

Create, adopt, or show off your adoptables.
TOPIC | [open] sitting veilspuns :3
[size=2]i think veils r neat. i dont have slots i just go down the list of who comes next <3 [/size] [rule] [b]70g/kt base, +10g/kt for a line breaking tert.[/b] [img][/img] [LIST] [*]skins ok, though i tend not to pay much attention to the elements’ exact placements. if specific parts of the skin or placements are important to you for certain aspects, please do mention it! [*] i like putting floaty things i think fit your dragon, feel free to offer items/ideas! i appreciate blurbs about ur dragons aesthetic, let me know if you’d rather no sparkles/little floating things. :3 as time goes by the floaty things get crazier [*]i redraw the genes everytime and sometimes edit stuff, this isn't a very concrete adopt ^^" its just me doodling crazily orz [/LIST] copy paste-able form if you wanna use one :) [code][b]dragon:[/b] [b]genes:[/b] [b]Floaty Things:[/b] yes/no, if u have any pref for what they'll be feel free to add that here,, [b]accent:[/b]: yes/no [b]anything else:[/b][/code] [size=2] feel free to do whatever u want with these! crop them flip them upside down make them the size of a stamp, toss them around, squash them,,, endless possibility as long as u don’t remove my funky id number :3 credit links to my profile or this thread appreciated :)
i think veils r neat.
i dont have slots i just go down the list of who comes next <3

70g/kt base, +10g/kt for a line breaking tert.

  • skins ok, though i tend not to pay much attention to the elements’ exact placements. if specific parts of the skin or placements are important to you for certain aspects, please do mention it!
  • i like putting floaty things i think fit your dragon, feel free to offer items/ideas! i appreciate blurbs about ur dragons aesthetic, let me know if you’d rather no sparkles/little floating things. :3 as time goes by the floaty things get crazier
  • i redraw the genes everytime and sometimes edit stuff, this isn't a very concrete adopt ^^" its just me doodling crazily orz

copy paste-able form if you wanna use one :)
[b]dragon:[/b] [b]genes:[/b] [b]Floaty Things:[/b] yes/no, if u have any pref for what they'll be feel free to add that here,, [b]accent:[/b]: yes/no [b]anything else:[/b]

feel free to do whatever u want with these! crop them flip them upside down make them the size of a stamp, toss them around, squash them,,, endless possibility as long as u don’t remove my funky id number :3

credit links to my profile or this thread appreciated :)

pings r always ok :)
forum games; main dragons are first two tabs or either lair or hibden
@collude Aww that's such a cute adoptable! I need one for my girl ^^ [b]Dragon:[/b] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Genes:[/b]Tapir/Butterfly/[b]Branches[/b] [b]Floaty things:[/b] Yes please! [b]Accent:[/b] Yes <3 I'm fine with keeping just the gradients if the jewellery would be to difficult to do <3 [b]Information blurb:[/b] Anything nature related, spring or autumn would be wonderful! She's a dragon based on my friends oc ^^ Edit: I'd love to grab one more adopt if I can!
Aww that's such a cute adoptable!
I need one for my girl ^^

Floaty things: Yes please!
Accent: Yes <3
I'm fine with keeping just the gradients if the jewellery would be to difficult to do <3
Information blurb: Anything nature related, spring or autumn would be wonderful! She's a dragon based on my friends oc ^^

Edit: I'd love to grab one more adopt if I can!
@collude These are so lovely <33 Could I get two for my pair? here they are [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] One gene is line breaking tert And could one of them be facing right and the other left so i can have them looking at each other? ^^ Let me know how much should i send, thank you! <33
@collude These are so lovely <33 Could I get two for my pair?

here they are



One gene is line breaking tert

And could one of them be facing right and the other left so i can have them looking at each other? ^^

Let me know how much should i send, thank you! <33
@collude Let me know if I can order two at once! These two are a breeding pair: [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] How much extra would adding the skins be? I'm okay to pay the extra for both linebreaking terts.
@collude Let me know if I can order two at once! These two are a breeding pair:


How much extra would adding the skins be? I'm okay to pay the extra for both linebreaking terts.
im perfectly fine with you grabbing two at once <3 i’ll get started on this one, feel free to drop in another if you would like whenever :)

ofc :) i’m perfectly alright w flipping them. 90g/kt would be your total!

yep two is fine! i don’t think i’ll charge for skins since they’ll be so simplified they’re mostly just be for an extra fun pop of colour and such, so 100g/kt is great :3
im perfectly fine with you grabbing two at once <3 i’ll get started on this one, feel free to drop in another if you would like whenever :)

ofc :) i’m perfectly alright w flipping them. 90g/kt would be your total!

yep two is fine! i don’t think i’ll charge for skins since they’ll be so simplified they’re mostly just be for an extra fun pop of colour and such, so 100g/kt is great :3

pings r always ok :)
forum games; main dragons are first two tabs or either lair or hibden
@collude Ordering art through forms is always more easy for me as I struggle with deciding whats important and whats not haha [emoji=familiar heart size=1] Here's the 2nd veilspun I was talking about! Dont worry about getting to this one soon, Im happy with waiting! [b]Dragon:[/b] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Genes:[/b]Fade/Web/Flecks If possible, could you add a second tertiary gene/couple of branches-like, gold flowers growing out of his horns? (same color as the flecks!) I'll pay extra for it even if its a simple add-on ^^ [b]Floaty things:[/b] Yes please! [b]Accent:[/b] Yes[emoji=familiar heart size=1] If the branches from his accent would look weird, I'd love to have those little birds just sit on him here and there! [b]Information blurb:[/b]I jokingly call him a disney princess so sparkles or gold petals would be perfect for him!
Ordering art through forms is always more easy for me as I struggle with deciding whats important and whats not haha
Here's the 2nd veilspun I was talking about! Dont worry about getting to this one soon, Im happy with waiting!

If possible, could you add a second tertiary gene/couple of branches-like, gold flowers growing out of his horns? (same color as the flecks!)
I'll pay extra for it even if its a simple add-on ^^
Floaty things: Yes please!
Accent: Yes
If the branches from his accent would look weird, I'd love to have those little birds just sit on him here and there!
Information blurb:I jokingly call him a disney princess so sparkles or gold petals would be perfect for him!
@Sabaari gotcha on the second one! i'll consider the gold flower/branches as a second tert and add the 10kt/g just to keep the idea that anything line-breaking will b extra if that's alright c: here's your first girl; lemme know if you want anything changed or whatever <3 !! [img][/img] [rule][rule] @Zattana i made them both flip flop so u can shuffle them around however u were planning, here they are :) ! lemme know if you want anything changed <3 [center] [img][/img] [url=]flipped vers[/url] [img][/img] [url=]flipped vers[/url]
gotcha on the second one! i'll consider the gold flower/branches as a second tert and add the 10kt/g just to keep the idea that anything line-breaking will b extra if that's alright c:

here's your first girl; lemme know if you want anything changed or whatever <3 !!

i made them both flip flop so u can shuffle them around however u were planning, here they are :) ! lemme know if you want anything changed <3

pings r always ok :)
forum games; main dragons are first two tabs or either lair or hibden
Oh my god the butterflies! You chose the perfect type to add to her I love them [emoji=familiar heart size=1] Would you be able to make her body a bit less pink and more cream colored? Except for that everything else is perfect! And I've already send the payment (in treasure this time!) ^^ I definitely don't mind paying extra for the branches!
Oh my god the butterflies! You chose the perfect type to add to her I love them
Would you be able to make her body a bit less pink and more cream colored? Except for that everything else is perfect!
And I've already send the payment (in treasure this time!) ^^ I definitely don't mind paying extra for the branches!
@Sabaari ofc! i have a tendency to apply a stained gene in my head sometimes and mush all the colors together haha, hopefully this is more the creme you were thinking of! lemme know if u were thinking of a different shade or anything <3 lol i completely skipped over your cr, but i see it now, thank u :3 gotcha down [emoji=special eyes size=1] [img][/img]
ofc! i have a tendency to apply a stained gene in my head sometimes and mush all the colors together haha, hopefully this is more the creme you were thinking of! lemme know if u were thinking of a different shade or anything <3

lol i completely skipped over your cr, but i see it now, thank u :3 gotcha down


pings r always ok :)
forum games; main dragons are first two tabs or either lair or hibden
@collude Aaaah these are soooo cute <3 [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Genes:[/b]Fade/WBlend/Flecks [b]Floaty things:[/b] Yes please~ [b]Accent:[/b] Nope [b]Information blurb:[/b] I am prepping her lore wise to be a spirit dragon for one of my "main characters" thats I'm writing a main lore story line around. Shes very stoic and maternal. Possibly mute? But she is going to be a ~spirit god~ [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Genes:[/b]Starmap/Constellation/[b]Branches[/b] [b]Floaty things:[/b] Yes please~ [b]Accent:[/b] Yes, [gamedb item=40764] [b]Information blurb:[/b] Most ancient breeds in my lore are "gods" that dont shapeshift. Crimson is in love with my Rainbow MAker, Pelangi. The only time they get to cross paths are after storms, but they savor every moment of it <3 Shes very much the romantic type

Aaaah these are soooo cute <3


Floaty things: Yes please~
Accent: Nope
Information blurb: I am prepping her lore wise to be a spirit dragon for one of my "main characters" thats I'm writing a main lore story line around. Shes very stoic and maternal. Possibly mute? But she is going to be a ~spirit god~


Floaty things: Yes please~
Accent: Yes, Accent: Prima Garden
Information blurb: Most ancient breeds in my lore are "gods" that dont shapeshift. Crimson is in love with my Rainbow MAker, Pelangi. The only time they get to cross paths are after storms, but they savor every moment of it <3 Shes very much the romantic type