
Art Sales

For commissions and flat-sale of your creative efforts.
TOPIC | [LORE] Blawky Writes!
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[img][/img] [center][b]RULES[/b][/center] [LIST=1] [*] The time that each commission takes varies depending on the size of the commission, the nature of the character(s), and my own schedule. Bear with me, but feel free to check in if you worry that I am not getting to you fast enough! I will give you a rough timeframe upon commission. [*] I require [b]HALF[/b] payment up front. The other half will be given once the work is completed to your satisfaction. [*] My prices are negotiable within a certain frame. Do not request anything drastically under them. [*] I do not do NSFW commissions. PG-13 themes only, as in accordance with Flight Rising's own policy. No explicit content will be allowed whatsoever. [*] Credit is required if you plan to use my work! Feel free to contact me if you have questions about this. [*] You can commission me for non-Flight Rising characters, as well as familiars and, of course, dragons. [*] [b]FULL REFUNDS ARE AVAILABLE IF I CANNOT COMPLETE THE COMMISSION! I will not keep your money if I do not feel up to the task of completing the requested piece. [/b] [/LIST]
  1. The time that each commission takes varies depending on the size of the commission, the nature of the character(s), and my own schedule. Bear with me, but feel free to check in if you worry that I am not getting to you fast enough! I will give you a rough timeframe upon commission.
  2. I require HALF payment up front. The other half will be given once the work is completed to your satisfaction.
  3. My prices are negotiable within a certain frame. Do not request anything drastically under them.
  4. I do not do NSFW commissions. PG-13 themes only, as in accordance with Flight Rising's own policy. No explicit content will be allowed whatsoever.
  5. Credit is required if you plan to use my work! Feel free to contact me if you have questions about this.
  6. You can commission me for non-Flight Rising characters, as well as familiars and, of course, dragons.
  7. FULL REFUNDS ARE AVAILABLE IF I CANNOT COMPLETE THE COMMISSION! I will not keep your money if I do not feel up to the task of completing the requested piece.


CLAN LORE: I write clan lore as well! All clan lore comes at a baseline of 15,000 treasure, but this number may move up or down depending on the length and depth of the clan lore requested. Please feel free to message me individually about this one!

Platinum Commission (30,000t): A platinum commission is a 500-600 word lore story. This is the longest lore available to you on this page, but you may contact me if you want a longer one. Keep in mind that prices may vary depending on the length you want me to do!

Gold Commission (20,000t): A gold commission is a 400-500 word lore story. This is the SECOND longest lore available to you. Quality does not vary based on price, only LENGTH!

Silver Commission (15,000t): A silver commission is a 300-400 word lore story. This is the second shortest lore option.

Bronze Commissions (10,000t): A bronze commission is a 200-300 word lore story. This is the shortest lore option, but quality is NOT dependent on price, only length.

A Diamond Commission is available if you reach out to me independently. Diamond commissions have no set price, and no set word count, as both will be decided between the one commissioning me and myself.

(These are independent works that are not meant for Flight Rising characters, and are meant merely as reflections of my own writing, not of how yours will look!)
Sample 1
Even a cursory glance at Pandora may reveal a good deal of oddities. For one, her appearance seems nearly untouched by the hand of age, retaining a strange, youthful beauty, though an odd sense of despair and melodrama lingers about the countenance of the sorceress. The woman's body is so slender as to almost invite comparison to a cadaver; her sunken features only adding to the odd sense of mysterium that inhabits every pore of Pandora's body. Curling locks, bereft of all color, frame her face in soft tumbles, akin to moonlit waves lapping at the shore. Eyes of beautiful jade provide a subtle pop of color to her otherwise achromatic mien. Her skin, while not pale, possesses little color.

Her aura, too, is rather strange, appearing almost muted to the casual viewer, lacking any true substance, almost like it had been placed upon her figure by a hasty artist. Pandora herself seems akin to an unfinished painting, as if the painter had abandoned his creation to its own devices.

A sword lingers at her hip, but one must question whether or not it is simply for show; after all, how would such a feeble creature wield the object?
Sample 2
Aldranath Melo’thil stood upon a sheer cliff face, wet tears clinging to his cheeks. Endless night spanned the skies above him, and a hateful moon stared down at him; the only light left in a starless scape of sin and spite. His cloak was battered and ripped, and his magic rippled with his every motion.

Deep within the mind of the sorcerer, a soft voice spoke. It was the voice of the First Fate, though most simply referred to her as the Vizier, and the only Fate Aldranath would ever bind.

You were never meant to be the Breaker, Aldranath Melo’thil. You have always been He Who Will End, but you have never been the Breaker. That has, and always will be, the duty of another.

“We all have our roles in the prophecy,” he whispered, and his voice was the sound of silk being ripped to shreds.

Yes, child. And yours has always been to oppose the Breaker, so that she may end this world, and allow the next to be born. This is a fixed point in time; Sine Fati must fall, so that Azeroth may live.

“And what about the Breaker and I?”

The Breaker will return to whence she came.

He almost didn’t want to know his own fate.

You do not die. You do not live.

You are outside of the cycle, He Who Will End. The Green Man has a million endings, and a million beginnings.

For you, the world has ended many times over, and it has began again in the morning. This is no different.

He slipped a mask over his elfin features; it was virescent, and bore sigils in a language that he could not decipher. A Gate sprung to life before his form, and he stepped into the unbidden darkness.

“To the end of the world,” he croaked, “to the Breaker.”
Sample 3
“I am alone,” Mindrela whispered into the darkness, her gravelly tones piercing through the inky blackness that suffocated the small area. A singular candle’s flame sputtered in and out of existence, the orangish light bathing the witch in eldritch light for mere moments at a time. Her cloak of raven feathers and black cloth fluttered slightly in the air, and despite the lack of any wind, Mindrela felt a biting chill kiss her skin, cradling her barren face as it passed through the air. Somewhere, off in the darkness, a bell chimed.

“Do you recall the terms of our bargain?” A voice slithered through the darkness, guttural and full of tragedy. Mindrela recalled the bargain well, a bargain made when she had believed herself immortal, untouchable, invincible. A bargain she regretted.

“I do.” The witch’s voice was slow, stony, and it bore a note of sorrow that was enough to bring men to tears.

“In return for the power you wished for, you owe me a life debt, to be collected seven years from the date of our initial bargain.” Cold darkness stroked her face, the feeling akin to eldritch fingertips touching her skin.

“Your seven years have expired, Elaine Deophan.” Mindrela’s lip curled at the being stating her true name, but she dared not move. Another bell chime pierced the crushing black of the world around her, and where the flame had once been, a figure made of white light now coalesced, nauseating power radiating from its body.


Please reply on this post when you are interested in a commission, and we can get in contact!

Thank you so much for your interest in my work! Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

CLAN LORE: I write clan lore as well! All clan lore comes at a baseline of 15,000 treasure, but this number may move up or down depending on the length and depth of the clan lore requested. Please feel free to message me individually about this one!

Platinum Commission (30,000t): A platinum commission is a 500-600 word lore story. This is the longest lore available to you on this page, but you may contact me if you want a longer one. Keep in mind that prices may vary depending on the length you want me to do!

Gold Commission (20,000t): A gold commission is a 400-500 word lore story. This is the SECOND longest lore available to you. Quality does not vary based on price, only LENGTH!

Silver Commission (15,000t): A silver commission is a 300-400 word lore story. This is the second shortest lore option.

Bronze Commissions (10,000t): A bronze commission is a 200-300 word lore story. This is the shortest lore option, but quality is NOT dependent on price, only length.

A Diamond Commission is available if you reach out to me independently. Diamond commissions have no set price, and no set word count, as both will be decided between the one commissioning me and myself.

(These are independent works that are not meant for Flight Rising characters, and are meant merely as reflections of my own writing, not of how yours will look!)
Sample 1
Even a cursory glance at Pandora may reveal a good deal of oddities. For one, her appearance seems nearly untouched by the hand of age, retaining a strange, youthful beauty, though an odd sense of despair and melodrama lingers about the countenance of the sorceress. The woman's body is so slender as to almost invite comparison to a cadaver; her sunken features only adding to the odd sense of mysterium that inhabits every pore of Pandora's body. Curling locks, bereft of all color, frame her face in soft tumbles, akin to moonlit waves lapping at the shore. Eyes of beautiful jade provide a subtle pop of color to her otherwise achromatic mien. Her skin, while not pale, possesses little color.

Her aura, too, is rather strange, appearing almost muted to the casual viewer, lacking any true substance, almost like it had been placed upon her figure by a hasty artist. Pandora herself seems akin to an unfinished painting, as if the painter had abandoned his creation to its own devices.

A sword lingers at her hip, but one must question whether or not it is simply for show; after all, how would such a feeble creature wield the object?
Sample 2
Aldranath Melo’thil stood upon a sheer cliff face, wet tears clinging to his cheeks. Endless night spanned the skies above him, and a hateful moon stared down at him; the only light left in a starless scape of sin and spite. His cloak was battered and ripped, and his magic rippled with his every motion.

Deep within the mind of the sorcerer, a soft voice spoke. It was the voice of the First Fate, though most simply referred to her as the Vizier, and the only Fate Aldranath would ever bind.

You were never meant to be the Breaker, Aldranath Melo’thil. You have always been He Who Will End, but you have never been the Breaker. That has, and always will be, the duty of another.

“We all have our roles in the prophecy,” he whispered, and his voice was the sound of silk being ripped to shreds.

Yes, child. And yours has always been to oppose the Breaker, so that she may end this world, and allow the next to be born. This is a fixed point in time; Sine Fati must fall, so that Azeroth may live.

“And what about the Breaker and I?”

The Breaker will return to whence she came.

He almost didn’t want to know his own fate.

You do not die. You do not live.

You are outside of the cycle, He Who Will End. The Green Man has a million endings, and a million beginnings.

For you, the world has ended many times over, and it has began again in the morning. This is no different.

He slipped a mask over his elfin features; it was virescent, and bore sigils in a language that he could not decipher. A Gate sprung to life before his form, and he stepped into the unbidden darkness.

“To the end of the world,” he croaked, “to the Breaker.”
Sample 3
“I am alone,” Mindrela whispered into the darkness, her gravelly tones piercing through the inky blackness that suffocated the small area. A singular candle’s flame sputtered in and out of existence, the orangish light bathing the witch in eldritch light for mere moments at a time. Her cloak of raven feathers and black cloth fluttered slightly in the air, and despite the lack of any wind, Mindrela felt a biting chill kiss her skin, cradling her barren face as it passed through the air. Somewhere, off in the darkness, a bell chimed.

“Do you recall the terms of our bargain?” A voice slithered through the darkness, guttural and full of tragedy. Mindrela recalled the bargain well, a bargain made when she had believed herself immortal, untouchable, invincible. A bargain she regretted.

“I do.” The witch’s voice was slow, stony, and it bore a note of sorrow that was enough to bring men to tears.

“In return for the power you wished for, you owe me a life debt, to be collected seven years from the date of our initial bargain.” Cold darkness stroked her face, the feeling akin to eldritch fingertips touching her skin.

“Your seven years have expired, Elaine Deophan.” Mindrela’s lip curled at the being stating her true name, but she dared not move. Another bell chime pierced the crushing black of the world around her, and where the flame had once been, a figure made of white light now coalesced, nauseating power radiating from its body.


Please reply on this post when you are interested in a commission, and we can get in contact!

Thank you so much for your interest in my work! Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
@blawky are the commision prices as seen or as seen x10? The k at the then of your prices has me confused.
@blawky are the commision prices as seen or as seen x10? The k at the then of your prices has me confused.
@Hemmalaya They're as seen, not x10! I put kt because I thought that was had to be there, haha. It's been fixed! Thank you so much. <3
@Hemmalaya They're as seen, not x10! I put kt because I thought that was had to be there, haha. It's been fixed! Thank you so much. <3
@c no problem and I hope I didn't make you feel bad over it! Now that I know the prices I would like to get a Platinum Commission for this dragon: [url=] [img][/img] [/url] He was an Easter gift from my boyfriend and has one of my favorite accents! So I feel like he deserves it. He has no existing lore except he is young, mellow dramatic, and born in the springtime. His name is Faberge. (sorry there's no accent my laptop is dumb). Please let me know if you have any more questions! :)
@c no problem and I hope I didn't make you feel bad over it!
Now that I know the prices I would like to get a Platinum Commission for this dragon:


He was an Easter gift from my boyfriend and has one of my favorite accents! So I feel like he deserves it. He has no existing lore except he is young, mellow dramatic, and born in the springtime. His name is Faberge. (sorry there's no accent my laptop is dumb). Please let me know if you have any more questions! :)
@blawky Hi! I saw a friend of yours (SpaceAce) advertising you shop and thought I’d pop by and order a piece for Cumulus here: [url=] [img][/img] [/url] I would like a bit of lore to add on what this guy already has in his bio. I’ve got some ideas jotted down already: * Einws’ mate/boyfriend * Gay * Ever since they met, they tend to stop or slow down more often to appreciate each other’s company * They tend to return to the Windswept Plateau (the clan) more than when he travelled by himself * When he saw Einws the first time, he was instantly attracted to the beautiful male * Slowly worked up his courage to invite him on a journey where Cumulus slowly won Einws over Einws is this guy, btw: He’s going to look like the first Scry in his bio. A few things to note, you don’t need to put those ideas in that order, they’re just ordered in the way I thought of them. Feel free to elaborate as much as you’d like. Im okay with any length of writing, I want you to like what you’ve written and not feel the need to shorten or add filler to reach a certain word length so just let me know approximately how long you think it might be and I’ll pay accordingly :) If you want more details, just ask and I’ll be happy to think of something! Also probably should’ve mention this at the top but, if you’re unconfortable with LGBT writing or anything else, let me know and I’ll change to another character (I have a list of lore and lore ideas that I eventually need to get to lol)
Hi! I saw a friend of yours (SpaceAce) advertising you shop and thought I’d pop by and order a piece for Cumulus here:


I would like a bit of lore to add on what this guy already has in his bio.
I’ve got some ideas jotted down already:
* Einws’ mate/boyfriend
* Gay
* Ever since they met, they tend to stop or slow down more often to appreciate each other’s company
* They tend to return to the Windswept Plateau (the clan) more than when he travelled by himself
* When he saw Einws the first time, he was instantly attracted to the beautiful male
* Slowly worked up his courage to invite him on a journey where Cumulus slowly won Einws over

Einws is this guy, btw:
He’s going to look like the first Scry in his bio.

A few things to note, you don’t need to put those ideas in that order, they’re just ordered in the way I thought of them. Feel free to elaborate as much as you’d like.
Im okay with any length of writing, I want you to like what you’ve written and not feel the need to shorten or add filler to reach a certain word length so just let me know approximately how long you think it might be and I’ll pay accordingly :) If you want more details, just ask and I’ll be happy to think of something!

Also probably should’ve mention this at the top but, if you’re unconfortable with LGBT writing or anything else, let me know and I’ll change to another character (I have a list of lore and lore ideas that I eventually need to get to lol)
@Hemmalaya Awesome! Expect a reply within about 2-3 days. I'll post the response on this thread as well as in a message to you.

@L1BR4 I LOVE the color palette, and I'd be happy to go off of what you've already written. I have no issue whatsoever writing LGBT characters, and I will let you know the amount once I've finished writing it. Expect a response within 3-5 days! <3 <3
@Hemmalaya Awesome! Expect a reply within about 2-3 days. I'll post the response on this thread as well as in a message to you.

@L1BR4 I LOVE the color palette, and I'd be happy to go off of what you've already written. I have no issue whatsoever writing LGBT characters, and I will let you know the amount once I've finished writing it. Expect a response within 3-5 days! <3 <3
@blawky Stupedious! I look forward to it!
@blawky Stupedious! I look forward to it!
Thanks so much! Can’t wait :)
Thanks so much! Can’t wait :)

Hi! I'd love some lore on my clan! It's like a holiday getaway for any and all dragons called the Lusan Retreat. It's run by two dragons; Birch, a kind but naive leader who works with the customer side of the retreat, and Bergamot, his closest friend, who's very loyal and hardworking. She mainly keeps Birch focused but also handles the management side of the retreat.

If you need any more info on it or the dragons, let me know! :>

Hi! I'd love some lore on my clan! It's like a holiday getaway for any and all dragons called the Lusan Retreat. It's run by two dragons; Birch, a kind but naive leader who works with the customer side of the retreat, and Bergamot, his closest friend, who's very loyal and hardworking. She mainly keeps Birch focused but also handles the management side of the retreat.

If you need any more info on it or the dragons, let me know! :>
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