
Dragons For Sale

Arrange the purchasing and selling of dragons.
TOPIC | [Auction] G1 XXY (sang/sang/bro)
[center][url=] [img][/img] [/url] Sanguine | Sanguine | Bronze (The ONLY dragon with this color combo!) SB: 500g [b]CB: 6kG by @frostkingdemetri[/b] (pure) AB: 30kG (on AH) Min. Bid Increase: 100g Gems or treasure (1:750g ratio). I'll accept unhatched eggs or priority wishlist items (listed below). Pure currency is highly preferred. [b]If paying with pure, and the person above is unpure, the bid may be the same. If an unpure bet is made, an equal amount in pure is worth more.[/b] Ping whomever bid before you and me (CivettaBlu). Auction ends [b]6/22 @ 10:00 FR[/b] (+8 hours). Auction will increase by 8 hours if a bid is made within the last 5 hours. Last Day Pings (Includes people who have placed a bid): @Vyrelord, @vriskittles, @everynne, @Saintly, @frostkingdemetri [b]Previews:[/b] [img][/img] [img][/img][img][/img] [b]Priority Wishlist:[/b] [item=Primary Gene: Iridescent] x2 [item=Secondary Gene: Butterfly] x2 [item=Tertiary Gene: Smoke] [item=Breed Change: Spiral] [item=Primary Gene: Poison] [item=Secondary Gene: Toxin] [item=Tertiary Gene: Glimmer] [url=]Stone/Antique/Steel Female dragon, Fae. Cherub/Current/Glimmer[/url] [size=1]((pinging myself so I don't lose this.. @CivettaBlu))[/size][/center]


Sanguine | Sanguine | Bronze
(The ONLY dragon with this color combo!)
SB: 500g
CB: 6kG by @frostkingdemetri (pure)
AB: 30kG (on AH)
Min. Bid Increase: 100g
Gems or treasure (1:750g ratio). I'll accept unhatched eggs or priority wishlist items (listed below). Pure currency is highly preferred.
If paying with pure, and the person above is unpure, the bid may be the same. If an unpure bet is made, an equal amount in pure is worth more.

Ping whomever bid before you and me (CivettaBlu). Auction ends 6/22 @ 10:00 FR (+8 hours). Auction will increase by 8 hours if a bid is made within the last 5 hours.

Last Day Pings (Includes people who have placed a bid): @Vyrelord, @vriskittles, @everynne, @Saintly, @frostkingdemetri

dragon?age=1&body=121&bodygene=1&breed=4&element=4&gender=1&tert=83&tertgene=8&winggene=13&wings=121&auth=cb991d7f739227470a01cf18a49bae9a8adc29a2&dummyext=prev.png dragon?age=1&body=121&bodygene=11&breed=2&element=4&gender=1&tert=83&tertgene=10&winggene=12&wings=121&auth=6928853a218d5029302632febf35272423a67bb3&dummyext=prev.pngdragon?age=1&body=121&bodygene=10&breed=1&element=4&gender=1&tert=83&tertgene=10&winggene=5&wings=121&auth=fc60996f64bb414decf17d384954496d806626a3&dummyext=prev.png

Priority Wishlist:
Primary Gene: Iridescent x2 Secondary Gene: Butterfly x2 Tertiary Gene: Smoke Breed Change: Spiral Primary Gene: Poison Secondary Gene: Toxin Tertiary Gene: Glimmer
Stone/Antique/Steel Female dragon, Fae. Cherub/Current/Glimmer

((pinging myself so I don't lose this.. @CivettaBlu))
I apologize if you've been pinged more than once!

@Ambitious, @Arcticterror, @Arienai, @Attenuasis, @Avarosa, @AwayfromBirdland, @barakitty, @biqua, @Bones, @Cairon, @Calm, @Canadian, @Caribou, @Cedric, @Chaotic, @Cherette, @Cherrywarrior, @Chichi, @Chomeister, @christina, @Claritywind, @Cupcakes, @Cyrya, @Damelz, @Dandelions, @Deathwing, @decadent, @Dem, @Disease, @Diseased, @Drackana, @London, @Dragonmage, @Dragonweaver, @DrakkanWolf, @Dreamt, @Elroking, @Embereye, @ErianaMoon, @Ern, @EtchedShadow, @Faileas, @falcoeur, @Fay, @Fink, @Firethroat, @Followedbyrocks, @FoolishRay, @Foxxtrot, @Frostycloud, @FruityHoofbeast, @Ghast, @GhostEnthusiast, @Gou, @GreatContagion, @Grendel, @Hailey, @Highcastle, @IcefireStarfire, @Icetea, @ignei, @Imani, @Imupacreek2000, @Incarnate, @Inculta, @Ixia, @Jamethyst, @JesterGurl, @Kaamos, @Kairoku, @Kaitii, @Kanariah, @Keno, @Khalerys, @Kievan, @KittersKamala, @KittyBoops, @Koemiri, @Kurokosworth, @LanceRivaille, @Leafdapple1, @Leeedea, @leyline, @lightly, @Linnet, @Lizardheart, @Lottie, @Loveverly, @Luciftian, @Luusan, @m0use, @Magari, @Maila, @Malis, @Manda, @March, @masterneko, @Mate, @Maybels, @Mellifera, @meonox, @Miloki, @Minx, @MissFemke, @MiusEmpire, @Moami, @Moofius, @Nanairo, @Naralex, @Nennui, @NeophyteRedglare, @Niharike, @NinjaKitty, @Noctilucent, @Nryenth, @OFF, @Oftquoted, @Oncamimus, @Ordona, @Osayio, @Ouji, @Outlandishkg, @PeaceColby, @Peisinoe, @Perfidious, @Phosphorylase, @PiggySnail, @Plushie, @Poland, @Poo, @Pretzuls, @Prism, @Putin, @QyetLady, @Raeyena, @Rangiku, @raucousremy @Rayen, @Reckless, @Renaci, @Renmiri, @Rijl, @Rogue, @Ruinia, @Ryou, @Sabbat, @SaintSeb, @Scaledfoxx, @Scientist, @Scoot, @Searinox, @Serenefire @Serra, @Shihana, @SilverBook, @Sinfirmitas @Sivan @skizzi6661 @Smileytechie, @Snaphance, @Snapple, @Sochitelya, @Solanaceae13, @Sooraya, @Spartalicous @Stakie, @starbornwolf @Starfire0, @Starstrike, @StormyDarkLord, @SunnyCatAJ @Swagset, @Talia, @Tangaroa, @Techmess, @Terza, @Thanksmeg, @Thederpmaster2, @TheRowen, @Thrym, @Tigerpanda13, @Trapeze, @Treedancer, @Urisk @UZaaki9, @Vaiya, @Valishtu, @Vashtya, @Vaze, @Veevi @Ventus, @Verscilith, @Vespora, @Voidtech, @Warlock, @Wer, @Why, @Wicker, @Wobbitt, @Wolfscent, @Xairathan, @Xaishi, @Zayev @Zenzic @necrophades @Erendira

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@Anjoulas @AnonEclipse @Amphitrite @asgore @AwayfromBirdland, @Azure, @Baku, @Ballad @Banshee3234, @Carnival, @CdrPhoenix @Chaotic, @Chimeric @Chrestomanci @Claritywind, @Coyoteskii @cricara @Cyrinus @DarkNiiinja, @Daxis @Fadeela (unbred) @firstblush (unbred) @Frostkingdemetri, @Gacha, @Ixia @kaelidra @Kanariah, @KaseyMcShouty @GlassGuts @LanthanumIridium, @Leashedragon, @Leeedea, @Lumen, @Mands, @misscallierose @Mommy, @mrmoon @Nanairo, @nhondu @Peisinoe @Phantom413 @Saphariadragon, @sej @Serpede, @Shad0stryk @Shaft, @Sinfirmitas, @SnorreRuch, @Strylan, @Vaze, @Whimzica, @WickedHorror @Win, @Wobbitt, @Wolfscent, @xanako, @Yossarian, @Zayev @chespin @Glamour @Arrowfeathers

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@Takora, @lnception, @Ealgianric, @Quenya, @Vet, @ClearLakes44, @London, @Kikatzu, @Arrowfeathers, @synnful, @Cedric, @Mirsheb, @Zayev, "@Arcticterror @ashcat @Astraya @Astro0 @Bioslice @Subjugation @synnful @craigy @Culex @Dragonweaver, @Everynne, @Frillshark, @Frostkingdemetri, @FruityHoofbeast, @GabrielReyes @GhostSlugs @hcuolel @Hexabeast @Ixia @LanthanumIridium, @Lytic @Maila @Megalomaniac, @Minx @Miuv, @mummy, @nanairo, @niah @Oncamimus, @Phantom413 @pinkrobotgirl, @Prey, @Pyroclastic, @RainbowShrimp, @Rattyfleef, @Sais @sej @Simply @Skitzopod @Smaugthealmighty @starbornwolf @starfire0 @transbabe @Vaze @Venneris @vriskittles @WickedHorror @WildFlora @wolfscent @ysdaar @zelai @Misha, @Ballad, @bluetetra, @Cov @CrowsFlight @Cubie @darkmekmon @DarkNiiinja, @Delillah @Dendariis @dggeoff @GhostSlugs @Invicted @Erendira @Mangoramune @Minx @Naturalcyber @noixy @Paintedskies97 @Pneuma @Prey @shimmeringxolo @Reborn @Shez, @shortkeike @Smalldoll @starbornwolf @Tetraodon, @ThirtyOne @Thorne @Trippfaerie, @Tugalsan @Vyraal @Zayev @SinisterSir, @Vyrelord, @JovaniSkye @Fink @Chrissy @Zayev @Vely @Heathers (unbred) @CrowsFlight @Raeyena @reliquiaen @DalphiaRose @syllable (unbred) @limeypie (female only) @Itarille (unbred only) @Subjugation @London @synnful, @Sakurawr, @Misha
I apologize if you've been pinged more than once!

@Ambitious, @Arcticterror, @Arienai, @Attenuasis, @Avarosa, @AwayfromBirdland, @barakitty, @biqua, @Bones, @Cairon, @Calm, @Canadian, @Caribou, @Cedric, @Chaotic, @Cherette, @Cherrywarrior, @Chichi, @Chomeister, @christina, @Claritywind, @Cupcakes, @Cyrya, @Damelz, @Dandelions, @Deathwing, @decadent, @Dem, @Disease, @Diseased, @Drackana, @London, @Dragonmage, @Dragonweaver, @DrakkanWolf, @Dreamt, @Elroking, @Embereye, @ErianaMoon, @Ern, @EtchedShadow, @Faileas, @falcoeur, @Fay, @Fink, @Firethroat, @Followedbyrocks, @FoolishRay, @Foxxtrot, @Frostycloud, @FruityHoofbeast, @Ghast, @GhostEnthusiast, @Gou, @GreatContagion, @Grendel, @Hailey, @Highcastle, @IcefireStarfire, @Icetea, @ignei, @Imani, @Imupacreek2000, @Incarnate, @Inculta, @Ixia, @Jamethyst, @JesterGurl, @Kaamos, @Kairoku, @Kaitii, @Kanariah, @Keno, @Khalerys, @Kievan, @KittersKamala, @KittyBoops, @Koemiri, @Kurokosworth, @LanceRivaille, @Leafdapple1, @Leeedea, @leyline, @lightly, @Linnet, @Lizardheart, @Lottie, @Loveverly, @Luciftian, @Luusan, @m0use, @Magari, @Maila, @Malis, @Manda, @March, @masterneko, @Mate, @Maybels, @Mellifera, @meonox, @Miloki, @Minx, @MissFemke, @MiusEmpire, @Moami, @Moofius, @Nanairo, @Naralex, @Nennui, @NeophyteRedglare, @Niharike, @NinjaKitty, @Noctilucent, @Nryenth, @OFF, @Oftquoted, @Oncamimus, @Ordona, @Osayio, @Ouji, @Outlandishkg, @PeaceColby, @Peisinoe, @Perfidious, @Phosphorylase, @PiggySnail, @Plushie, @Poland, @Poo, @Pretzuls, @Prism, @Putin, @QyetLady, @Raeyena, @Rangiku, @raucousremy @Rayen, @Reckless, @Renaci, @Renmiri, @Rijl, @Rogue, @Ruinia, @Ryou, @Sabbat, @SaintSeb, @Scaledfoxx, @Scientist, @Scoot, @Searinox, @Serenefire @Serra, @Shihana, @SilverBook, @Sinfirmitas @Sivan @skizzi6661 @Smileytechie, @Snaphance, @Snapple, @Sochitelya, @Solanaceae13, @Sooraya, @Spartalicous @Stakie, @starbornwolf @Starfire0, @Starstrike, @StormyDarkLord, @SunnyCatAJ @Swagset, @Talia, @Tangaroa, @Techmess, @Terza, @Thanksmeg, @Thederpmaster2, @TheRowen, @Thrym, @Tigerpanda13, @Trapeze, @Treedancer, @Urisk @UZaaki9, @Vaiya, @Valishtu, @Vashtya, @Vaze, @Veevi @Ventus, @Verscilith, @Vespora, @Voidtech, @Warlock, @Wer, @Why, @Wicker, @Wobbitt, @Wolfscent, @Xairathan, @Xaishi, @Zayev @Zenzic @necrophades @Erendira

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@Anjoulas @AnonEclipse @Amphitrite @asgore @AwayfromBirdland, @Azure, @Baku, @Ballad @Banshee3234, @Carnival, @CdrPhoenix @Chaotic, @Chimeric @Chrestomanci @Claritywind, @Coyoteskii @cricara @Cyrinus @DarkNiiinja, @Daxis @Fadeela (unbred) @firstblush (unbred) @Frostkingdemetri, @Gacha, @Ixia @kaelidra @Kanariah, @KaseyMcShouty @GlassGuts @LanthanumIridium, @Leashedragon, @Leeedea, @Lumen, @Mands, @misscallierose @Mommy, @mrmoon @Nanairo, @nhondu @Peisinoe @Phantom413 @Saphariadragon, @sej @Serpede, @Shad0stryk @Shaft, @Sinfirmitas, @SnorreRuch, @Strylan, @Vaze, @Whimzica, @WickedHorror @Win, @Wobbitt, @Wolfscent, @xanako, @Yossarian, @Zayev @chespin @Glamour @Arrowfeathers

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@Takora, @lnception, @Ealgianric, @Quenya, @Vet, @ClearLakes44, @London, @Kikatzu, @Arrowfeathers, @synnful, @Cedric, @Mirsheb, @Zayev, "@Arcticterror @ashcat @Astraya @Astro0 @Bioslice @Subjugation @synnful @craigy @Culex @Dragonweaver, @Everynne, @Frillshark, @Frostkingdemetri, @FruityHoofbeast, @GabrielReyes @GhostSlugs @hcuolel @Hexabeast @Ixia @LanthanumIridium, @Lytic @Maila @Megalomaniac, @Minx @Miuv, @mummy, @nanairo, @niah @Oncamimus, @Phantom413 @pinkrobotgirl, @Prey, @Pyroclastic, @RainbowShrimp, @Rattyfleef, @Sais @sej @Simply @Skitzopod @Smaugthealmighty @starbornwolf @starfire0 @transbabe @Vaze @Venneris @vriskittles @WickedHorror @WildFlora @wolfscent @ysdaar @zelai @Misha, @Ballad, @bluetetra, @Cov @CrowsFlight @Cubie @darkmekmon @DarkNiiinja, @Delillah @Dendariis @dggeoff @GhostSlugs @Invicted @Erendira @Mangoramune @Minx @Naturalcyber @noixy @Paintedskies97 @Pneuma @Prey @shimmeringxolo @Reborn @Shez, @shortkeike @Smalldoll @starbornwolf @Tetraodon, @ThirtyOne @Thorne @Trippfaerie, @Tugalsan @Vyraal @Zayev @SinisterSir, @Vyrelord, @JovaniSkye @Fink @Chrissy @Zayev @Vely @Heathers (unbred) @CrowsFlight @Raeyena @reliquiaen @DalphiaRose @syllable (unbred) @limeypie (female only) @Itarille (unbred only) @Subjugation @London @synnful, @Sakurawr, @Misha
@CivettaBlu SB please
@CivettaBlu SB please


I need her OH MAN.

She's my dream baby. x(


I need her OH MAN.

She's my dream baby. x(
@CivettaBlu Last day ping please
@CivettaBlu Last day ping please

ldp please!

ldp please!
@Vyrelord, @vriskittles, @everynne, @Saintly

Adding you all right now!
@Vyrelord, @vriskittles, @everynne, @Saintly

Adding you all right now!

Are you at all interested in dragon trades? I have several unbred genone (two fully gened with gem genes) Coatls that I'd totally offer for her!

Here's the forum if you want to check them out.

(I'll totally trade some of the genones at the back of my lair too.)

I'm just really really really desperate for this girl, she's my dream dragon and nothing's selling for me to bid, lol.

Are you at all interested in dragon trades? I have several unbred genone (two fully gened with gem genes) Coatls that I'd totally offer for her!

Here's the forum if you want to check them out.

(I'll totally trade some of the genones at the back of my lair too.)

I'm just really really really desperate for this girl, she's my dream dragon and nothing's selling for me to bid, lol.

I'm not really interested in any of them at the moment. I might be willing to look into it a little later.

I'm not really interested in any of them at the moment. I might be willing to look into it a little later.

Alright, I'll keep trying to sell them instead!

Are those the only items you have interest in?

Alright, I'll keep trying to sell them instead!

Are those the only items you have interest in?