
Art Sales

For commissions and flat-sale of your creative efforts.
TOPIC | ArcanArt Art for Fodder- OPEN

Your chibis are great! Unfortunately I haven't had time for levelling but please add me to your shop pinglist, thank you!

Your chibis are great! Unfortunately I haven't had time for levelling but please add me to your shop pinglist, thank you!
nSeiSYR.gif * You never fail until you stop trying
* Success is not final, failure not fatal; have the courage to continue
* Change does not come from avoiding failure, it comes from learning from it

~Believe you can and you're already halfway there~




Hello! Reminder that you have until 23:30 today to send in the levels for payment.
Hello! Reminder that you have until 23:30 today to send in the levels for payment.
OH MY GODDDD HE TURNED OUT ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE!! Thank you so much for drawing him waaaaa I really love it ;;; do you have a I can credit by any chance, or which social media do you prefer for me to link?
OH MY GODDDD HE TURNED OUT ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE!! Thank you so much for drawing him waaaaa I really love it ;;; do you have a I can credit by any chance, or which social media do you prefer for me to link?
@MagicalGriffin [i]ArcanArtist, I summon you from the depths of space![/i] [b]My Name:[/b] Nurry [b]I summon you to cast the following spell:[/b] cookie adopt [b]This spell shall be cast upon:[/b] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]The following I place into the circle:[/b] 30 levels [b]Other specifications:[/b] -

ArcanArtist, I summon you from the depths of space!

My Name: Nurry
I summon you to cast the following spell: cookie adopt
This spell shall be cast upon:
The following I place into the circle: 30 levels
Other specifications: -
arcanart lead
___ ftsPxVm.png ___
art shop
skin shop
avatar dragon
@Nurry Your cookie is done! Thanks for supporting Arcane Dominance. [img][/img]

Your cookie is done! Thanks for supporting Arcane Dominance.
@Winter0sun, all levels are ready, but some of the dragons are stuck in hibden. we have work today, so we will send more once these are picked up and we are at our lunch break.
@Winter0sun, all levels are ready, but some of the dragons are stuck in hibden. we have work today, so we will send more once these are picked up and we are at our lunch break.

I'm so glad!!
My Toyhouse is the same: Clya ^^
I'm so glad!!
My Toyhouse is the same: Clya ^^
2lhDoir.png..... .....WMCEgD8.png
@Chingoo aww that’s so sweet! I don’t know that I’ll be able to fit the text in the patches, but I can probably put them in the upper corner, if that’s alright? The canvases themselves are only 139x139 px, so the patches are very very small ^^”
@Chingoo aww that’s so sweet! I don’t know that I’ll be able to fit the text in the patches, but I can probably put them in the upper corner, if that’s alright? The canvases themselves are only 139x139 px, so the patches are very very small ^^”
forum-sig-Button-m-r.png Untitled_Artwork.pngMUYNhfy.png
@Dawnfire13 That would be perfect, thank you! I'll send in the levels now.
@Dawnfire13 That would be perfect, thank you! I'll send in the levels now.
@Winter0sun [center][img][/img][/center] [i]ArcanArtist, I summon you from the depths of space![/i] hi. it's me again xD [b]My Name:[/b] Cantaloupe [b]I summon you to cast the following spell:[/b] Not sure what this falls under exactly, let's say Complex Apparel for now? :o [b]This spell shall be cast upon:[/b] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]The following I place into the circle:[/b] 310 Levels [b]Other specifications:[/b] He's quite stoic, does a lot of contemplation about the nature of his life and his past experiences. He's a cartographer by trade, enjoys staring off across the ocean/into the night sky. Is there a time frame you'd like me to get the levels in by, or will you be online until rollover?
ArcanArtist, I summon you from the depths of space!

hi. it's me again xD

My Name: Cantaloupe
I summon you to cast the following spell: Not sure what this falls under exactly, let's say Complex Apparel for now? :o
This spell shall be cast upon: 35965747_350.png
The following I place into the circle: 310 Levels
Other specifications: He's quite stoic, does a lot of contemplation about the nature of his life and his past experiences. He's a cartographer by trade, enjoys staring off across the ocean/into the night sky.

Is there a time frame you'd like me to get the levels in by, or will you be online until rollover?