
Art Sales

For commissions and flat-sale of your creative efforts.
TOPIC | Icepop's Art Shop [April 28-May 5]

Order confirmed! :)

Order confirmed! :)

sending 10 levels for artist @/Anivia via PA!

sending 10 levels for artist @/Anivia via PA!
eyayah | art shop | LF art | doodle shop
Thank you so much! @Anivia
Thank you so much! @Anivia
@skybluecoffee I WANT ART! Name: Saronai FR ID: 310639 Flight: Light Request: Full body color Total cost: 125? Other: I'd love to see your interpretation of my DnD character's first changeling persona (they are a changeling, but that part of their whole personality/collection of personalities was kept locked in the subconscious due to trauma). I did a dollmaker version of them: [center][img][/img][/center] [right][url=]Source[/url][/right] Provided for some basics. Things I'd like to stay the same compared to the dollmaker: The hairstyle and colours, skin colour, pupiless white eyes with black rings like kohl around them (basically black eyeliner all the way around). The pattern shaved into their head is of a triskelion. Everything else they're wearing is just what I used to help get the limited dollmaker matching with what the dragon version of this character is wearing. Any jewelry added should be silver with amethysts - particularly a ring if visible. Simplify as needed, but the jewelry they wear is detailed in several pictures on their core identity, which can be viewed in this character's bio: [url=]Diem[/url]. Taibhse is a separate personality though and they are a shapeshifter, so only linking Diem for jewelry references. Even the clothes are gonna change thanks to their wondrous shifteweave item that is like a 5-in-one outfit [url=]their patron[/url] gifted them. Anywho, I'd love to see what you come up with for an outfit based on what Taibhse's flight rising dragon is wearing: [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] They are a fey-adjacent (as in faerie not fae dragons) species but with regular human-style ears. They have embraced this heritage in their appearance and in honor of their arch-fey patron. They should be mostly androgynous but a little more masculine maybe than they appear in that dollmaker version above. Pretty boy style. Truly androgynous, built for agility/dexterity and fit, but not really muscular or physically strong, but not super thin and bony either. Definitely has a flat chest but can be drawn with hints of other curves and definitely has an adorned, feminine-leaning sense of style. They are an adventurer so closed-toe shoes of some kind preferred. They are in love with magic and wonder and really just happy to finally be fully in the world around them, experiencing it directly for the first time in their lives (as opposed to strictly in the subconscious through the eyes of various core personalities over the years). They love singing and are really good at it. I don't really have a pose in mind so let your imagination run away with it. If you use the fin jewels as inspiration for the outfit, I'd like them to look more butterfly/faerie like rather than dragon-like...though thinking about it, I don't mind elements of sirens/mermaid in the look. Anywho, elements on the dragon I don't really want on the gijinka: The mask. There can be outfit-inspired hair decor if you like, but they're not wearing a mask. I only included the mask on the dragon so I could get those white eyes surrounded by black, kohl-like rings that's a trademark of changelings as a whole. I do prefer the "eye make up" look to those black rings though (vs. deeply shadowed spookyness). The candles also probably don't have a place in their dnd look. Also, no piercings. Piercings carry through to all forms so all of Taibhse/Diem's personalities wear ear cuffs (though various other personalities, Diem included also create tattoos for themselves that are equally non-permanent, but Taibhse has no tattoos). Finally, the name Taibhse (Tao-shuh) means ghost, borrowed and used as sylvan (the language of fey in dnd). Taibhse has chosen this as their name on purpose because they have been living like a ghost in their own body and haunting their own life for about 28 years now before new trauma and a loved one brought them out of hiding and fully into the light of day. I think they'll be prone to mischief and a child-like approach to life like any good fey lol. Feel free to simplify all of that as much as you like <3 PS if you have a pinglist for when you do art, I'd love to be added :D Edit to add: I paid you extra anyway, you deserve more than that, these are so cute. If it's not too much trouble I'd love an uncoloured version of the art on a transparent background too, but if your process does not allow for that or makes that difficult in any way, then no worries, it's not necessary. I just like to play with colouring for my own uses sometimes <3
Name: Saronai
FR ID: 310639
Flight: Light

Request: Full body color
Total cost: 125?

I'd love to see your interpretation of my DnD character's first changeling persona (they are a changeling, but that part of their whole personality/collection of personalities was kept locked in the subconscious due to trauma).

I did a dollmaker version of them:

Provided for some basics. Things I'd like to stay the same compared to the dollmaker: The hairstyle and colours, skin colour, pupiless white eyes with black rings like kohl around them (basically black eyeliner all the way around). The pattern shaved into their head is of a triskelion.

Everything else they're wearing is just what I used to help get the limited dollmaker matching with what the dragon version of this character is wearing.

Any jewelry added should be silver with amethysts - particularly a ring if visible. Simplify as needed, but the jewelry they wear is detailed in several pictures on their core identity, which can be viewed in this character's bio: Diem. Taibhse is a separate personality though and they are a shapeshifter, so only linking Diem for jewelry references. Even the clothes are gonna change thanks to their wondrous shifteweave item that is like a 5-in-one outfit their patron gifted them.

Anywho, I'd love to see what you come up with for an outfit based on what Taibhse's flight rising dragon is wearing:

They are a fey-adjacent (as in faerie not fae dragons) species but with regular human-style ears. They have embraced this heritage in their appearance and in honor of their arch-fey patron.

They should be mostly androgynous but a little more masculine maybe than they appear in that dollmaker version above. Pretty boy style. Truly androgynous, built for agility/dexterity and fit, but not really muscular or physically strong, but not super thin and bony either. Definitely has a flat chest but can be drawn with hints of other curves and definitely has an adorned, feminine-leaning sense of style.

They are an adventurer so closed-toe shoes of some kind preferred. They are in love with magic and wonder and really just happy to finally be fully in the world around them, experiencing it directly for the first time in their lives (as opposed to strictly in the subconscious through the eyes of various core personalities over the years).

They love singing and are really good at it. I don't really have a pose in mind so let your imagination run away with it. If you use the fin jewels as inspiration for the outfit, I'd like them to look more butterfly/faerie like rather than dragon-like...though thinking about it, I don't mind elements of sirens/mermaid in the look.

Anywho, elements on the dragon I don't really want on the gijinka: The mask. There can be outfit-inspired hair decor if you like, but they're not wearing a mask. I only included the mask on the dragon so I could get those white eyes surrounded by black, kohl-like rings that's a trademark of changelings as a whole. I do prefer the "eye make up" look to those black rings though (vs. deeply shadowed spookyness). The candles also probably don't have a place in their dnd look. Also, no piercings. Piercings carry through to all forms so all of Taibhse/Diem's personalities wear ear cuffs (though various other personalities, Diem included also create tattoos for themselves that are equally non-permanent, but Taibhse has no tattoos).

Finally, the name Taibhse (Tao-shuh) means ghost, borrowed and used as sylvan (the language of fey in dnd). Taibhse has chosen this as their name on purpose because they have been living like a ghost in their own body and haunting their own life for about 28 years now before new trauma and a loved one brought them out of hiding and fully into the light of day.

I think they'll be prone to mischief and a child-like approach to life like any good fey lol.

Feel free to simplify all of that as much as you like <3

PS if you have a pinglist for when you do art, I'd love to be added :D

Edit to add: I paid you extra anyway, you deserve more than that, these are so cute. If it's not too much trouble I'd love an uncoloured version of the art on a transparent background too, but if your process does not allow for that or makes that difficult in any way, then no worries, it's not necessary. I just like to play with colouring for my own uses sometimes <3
pixie-pronouns-2-2.png* * *Saronai made so many star badges and you liked them all! Thank you! Please keep them linked to Ylli's collection thread for others to find.* * * * * * * *Diem's Daily Dragons
Name: glacevoleur
FR ID: 55776
Flight: Light

Request: Do you think you could do a moodboard for this playlist of mine?
Total cost: 10 lvls
Other: This is actually a ship playlist between my OC (a playful and mysterious archfey with a deepseated loyalty to an ancient evil power) and my friend's OC (a middle-aged cleric who wears her heart on her sleeve and cares so, so much about everyone, even to her own detriment). It would be insanely difficult to summarize the whole narrative without making this post way longer than it needs to be, but the core theme of it is about how understanding and love can transform people and (even involuntarily!) force them to become a better version of themselves, persisting even after the source of that love is gone.

The archfey's major motifs/visual elements are fog, mirrors, snakes (especially ouroboros imagery!) and weathered white stone. The cleric's major motifs/visual elements are twilight/dusk, fireflies, flowers, and textile work (especially embroidery). I'd like it if the board tended more towards cool tones. You don't have to include all of these, I just want to give you the maximum amount of stuff to play around with ^^
Name: glacevoleur
FR ID: 55776
Flight: Light

Request: Do you think you could do a moodboard for this playlist of mine?
Total cost: 10 lvls
Other: This is actually a ship playlist between my OC (a playful and mysterious archfey with a deepseated loyalty to an ancient evil power) and my friend's OC (a middle-aged cleric who wears her heart on her sleeve and cares so, so much about everyone, even to her own detriment). It would be insanely difficult to summarize the whole narrative without making this post way longer than it needs to be, but the core theme of it is about how understanding and love can transform people and (even involuntarily!) force them to become a better version of themselves, persisting even after the source of that love is gone.

The archfey's major motifs/visual elements are fog, mirrors, snakes (especially ouroboros imagery!) and weathered white stone. The cleric's major motifs/visual elements are twilight/dusk, fireflies, flowers, and textile work (especially embroidery). I'd like it if the board tended more towards cool tones. You don't have to include all of these, I just want to give you the maximum amount of stuff to play around with ^^
@eyayah Received! Thank you :D
@eyayah Received! Thank you :D
[quote name="Anivia" date="2024-04-28 08:23:34" ] @/CANTDANCEFLYNN I did forget her name originally but I edited it in! If you want it in a different font or color just lmk~ [/quote] Oh that's perfect! tysm!
Anivia wrote on 2024-04-28 08:23:34:

I did forget her name originally but I edited it in! If you want it in a different font or color just lmk~

Oh that's perfect! tysm!
f282e074cdf53330182445ba3db1235c26fc602a.gifGIF by @Anivia
@glacevoleur Ooo! I love this actually. I can certainly do my best to capture them in a moodboard for you! 10 levels~ @eyayah Here's your moodboard! [center][img][/img][/center]

Ooo! I love this actually. I can certainly do my best to capture them in a moodboard for you! 10 levels~


Here's your moodboard!
@proudmoore Sending in 40 levels (plus an extra 2) for Rashakiro!
@proudmoore Sending in 40 levels (plus an extra 2) for Rashakiro!
audric - repi - comm
it/its - ie/ier - ie/iem - ve/vem
i'm friendly! feel free to shoot a pm or leave a profile comment :D
@Commit Received & recorded! Thank you!
@Commit Received & recorded! Thank you!