
Art Sales

For commissions and flat-sale of your creative efforts.
TOPIC | • | Build-A-Button | • (open!)
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@kanoosh Thank you so much! I was thinking about a dark gray background and red letter, but hoenstly, this looks just as great as what I've imagined. Thank you again!
@kanoosh Thank you so much! I was thinking about a dark gray background and red letter, but hoenstly, this looks just as great as what I've imagined. Thank you again!
a1.pnga2.pnga3.gifa4.png He/Him
Plural They/Them
RP Clan
Gen1 Raffle
Aah yeah, just with the red letters, when they fade the go pink and it just looked off, you know?
But I'm glad you like the way they turned out!!
Thanks again for ordering~
Aah yeah, just with the red letters, when they fade the go pink and it just looked off, you know?
But I'm glad you like the way they turned out!!
Thanks again for ordering~
• • • • • • •
she/her | 26 | fr+3
a disaster
8J3iRuA.gif Wphjjuc.gif 2VuPBc1.gif
beep boop
beep boop
• • • • • • •
she/her | 26 | fr+3
a disaster
8J3iRuA.gif Wphjjuc.gif 2VuPBc1.gif
[b]Border:[/b] #13. [b]Animation(s):[/b] Sparkles. [b]Font(s):[/b] Teaspoon and Trash Hand. [b]Text:[/b] Child of the Ar'ini Horde (if you can fit it. If not, any equivalent works). [b]Image:[/b] A cropped image of this dragon's head, if possible? [img][/img] [b]Background:[/b] Blue lightning, perhaps? [b]Colour Theme:[/b] Blue and green? Maybe some gold and black? Pretty much any colors you feel reflects the Shifting Expanse. [b]Anything Else:[/b] This'll be 85kt, right?
Border: #13.
Animation(s): Sparkles.
Font(s): Teaspoon and Trash Hand.
Text: Child of the Ar'ini Horde (if you can fit it. If not, any equivalent works).
Image: A cropped image of this dragon's head, if possible?
Background: Blue lightning, perhaps?
Colour Theme: Blue and green? Maybe some gold and black? Pretty much any colors you feel reflects the Shifting Expanse.
Anything Else: This'll be 85kt, right?
Yup, 85kt! ^^
And it all sounds doable, my only concern is that I might not be able to fit all the text with those fonts, and the image on top of that- I'll try my best though!!
Once you send the payment I'll get started
Yup, 85kt! ^^
And it all sounds doable, my only concern is that I might not be able to fit all the text with those fonts, and the image on top of that- I'll try my best though!!
Once you send the payment I'll get started
• • • • • • •
she/her | 26 | fr+3
a disaster
8J3iRuA.gif Wphjjuc.gif 2VuPBc1.gif

Alright! I'll send over the payment now! And if you need to use a smaller font to make it easier, please do!

Alright! I'll send over the payment now! And if you need to use a smaller font to make it easier, please do!
I'll get started asap
I'll get started asap
• • • • • • •
she/her | 26 | fr+3
a disaster
8J3iRuA.gif Wphjjuc.gif 2VuPBc1.gif
beep boop
beep boop
• • • • • • •
she/her | 26 | fr+3
a disaster
8J3iRuA.gif Wphjjuc.gif 2VuPBc1.gif
[center][size=2]@Monolian[/size] Here's your button!! I changed one of the fonts, just to make sure it all fit! And I left out the image just because it looked really squished ;w; If there's anything you want me to change let me know! :> [img][/img][/center]
Here's your button!!
I changed one of the fonts, just to make sure it all fit!
And I left out the image just because it looked really squished ;w;
If there's anything you want me to change let me know!
• • • • • • •
she/her | 26 | fr+3
a disaster
8J3iRuA.gif Wphjjuc.gif 2VuPBc1.gif

It's amazing! I love it. Thank you!

It's amazing! I love it. Thank you!
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