/u] [i]sphinxmoth[/i] [u]radioactive[/u] [i]paisley[/i] [u]yellow[/u] [i]branches[/i] eye type [b]uncommon[/b] 35k [emoji=treasure] | 35 [emoji=gem] [url=][img][/img][/url][/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][color=beige].[/color] [color=beige].[/color] [color=beige].[/color] [nextcol][color=beige].[/color] [color=beige].[/color] [color=beige].[/color] [nextcol][center][url=][font=gabriola][size=6][b]Sorrel[/b][/size][/font][/url] of [i]Proper Primrose[/i] [img][/img] [img][/img] [u]swamp[/u] [i]laced[/i] [u]green[/u] [i]edged[/i] [u]lemon[/u] [i]blossom[/i] eye type [b]uncommon[/b] 35k [emoji=treasure] | 35 [emoji=gem] [url=][img][/img][/url][/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][color=beige].[/color] [color=beige].[/color] [color=beige].[/color] [nextcol][color=beige].[/color] [color=beige].[/color] [color=beige].[/color] [nextcol][center][url=][font=gabriola][size=6][b]Hydrangea[/b][/size][/font][/url] of [i]Proper Primrose[/i] [img][/img] [img][/img] [u]avocado[/u] [i]laced[/i] [u]swamp[/u] [i]edged[/i] [u]sanddollar[/u] [i]blossom[/i] eye type [b]rare[/b] 35k [emoji=treasure] | 35 [emoji=gem] [url=][img][/img][/url][/columns] [center][size=1]general: @sm06sm @aesthera @Rhaenna @polymathema @starsnflowers hatchlings: @ActuallyAPigeon[/size][/center]
Three more May flowers today — and we're running out of May, so get these flowers while you can! I'm especially fond of Cassia and that gorgeous radioactive secondary.

Browse all available listings here.

86404631_350.png . . . . . .
of Heady Hidcote

nature_rune.png small_male.png

spring sphinxmoth
radioactive paisley
yellow branches

eye type uncommon

35k | 35


86404626_350.png . . . . . .
of Proper Primrose

nature_rune.png small_male.png

swamp laced
green edged
lemon blossom

eye type uncommon

35k | 35


86404627_350.png . . . . . .
of Proper Primrose

nature_rune.png small_male.png

avocado laced
swamp edged
sanddollar blossom

eye type rare

35k | 35


Hello, Horaphora Hatchery shoppers! Just a quick announcement that the [b]Hatchery Hangout Queer Pride Month thread[/b] is live — click the button below to view! [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] Among other things, there is information about [b]using the pinglist[/b] and [b]joining the raffle[/b], so head on over and read up, as well as peruse all the beautiful breeding pairs — more being added as we speak and throughout the coming days! On Thursday, June 1, I'll post a preview of my hatchlings here, but they will [i]only[/i] be available to buy through the event itself; I'll link the thread again at that time. 5 out of my 6 breeding pairs are already nesting, with 4 / 3 / 3 / 3 / 3 eggs in their respective clutches, so we've got an exciting bunch of hatchlings to come! A special shout-out to my girl @Rhaenna in Arcane, who is hosting all my pansexual pride breeding pairs. [emoji=familiar heart] [center][size=1]@sm06sm @aesthera @polymathema @starsnflowers[/size][/center]
Hello, Horaphora Hatchery shoppers! Just a quick announcement that the Hatchery Hangout Queer Pride Month thread is live — click the button below to view!


Among other things, there is information about using the pinglist and joining the raffle, so head on over and read up, as well as peruse all the beautiful breeding pairs — more being added as we speak and throughout the coming days!

On Thursday, June 1, I'll post a preview of my hatchlings here, but they will only be available to buy through the event itself; I'll link the thread again at that time. 5 out of my 6 breeding pairs are already nesting, with 4 / 3 / 3 / 3 / 3 eggs in their respective clutches, so we've got an exciting bunch of hatchlings to come!

A special shout-out to my girl @Rhaenna in Arcane, who is hosting all my pansexual pride breeding pairs.
One more finished breeding project (scry further down) = two more lovely little leftovers! XXY stained thickets hatched in a nature nest on the first day of Greenskeeper Gathering, completely by coincidence... how auspicious! (Their parents, who I bought on the Auction House, are also available [url=]here[url] and [url=]here[/url] for a limited time only.) In other news: [LIST] [*]Pride pairs are all now nesting!!! I'm so excited!!! And after that event ends, I will be unveiling the first few finished summer pairs! I've also already started working on some autumn pairs for which I can share scries soon. The fun never stops... :) [*]Some shuffling around has happened and will continue to happen, with some lair listings moving to the hibernal den and some hibernal den listings getting leveled and exalted. [*][b][i]Be sure to join our new self-serve [url=]pinglist(s)[/url] and/or recommend us over at [url=]The Hatchery Masterlist[/url]![/i][/b] [/LIST] [center][size=5]Browse all listings, including these, [url=]here![/url][/size][/center] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][color=beige].[/color] [color=beige].[/color] [color=beige].[/color] [nextcol][color=beige].[/color] [color=beige].[/color] [color=beige].[/color] [nextcol][center][url=][font=gabriola][size=6][b]Dryope[/b][/size][/font][/url] [img][/img] [img][/img] [u]thicket[/u] [i]iridescent[/i] [u]thicket[/u] [i]constellation[/i] [u]white[/u] [i]stained[/i] eye type [b]common[/b] 30k [emoji=treasure] | 30 [emoji=gem] [url=][img][/img][/url][/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][color=beige].[/color] [color=beige].[/color] [color=beige].[/color] [nextcol][color=beige].[/color] [color=beige].[/color] [color=beige].[/color] [nextcol][center][url=][font=gabriola][size=6][b]Karya[/b][/size][/font][/url] [img][/img] [img][/img] [u]thicket[/u] [i]iridescent[/i] [u]thicket[/u] [i]constellation[/i] [u]bubblegum[/u] [i]stained[/i] eye type [b]unusual[/b] 30k [emoji=treasure] | 30 [emoji=gem] [url=][img][/img][/url][/columns] [center][morphology=3198773] [size=1]general: @sm06sm @aesthera @Rhaenna @polymathema @starsnflowers hatchlings: @ActuallyAPigeon[/size][/center]
One more finished breeding project (scry further down) = two more lovely little leftovers! XXY stained thickets hatched in a nature nest on the first day of Greenskeeper Gathering, completely by coincidence... how auspicious! (Their parents, who I bought on the Auction House, are also available here and here for a limited time only.)

In other news:
  • Pride pairs are all now nesting!!! I'm so excited!!! And after that event ends, I will be unveiling the first few finished summer pairs! I've also already started working on some autumn pairs for which I can share scries soon. The fun never stops... :)
  • Some shuffling around has happened and will continue to happen, with some lair listings moving to the hibernal den and some hibernal den listings getting leveled and exalted.
  • Be sure to join our new self-serve pinglist(s) and/or recommend us over at The Hatchery Masterlist!
Browse all listings, including these, here!
86456690_350.png . . . . . .

nature_rune.png small_female.png

thicket iridescent
thicket constellation
white stained

eye type common

30k | 30


86456691_350.png . . . . . .

nature_rune.png small_female.png

thicket iridescent
thicket constellation
bubblegum stained

eye type unusual

30k | 30

Not Found

general: @sm06sm @aesthera @Rhaenna @polymathema @starsnflowers
hatchlings: @ActuallyAPigeon