

Create, adopt, or show off your adoptables.
TOPIC | Emperorz Adopts ( Closed )
[center]thank you for the amazing reception to Emperorz ! over [b]1400[/b] were made and sent out over the past fourteen days . we hope you enjoy all your little abominations , and perhaps you'll see them back again in the future ~ we are [u]no longer[/u] accepting orders for rolls or new purchases of accessories . if you sent your PM / CR before the 6/29 - 6/30 rollover , then you're fine , even if an attendant didn't accept it until after . you may continue to fill out forms to have copies of accessories you already acquired from event participation , or purchased , applied to your emperorz until july 7th ! mem will be taking a much needed breather on 6/30 to recharge a bit . but all loose ends , accessory orders , and any other matters that require attention will be handled in due time ! thanks once again for the gracious display of patience , enthusiasm , and appreciation for this project ! [img][/img] [columns][img][/img][nextcol] emperorz are RNG based adoptables that come in every flight rising color and gene , with rarity reflecting the site's own ( i.e. [url=]harlequin is a rarer gene than tiger[/url] ) . sometimes they come in fun combinations , and in particularly [b][i]special[/i][/b] instances , they have looks completely unique from flight rising entirely . each emperorz comes in a device based on their palette . emperorz are a volunteer run shop ; all fodder , gems , and treasure go towards the light flight's current dominance push or vault . they will be available to purchase through [u][b]june 16th - june 29th[/b][/u] , and all payments must be received within that time . the thread will remain open until [b]july 7th[/b] to allow time for tying any loose ends , trading , etc. [/columns] [img][/img][/center] [indent][left][size=6]i . [/size][size=2]you may share or post your emperorz anywhere ! please link back to this thread in some manner .[/size][/indent] [indent][size=6]ii . [/size][size=2] it is highly recommended that you save your emperorz , as public image hosts always have a possibility of going down .[/size][/indent] [indent][size=6]iii . [/size][size=2] feel free to swap or adopt away emperorz amongst each other , but they are not meant to be resold for currency or items . you are welcome to discuss or search out trades on [b][url=]this dedicated thread[/url][/b] ![/size][/indent] [indent][size=6]iv . [/size][size=2] generally please respect the artist and event runners ! do not take adopts that do not belong to you without permission , or engage with other events in bad faith to earn accessories . and please be patient if there are errors or delays in this shop's first ever run ![/indent][/size] [rule] [center][size=6][b][u][url=]attendant spreadsheet[/url][/u][/b][/size] [size=2]when sending payment , please refer to the above spreadsheet for attendants who are ready to accept .
thank you for the amazing reception to Emperorz ! over 1400 were made and sent out over the past fourteen days . we hope you enjoy all your little abominations , and perhaps you'll see them back again in the future ~

we are no longer accepting orders for rolls or new purchases of accessories . if you sent your PM / CR before the 6/29 - 6/30 rollover , then you're fine , even if an attendant didn't accept it until after .

you may continue to fill out forms to have copies of accessories you already acquired from event participation , or purchased , applied to your emperorz until july 7th !

mem will be taking a much needed breather on 6/30 to recharge a bit . but all loose ends , accessory orders , and any other matters that require attention will be handled in due time ! thanks once again for the gracious display of patience , enthusiasm , and appreciation for this project !

emperorz are RNG based adoptables that come in every flight rising color and gene , with rarity reflecting the site's own ( i.e. harlequin is a rarer gene than tiger ) . sometimes they come in fun combinations , and in particularly special instances , they have looks completely unique from flight rising entirely . each emperorz comes in a device based on their palette .

emperorz are a volunteer run shop ; all fodder , gems , and treasure go towards the light flight's current dominance push or vault . they will be available to purchase through june 16th - june 29th , and all payments must be received within that time .

the thread will remain open until july 7th to allow time for tying any loose ends , trading , etc.

i . you may share or post your emperorz anywhere ! please link back to this thread in some manner .
ii . it is highly recommended that you save your emperorz , as public image hosts always have a possibility of going down .
iii . feel free to swap or adopt away emperorz amongst each other , but they are not meant to be resold for currency or items . you are welcome to discuss or search out trades on this dedicated thread !
iv . generally please respect the artist and event runners ! do not take adopts that do not belong to you without permission , or engage with other events in bad faith to earn accessories . and please be patient if there are errors or delays in this shop's first ever run !

attendant spreadsheet

when sending payment , please refer to the above spreadsheet for attendants who are ready to accept .
[center][img][/img] [size=2]we are closed for orders now , thank you for all the support ! keeping the general info of this post in tact in case it it ever needs to be referenced . [img][/img] receive a random emperorz for [u][b]50 levels / 100g / 100kt[/b][/u] you may roll to receive a random emperorz up to twice a day . for every 10 , you are guaranteed at least one special drop with an entirely unique design . otherwise the odds are : plentiful - 40% | common - 25% | uncommon - 15% limited - 10% | rare - 8% | special - 2% [img][/img] purchase from available stock for [u][b]100 levels / 200g / 200kt[/b][/u] . occasionally a stock will be available for direct purchase . you may purchase one per stock . any emperorz that are not purchased may appear in a future stock , or be rolled randomly . claiming is allowed , but your form must be in a new post . please [b]do not edit[/b] your claim or purchase post , or it will be invalid . [img][/img] order a custom for [u][b]500 levels / 1000g / 1mT[/b][/u] . [size=4][b][color=red]currently closed[/b][/color][/size] at times there will be slots opened in which mem can make a custom emperorz for you ! these are open entirely to your request , including matching specific dragons / scries , OC designs , skins/accents , etc . ( complexity and details will of course be adapted to the limitations of the base . ) apparel / custom accessories and very simple animated effects may be discussed for additional cost .

we are closed for orders now , thank you for all the support !
keeping the general info of this post in tact in case it it ever needs to be referenced .


receive a random emperorz for 50 levels / 100g / 100kt

you may roll to receive a random emperorz up to twice a day . for every 10 , you are guaranteed at least one special drop with an entirely unique design . otherwise the odds are :

plentiful - 40% | common - 25% | uncommon - 15%
limited - 10% | rare - 8% | special - 2%


purchase from available stock for 100 levels / 200g / 200kt .

occasionally a stock will be available for direct purchase . you may purchase one per stock . any emperorz that are not purchased may appear in a future stock , or be rolled randomly .

claiming is allowed , but your form must be in a new post . please do not edit your claim or purchase post , or it will be invalid .


order a custom for 500 levels / 1000g / 1mT .

currently closed

at times there will be slots opened in which mem can make a custom emperorz for you ! these are open entirely to your request , including matching specific dragons / scries , OC designs , skins/accents , etc . ( complexity and details will of course be adapted to the limitations of the base . )

apparel / custom accessories and very simple animated effects may be discussed for additional cost .
[center][img][/img] [size=2]there are a variety of fun accessories that you can decorate your emperorz with ! some are exclusively obtainable from participating in other events that are being hosted for this brightshine jubilee , and some may simply be purchased . similar to flight rising apparel , each copy of an accessory can be applied to a single emperorz . they may be layered , although some accessories layer more neatly than others . of course , if you wish to cover an emperorz in everything you can , that is absolutely an option ! previews and swapping apparel between emperorz unfortunately cannot be offered , as it would provide a considerable amount more work , and could be easily exploited . [img][/img] new accessories are no longer available to be earned , but the information is being kept available for reference . you may still fill out a form to have an accessory you have already purchased or earned to an emperorz until july 7th ! if you met the appropriate requirements for acquiring an event accessory , you were awarded five copies of it to apply to five different emperorz of your choosing . [columns][img][/img][nextcol][center][u]sandwiched[/u] [img][/img] [url=]brightshine chef brigade[/url] IF or OOF post a cooking contest entry or donate at least 50kt [nextcol][img][/img][nextcol][center][u]fiery feet[/u] ( your choice of color )[img][/img] [url=]emperorz pet race[/url] IF or OOF join a race and vote to use an ability at least three times[nextcol][img][/img][/columns] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][center][u]howdy[/u] [img][/img] [url=]luminax training ranch[/url] IF only train your luminax three times [nextcol][img][/img][nextcol][center][u]a frisbee . . . ?[/u] [img][/img] [url=]frisbee fetch[/url] IF or OOF complete one fetch quest[/columns] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][center][u]luminous halo[/u] [img][/img] [url=]glitz'n'glam[/url] IF or OOF request glitz for a dragon [nextcol][img][/img][nextcol][center][u]light aura[/u] [img][/img] [url=]glitz'n'glam[/url] IF or OOF donate at least 25kt to the glitter pile[/columns] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][center][u]it's dangerous to go alone[/u] [img][/img] [url=]side quest bingo[/url] IF or OOF complete 5 bingo quests [nextcol][img][/img] [nextcol][center][u]high brow[/u] [img][/img] [url=]foddart[/url] IF or OOF fully pay for a foddart order[/columns] [quote name="to add an accessory"]i would like to [b][u]add an accessory [/b][/u]! [b]username :[/b] [b]user ID :[/b] [b]accessory :[/b] [b]proof of event participation :[/b] [b]emperorz to add accessory to :[/b] [/quote] [img][/img] [size=2]new accessories are no longer available to be purchased , but the information is being kept available for reference . you may still fill out a form to have an accessory you have already purchased or earned to an emperorz until july 7th ! [columns][center][u]pride[/u] ( you may claim one for free ! )[img][/img] 10 levels / 20k / 20g [nextcol][center][u]fiery feet[/u] ( your choice of color ) [img][/img] 15 levels / 30k / 30g[nextcol][img][/img][/columns] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][center][u]dapper hat[/u] [img][/img] 20 levels / 40k / 40g [nextcol][img][/img][nextcol][center][u]dapper monocle[/u] [img][/img] 15 levels / 30k / 30g[/columns] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][center][u]dapper mustache[/u] [img][/img] 15 levels / 30k / 30g [nextcol][img][/img][nextcol][center][u]glow[/u] ( your choice of color ) [img][/img] 15 levels / 30k / 30g[/columns] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][center][u]lil' angel[/u] [img][/img] 20 levels / 40k / 40g [nextcol][img][/img][nextcol][center][u]lil' devil[/u] [img][/img] 20 levels / 40k / 40g[/columns] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][center][u]alt lil' angel[/u] [img][/img] 20 levels / 40k / 40g [nextcol][img][/img][nextcol][center][u]alt lil' devil[/u] [img][/img] 20 levels / 40k / 40g[/columns] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][center][u]my friends are my power[/u] [img][/img] 20 levels / 40k / 40g [nextcol][img][/img][nextcol][center][u]flower crown[/u] [img][/img] 20 levels / 40k / 40g[/columns] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][center][u]howdy[/u] [img][/img] 20 levels / 40k / 40g [nextcol][img][/img][nextcol][center][u]fit for an emperorz[/u] [img][/img] 50 levels / 100k / 100g[/columns] [columns][center][u]device removal[/u] [img][/img] 100 levels / 200k / 200g this is pricey because it often requires remaking parts of the adoptable due to animations and transparency , but i do want to provide the option if people really like an emperorz and wish to have a version that fits in their signature , etc. [/columns] [quote name="to add an accessory"]i would like to [b][u]apply an accessory [/b][/u]! [b]username :[/b] [b]user ID :[/b] [b]accessory :[/b] [b]emperorz to add accessory to :[/b] [/quote]

there are a variety of fun accessories that you can decorate your emperorz with ! some are exclusively obtainable from participating in other events that are being hosted for this brightshine jubilee , and some may simply be purchased .

similar to flight rising apparel , each copy of an accessory can be applied to a single emperorz . they may be layered , although some accessories layer more neatly than others . of course , if you wish to cover an emperorz in everything you can , that is absolutely an option !

previews and swapping apparel between emperorz unfortunately cannot be offered , as it would provide a considerable amount more work , and could be easily exploited .


new accessories are no longer available to be earned , but the information is being kept available for reference .
you may still fill out a form to have an accessory you have already purchased or earned to an emperorz until july 7th !

if you met the appropriate requirements for acquiring an event accessory , you were awarded five copies of it to apply to five different emperorz of your choosing .

brightshine chef brigade
post a cooking contest entry
or donate at least 50kt
fiery feet
( your choice of color )NBZiRraV_o.gif
emperorz pet race
join a race and vote to use an ability at least three times
luminax training ranch
IF only
train your luminax three times
a frisbee . . . ?
frisbee fetch
complete one fetch quest
luminous halo
request glitz for a dragon
light aura
donate at least 25kt to the glitter pile
it's dangerous to go alone
side quest bingo
complete 5 bingo quests
high brow
fully pay for a foddart order
to add an accessory wrote:
i would like to add an accessory !

username :
user ID :
accessory :
proof of event participation :
emperorz to add accessory to :


new accessories are no longer available to be purchased , but the information is being kept available for reference .
you may still fill out a form to have an accessory you have already purchased or earned to an emperorz until july 7th !

( you may claim one for free ! )ghUB4b35_o.gif
10 levels / 20k / 20g
fiery feet
( your choice of color )
15 levels / 30k / 30g
dapper hat
20 levels / 40k / 40g
dapper monocle
15 levels / 30k / 30g
dapper mustache
15 levels / 30k / 30g
( your choice of color )
15 levels / 30k / 30g
lil' angel
20 levels / 40k / 40g
lil' devil
20 levels / 40k / 40g

alt lil' angel
20 levels / 40k / 40g
alt lil' devil
20 levels / 40k / 40g
my friends are my power
20 levels / 40k / 40g
flower crown
20 levels / 40k / 40g
20 levels / 40k / 40g
fit for an emperorz
50 levels / 100k / 100g
device removal
100 levels / 200k / 200g
this is pricey because it often requires remaking parts of the adoptable due to animations and transparency , but i do want to provide the option if people really like an emperorz and wish to have a version that fits in their signature , etc.

to add an accessory wrote:
i would like to apply an accessory !

username :
user ID :
accessory :
emperorz to add accessory to :
[center][img][/img] thank you very much to . . . [size=2][b]irithyll[/b] - for the original adorable idea for emperorz as the BSJ2024 theme . [b]novastellaris[/b] and [b]neohcs[/b] - for putting together the phenomenal spreadsheet to bring a little order to all this chaos by automating the RNG , tracking orders , and so on ! [b]novastellaris[/b] , [b]negcol[/b] , [b]irithyll[/b] , [b]kotiss[/b] , [b]onceworried[/b] , and [b]dessy[/b] - for allowing me to dedicate more of my time to the photoshop mines by volunteering as attendants ! [b]my fellow event runners[/b] - for allowing me to collaborate our events and the general encouragement along the way ! [b]and everyone who comes by to visit[/b] - thank you for stopping by ! feel free to pet lil'lumi below ( and put her in any bios , signatures , etc. you would like . )[/size] [url=][img][/img][/url] [size=1]' trans rights ! ' [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code]

thank you very much to . . .

irithyll - for the original adorable idea for emperorz as the BSJ2024 theme .

novastellaris and neohcs - for putting together the phenomenal spreadsheet to bring a little order to all this chaos by automating the RNG , tracking orders , and so on !

novastellaris , negcol , irithyll , kotiss , onceworried , and dessy - for allowing me to dedicate more of my time to the photoshop mines by volunteering as attendants !

my fellow event runners - for allowing me to collaborate our events and the general encouragement along the way !

and everyone who comes by to visit - thank you for stopping by ! feel free to pet lil'lumi below ( and put her in any bios , signatures , etc. you would like . )

' trans rights ! '
i would like a random roll !

username : Schmelios
payment method : treasure
number of rolls : 1

(just to make sure - can I come back and request that you add one of the accessories to my critter later, or do I have to decide that right now?)
i would like a random roll !

username : Schmelios
payment method : treasure
number of rolls : 1

(just to make sure - can I come back and request that you add one of the accessories to my critter later, or do I have to decide that right now?)
i would like a random roll !

username : SuzyChi
payment method : fodder levels
number of rolls : 2
i would like a random roll !

username : SuzyChi
payment method : fodder levels
number of rolls : 2
hi, i'm suzy! | fr + 2

accent shop
profile templates
mkOslTW.gif nQOlLTR.png
i would like a random roll !

username : Shoz
payment method : treasure
number of rolls : 1

(do I pay right away, or do I wait?)
i would like a random roll !

username : Shoz
payment method : treasure
number of rolls : 1

(do I pay right away, or do I wait?)
i would like a random roll !

username : SatyrGatyr
payment method : gems
number of rolls : 1
i would like a random roll !

username : SatyrGatyr
payment method : gems
number of rolls : 1
i would like a random roll !

username : CrazyDragonLady1
payment method : fodder levels
number of rolls : 2
i would like a random roll !

username : CrazyDragonLady1
payment method : fodder levels
number of rolls : 2
we are now open and accepting orders !
we are now open and accepting orders !