
Art Sales

For commissions and flat-sale of your creative efforts.
------ [center][b][size=7]=CLOSED=[/size][/b][/center] ------- [color=grey][center][url=]Rules Slots Waiting list[/url] | [url=]Art:Human-like[/url] | [url=]Art:Non-human-like[/url] | [url=]Art:FR Dragon[/url][/color] --------- [center][color=grey]fr time +15, But my sleep schedule is very strange, I may sleep at any time I'm a very lazy person! Most of the times I add you to a slot or pinglist, I don't ping you or reply! But then again I sometimes forget to edit posts and after 10h I don't move you can choose to ping me again to remind me I need to be busy with other things, so to be conservative, the time for each order is stipulated within two week, some very complex orders may take longer, please be patient. I prefer to draw non-human creatures! I mainly use Chinese. If there is something you don’t understand, you can ask me directly in Chinese. Of course, it’s not here, maybe it’s CR or something else[/color] [/center] ---------- [center][size=5]Slots:[/size] (No limit on the number of orders, you can make as many appointments as you want)[/center] [center] [s]Scarecrows - [url=]Order Form[/url] - Payment Status:Paid[/s] [s]Kxida - [url=]Order Form[/url] - Payment Status:Paid [/s] Ghoulcats - [url=]Order Form[/url] - Payment Status:Paid Mercenary - [url=]Order Form[/url] - Payment Status:Paid Mercenary - [url=]Order Form[/url] - Payment Status:Paid Kxida - [url=]Order Form[/url] - Payment Status:Paid Octobrush - [url=]Order Form[/url] - Payment Status:Paid Octobrush - [url=]Order Form[/url] - Payment Status:Paid fukanzen - [url=]Order Form[/url] - Payment Status:Paid fukanzen - [url=]Order Form[/url] - Payment Status:Paid mancy - [url=]Order Form[/url] - Payment Status:Paid estellia - [url=]Order Form[/url] - Payment Status:Paid estellia - [url=]Order Form[/url] - Payment Status:Paid estellia - [url=]Order Form[/url] - Payment Status:Paid Knighterrors - [url=]Order Form[/url] - [color=silver]Payment Status:[/color] Andraya - [url=]Order Form[/url], [url=]X[/url] - Payment Status:Paid rubin - [url=]Order Form[/url] - Payment Status:Paid matrongphong - [url=]Order Form[/url] - Payment Status:Paid darkblayd - [url=]Order Form[/url] - Payment Status:Paid darkblayd - [url=]Order Form[/url] - Payment Status:Paid Skadiv - [url=]Order Form[/url] - Payment Status:Paid [color=silver]XXXX - Order Form - Payment Status:[/color][/center] ------- [size=5][b]Rules:[/b][/size] [left][LIST][*]No need to ping, I'm subbed [*]I'm a very lazy person! Most of the times I add you to a slot or pinglist, I don't ping you or reply! But then again I sometimes forget to edit posts and after 10h I don't move you can choose to ping me again to remind me [*][b]Ratio[/b] [b]1g : 1000t[/b] | [b]1USD (paypal): 100g : 100kt[/b] If I see that you chose to pay usd, I'll send you my PayPal link later! [*][b]Pay before i draw[/b] I'll come and ask for payment when I draw your order. If you are worried about accidents, you can also choose to pay half of the deposit first, and send the rest after confirming the draft.If you are worried that the money will be spent by yourself when your order is placed, you can send the full payment to me in advance, but please be patient and wait for me to clear the previous order. [*][b]Prices may vary depending on the complexity of the character's design.[/b] [*][b]Mixed payment is available[/b] [*][b]You can request a refund before I start drawing your order. But I won't get a refund after I start drawing[/b] [*][b]I am allowed to decline you order for any reason[/b] [*][b]I sometimes fail to draw satisfactory sketches, which causes me to return your order[/b] [*][b]Expect 1-3 weeks for the commission to be finished.[/b] [*][b]You need to have a complete setting diagram for my reference! [/b]I don't want to provide designs for now! [*][b]I'll send the process in an email (sketch - line drawing - finished draft), I'll send the version without my marks in a PM, and then send the version with marks in this thread![/b] [*][b]just first 3 changes are free.[/b] [*][b]The work does not include other text and patterns attached to the picture, that is the anti-theft watermark I use on social platforms[/b] [/left] [/LIST] ----- [left][size=5][b]Order form:[/b][/size] (You can also send your order by PM, [url=]click[/url] send me a PM) [code] [b]Username: [/b] [b]The type of art you need:[/b] [b]Set image link: [/b] [b]notes:(gijinka age, character)[/b] [b]Pay by:[/b] G / T / USD [/code][/left] --------- [left][size=5][b]Pinglist:[/b][/size] I'll ping you guys at the beginning of the draft, so feel free to subscribe and unsubscribe!No more queuing rules, first come first served[/left] [left][pinglist=32837] [/left] -------- [center][b](One-time pinglist will be canceled by me and new pinglist rules will be used)[/b][/center] [s][b]One-time pinglist[/b], I will ping the number of people corresponding to the number of slots in sequence. After the ping is completed, the corresponding id will be deleted after the order is successfully placed to avoid repeated pings. If the default reserved id is not received (you can request to delete the id), if the id is still deleted after deletion I still want to make an appointment, say I will continue to add. If you have no money after ping but you still want to make an appointment, I can put your id in the last position of the current pinglist and wait for the next ping [b]When the store is not open or the order is full, the request to join the pinglist will be directly agreed, and I will join the pinglist, but I will not reply to avoid repeated sticky posts, hope to understand![/b] [size=5][b]One-time pinglist:[/b][/size][/s] [quote] [s]@/eosu , @/CallumsCove , @/sighborgs , @/Irmingard , @/Joydom , @/Hiii , @/nilah , @/Colormancy , @/Sols , @/Krystal16 , @/vortexbreakdown , @/Munakata , @/Rensc , @/Kxida , @/Scarecrows , @/Anjoulas , @/leyline , @/kaniari , @/Runell , @/Saruhiko , @/endsinger , @/Kano3Shuuya , @/Hocotate, @/bonivich , @/Dalilah , @/Estellia , @/Stormflight , @/Lerathum , @/Sabyrin , @/Scream , @/Skadiv , @/Slurpuff , @/Sidya , @/Iodine , @/Naeryl , @/Luwuwi , @/findingpears , @/Saruhiko , @/kyruiz , @/Shiftie , @/RobotMothPie , @/Iodine , @/Kano3Shuuya , @/Andraya , @/Katsuji , @/LightsKamAction , @/yifei , @/umwelt , @/juga , @/NegCol , @/Diagonize , @/webcreep , @/Mercenary , @/Ghoulcats , @/Lucara , @/imogenn , @/liyue[/s] ------- [/quote] ------- [color=grey][center][url=]Rules Slots Waiting list[/url] | [url=]Art:Human-like[/url] | [url=]Art:Non-human-like[/url] | [url=]Art:FR Dragon[/url][/color] ------


Rules Slots Waiting list | Art:Human-like | Art:Non-human-like | Art:FR Dragon
fr time +15, But my sleep schedule is very strange, I may sleep at any time

I'm a very lazy person! Most of the times I add you to a slot or pinglist, I don't ping you or reply! But then again I sometimes forget to edit posts and after 10h I don't move you can choose to ping me again to remind me

I need to be busy with other things, so to be conservative, the time for each order is stipulated within two week, some very complex orders may take longer, please be patient.

I prefer to draw non-human creatures!

I mainly use Chinese. If there is something you don’t understand, you can ask me directly in Chinese. Of course, it’s not here, maybe it’s CR or something else

(No limit on the number of orders, you can make as many appointments as you want)
Scarecrows - Order Form - Payment Status:Paid

Kxida - Order Form - Payment Status:Paid

Ghoulcats - Order Form - Payment Status:Paid

Mercenary - Order Form - Payment Status:Paid

Mercenary - Order Form - Payment Status:Paid

Kxida - Order Form - Payment Status:Paid

Octobrush - Order Form - Payment Status:Paid

Octobrush - Order Form - Payment Status:Paid

fukanzen - Order Form - Payment Status:Paid

fukanzen - Order Form - Payment Status:Paid

mancy - Order Form - Payment Status:Paid

estellia - Order Form - Payment Status:Paid

estellia - Order Form - Payment Status:Paid

estellia - Order Form - Payment Status:Paid

Knighterrors - Order Form - Payment Status:

Andraya - Order Form, X - Payment Status:Paid

rubin - Order Form - Payment Status:Paid

matrongphong - Order Form - Payment Status:Paid

darkblayd - Order Form - Payment Status:Paid

darkblayd - Order Form - Payment Status:Paid

Skadiv - Order Form - Payment Status:Paid

XXXX - Order Form - Payment Status:

  • No need to ping, I'm subbed
  • I'm a very lazy person! Most of the times I add you to a slot or pinglist, I don't ping you or reply! But then again I sometimes forget to edit posts and after 10h I don't move you can choose to ping me again to remind me
  • Ratio 1g : 1000t | 1USD (paypal): 100g : 100kt If I see that you chose to pay usd, I'll send you my PayPal link later!
  • Pay before i draw I'll come and ask for payment when I draw your order.
    If you are worried about accidents, you can also choose to pay half of the deposit first, and send the rest after confirming the draft.If you are worried that the money will be spent by yourself when your order is placed, you can send the full payment to me in advance, but please be patient and wait for me to clear the previous order.
  • Prices may vary depending on the complexity of the character's design.
  • Mixed payment is available
  • You can request a refund before I start drawing your order. But I won't get a refund after I start drawing
  • I am allowed to decline you order for any reason
  • I sometimes fail to draw satisfactory sketches, which causes me to return your order
  • Expect 1-3 weeks for the commission to be finished.
  • You need to have a complete setting diagram for my reference! I don't want to provide designs for now!
  • I'll send the process in an email (sketch - line drawing - finished draft), I'll send the version without my marks in a PM, and then send the version with marks in this thread!
  • just first 3 changes are free.
  • The work does not include other text and patterns attached to the picture, that is the anti-theft watermark I use on social platforms

Order form: (You can also send your order by PM, click send me a PM)
[b]Username: [/b] [b]The type of art you need:[/b] [b]Set image link: [/b] [b]notes:(gijinka age, character)[/b] [b]Pay by:[/b] G / T / USD

Pinglist: I'll ping you guys at the beginning of the draft, so feel free to subscribe and unsubscribe!No more queuing rules, first come first served

(One-time pinglist will be canceled by me and new pinglist rules will be used)

One-time pinglist, I will ping the number of people corresponding to the number of slots in sequence. After the ping is completed, the corresponding id will be deleted after the order is successfully placed to avoid repeated pings. If the default reserved id is not received (you can request to delete the id), if the id is still deleted after deletion I still want to make an appointment, say I will continue to add.

If you have no money after ping but you still want to make an appointment, I can put your id in the last position of the current pinglist and wait for the next ping

When the store is not open or the order is full, the request to join the pinglist will be directly agreed, and I will join the pinglist, but I will not reply to avoid repeated sticky posts, hope to understand!

One-time pinglist:
@/eosu , @/CallumsCove , @/sighborgs , @/Irmingard , @/Joydom , @/Hiii , @/nilah , @/Colormancy , @/Sols , @/Krystal16 , @/vortexbreakdown , @/Munakata , @/Rensc , @/Kxida , @/Scarecrows , @/Anjoulas , @/leyline , @/kaniari , @/Runell , @/Saruhiko , @/endsinger , @/Kano3Shuuya , @/Hocotate, @/bonivich , @/Dalilah , @/Estellia , @/Stormflight , @/Lerathum , @/Sabyrin , @/Scream , @/Skadiv , @/Slurpuff , @/Sidya , @/Iodine , @/Naeryl , @/Luwuwi , @/findingpears , @/Saruhiko , @/kyruiz , @/Shiftie , @/RobotMothPie , @/Iodine , @/Kano3Shuuya , @/Andraya , @/Katsuji , @/LightsKamAction , @/yifei , @/umwelt , @/juga , @/NegCol , @/Diagonize , @/webcreep , @/Mercenary , @/Ghoulcats , @/Lucara , @/imogenn , @/liyue

Oau1AoM.gif » She/Her
» FR+15
» Bad Eng » CN

» Art » Adopt
[Raffle] Join for FREE with LIKES
------- ------- [center][size=6][b]Human-like[/b][/size][/center] ------- ------- [b][center][size=4][url=][img][/img][/url][/size][/center][/b] [center]The size of the border is about 180x255 px, [url=]All completed examples in FR[/url][/center] [center][size=5][b]=Colored headshot=[/b][/size][/center] [center][size=3][b]Price:3000g/3000kt/30usd[/b][/size][/center] [color=grey][center][url=]Rules Slots Waiting list[/url] | [url=]Art:Human-like[/url] | [url=]Art:Non-human-like[/url] | [url=]Art:FR Dragon[/url][/color] -------- ------- [b][center][size=4][url=][img][/img][/url][/size][/center][/b] [center][url=]All completed examples in FR[/url][/center] [center][size=5][b]=Colored Halfbody=[/b][/size][/center] [center][size=3][b]Price:7500g/7500kt/75usd[/b][/size][/center] [color=grey][center][url=]Rules Slots Waiting list[/url] | [url=]Art:Human-like[/url] | [url=]Art:Non-human-like[/url] | [url=]Art:FR Dragon[/url][/color] -------- --------


The size of the border is about 180x255 px, All completed examples in FR
=Colored headshot=

Oau1AoM.gif » She/Her
» FR+15
» Bad Eng » CN

» Art » Adopt
[Raffle] Join for FREE with LIKES
------- ------- [center][size=6][b]Non-human-like[/b][/size][/center] ------- ------- [b][center][size=4][img][/img][/size][/center][/b] [center]The size of the border is about 180x255 px, [url=]All completed examples in FR[/url][/center] [center][size=5][b]=Colored headshot=[/b][/size][/center] [center][size=3][b]Price:3000g/3000kt/30usd[/b][/size][/center] [color=grey][center][url=]Rules Slots Waiting list[/url] | [url=]Art:Human-like[/url] | [url=]Art:Non-human-like[/url] | [url=]Art:FR Dragon[/url][/color] -------- ------- [b][center][size=4][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][/size][/center][/b] [center][url=]All completed examples in FR[/url][/center] [center][size=5][b]=Colored Halfbody=[/b][/size][/center] [center][size=3][b]Price:7500g/7500kt/75usd[/b][/size][/center] [color=grey][center]| [url=]Rules Slots Waiting list[/url] | [url=]Art[/url] |[/color] -------- -------- [b][center][size=4][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][/size][/center][/b] [center]The size of the border is about 500x500 px , For this one, the setting may be significantly simplified [center][size=5][b]=Chibi (Simplified)= [/b][/size][/center] [center][size=3][b]Price:4000g/4000kt/40usd (Multiple characters together is price x number of characters)[/b] [/size][/center] [color=grey][center][url=]Rules Slots Waiting list[/url] | [url=]Art:Human-like[/url] | [url=]Art:Non-human-like[/url] | [url=]Art:FR Dragon[/url][/color] -------- ------- [b][center][size=4][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][/size][/center][/b] [center]The size of the border is about 1500x1500 px [url=]completed examples[/url][/center] [center][size=5][b]=Chibi (Simple)= [/b][/size][/center] [center][size=3][b]Price:6000g/6000kt/60usd[/b] [/size][/center] [color=grey][center][url=]Rules Slots Waiting list[/url] | [url=]Art:Human-like[/url] | [url=]Art:Non-human-like[/url] | [url=]Art:FR Dragon[/url][/color] -------- ------- [b][center][size=4][img][/img][img][/img][/size][/center][/b] [center][url=]completed examples[/url][/center] [center][size=5][b]=Fullbody (Simple Monster)= [/b][/size][/center] [center][size=3][b]Price:8000g/8000kt/80usd[/center] [color=grey][center][url=]Rules Slots Waiting list[/url] | [url=]Art:Human-like[/url] | [url=]Art:Non-human-like[/url] | [url=]Art:FR Dragon[/url][/color] -------- ------- [b][center][size=4][img][/img][/size][/center][/b] [center][url=]completed examples[/url][/center] [center][size=5][b]=Fullbody (Monster)= [/b][/size][/center] [center][size=3][b]Price:10000g/10000kt/100usd[/center] [color=grey][center][url=]Rules Slots Waiting list[/url] | [url=]Art:Human-like[/url] | [url=]Art:Non-human-like[/url] | [url=]Art:FR Dragon[/url][/color] -------- -------


The size of the border is about 180x255 px, All completed examples in FR
=Colored headshot=

Rules Slots Waiting list | Art:Human-like | Art:Non-human-like | Art:FR Dragon

=Colored Halfbody=

| Rules Slots Waiting list | Art |

The size of the border is about 500x500 px , For this one, the setting may be significantly simplified
=Chibi (Simplified)=
Price:4000g/4000kt/40usd (Multiple characters together is price x number of characters)

Rules Slots Waiting list | Art:Human-like | Art:Non-human-like | Art:FR Dragon

The size of the border is about 1500x1500 px completed examples
=Chibi (Simple)=

Oau1AoM.gif » She/Her
» FR+15
» Bad Eng » CN

» Art » Adopt
[Raffle] Join for FREE with LIKES
------- ------- [center][size=6][b]FR Dragon[/b][/size][/center] ------- ------- [center][url=][img][/img][/url] [img][/img][/center] [center][size=5][b]=Simple Chibi FR Dragon=[/b][/size][/center] [center]400x400px Not necessarily drawing the entire body (with significant occlusion) This project will only confirm the draft stage for you, and the online draft and coloring will be carried out together Accept Apparel and skin[/center] [center][size=3][b]Price: 3000g/3000kt/30usd [/b][/size][/center] [color=grey][center][url=]Rules Slots Waiting list[/url] | [url=]Art:Human-like[/url] | [url=]Art:Non-human-like[/url] | [url=]Art:FR Dragon[/url][/color] -------- --------

FR Dragon

=Simple Chibi FR Dragon=
Not necessarily drawing the entire body (with significant occlusion)
This project will only confirm the draft stage for you, and the online draft and coloring will be carried out together
Accept Apparel and skin
Price: 3000g/3000kt/30usd

Oau1AoM.gif » She/Her
» FR+15
» Bad Eng » CN

» Art » Adopt
[Raffle] Join for FREE with LIKES
Reserved space
Reserved space
Oau1AoM.gif » She/Her
» FR+15
» Bad Eng » CN

» Art » Adopt
[Raffle] Join for FREE with LIKES
Hello! I'd like a slot please! And add me to the pinglist @ZIMAO Username: Rairudiseu Need: Colored headshot Set image link: [url=][img][/img][/url] Human design ref in her bio! notes: Age is between a high school student and an adult She is a god who deals with negative emotions. Pain and sadness are the driving forces of her strength :> Draw it however you feel!
Hello! I'd like a slot please!
And add me to the pinglist

Username: Rairudiseu
Need: Colored headshot
Set image link:
Human design ref in her bio!
notes: Age is between a high school student and an adult
She is a god who deals with negative emotions. Pain and sadness are the driving forces of her strength :> Draw it however you feel!
Welcome —— Thank you for coming ^^ I accept your order
You can now choose from:
  • Pay half of the deposit, and the full amount will be paid after the draft is confirmed.
  • Pay the full amount
Then I'll start my work and have a great day!
Welcome —— Thank you for coming ^^ I accept your order
You can now choose from:
  • Pay half of the deposit, and the full amount will be paid after the draft is confirmed.
  • Pay the full amount
Then I'll start my work and have a great day!
Oau1AoM.gif » She/Her
» FR+15
» Bad Eng » CN

» Art » Adopt
[Raffle] Join for FREE with LIKES
Thank you! I'll pay the full payment in advance!
I'll send a PM soon :D
Thank you! I'll pay the full payment in advance!
I'll send a PM soon :D
@ZIMAO Username: Enoch Need: Sketch Headshot Set image link: [img][/img] notes: Harper is 17 years old. They are a non binary [gender neutral] witch who can perform various types of magic. Expression and pose up to you.
Username: Enoch
Need: Sketch Headshot
Set image link:
notes: Harper is 17 years old. They are a non binary [gender neutral] witch who can perform various types of magic. Expression and pose up to you.
@Enoch @Seles

Welcome! I accept your order!
  • Payment methods you can choose from:
    When I'm ready to draw your order, I'll ping you, pay the full amount, then I'll draw and submit my drawing
  • To prevent your money from being spent, pay the full amount in advance
@Enoch @Seles

Welcome! I accept your order!
  • Payment methods you can choose from:
    When I'm ready to draw your order, I'll ping you, pay the full amount, then I'll draw and submit my drawing
  • To prevent your money from being spent, pay the full amount in advance
Oau1AoM.gif » She/Her
» FR+15
» Bad Eng » CN

» Art » Adopt
[Raffle] Join for FREE with LIKES