

Create, adopt, or show off your adoptables.
TOPIC | C → Virtual Dragon (pixel adopts)
[center][img][/img] [size=5]I have an order![/size] @Dearly[/center] [indent] [b]Username[/b]: crowvidae [b]Payment[/b]: gem [b]Shell[/b]: custom please! would like a colour to match, maybe rose? [b]Background[/b]: Blooming Grove [b]Lower screen text[/b]: RAIN: you came to see me...? [size=4][b]Dragon Information[/b][/size] [b]Dragon Name[/b]: Rain [b]Dragon Health[/b]: 1 heart (+ 2 empty) [b]Dragon[/b]: [url=][img][/img][/url] [size=4][b]Additional / Optionals[/b][/size] [b]Cropped version to fit into your signature?[/b]: Yes please! +25g [b]Label your diary?[/b] (add your name to the bottom of the adopt): n/a [b]Suggestions for future updates?[/b]: hmmm maybe inventory or party select for bottom screen? But it's really a lovely adopt! I would love a ping for any new breeds (especially spiral :D) + updates you make please! [/indent]

I have an order! @Dearly
Username: crowvidae
Payment: gem
Shell: custom please! would like a colour to match, maybe rose?
Background: Blooming Grove
Lower screen text: RAIN: you came to see me...?

Dragon Information
Dragon Name: Rain
Dragon Health: 1 heart (+ 2 empty)

Additional / Optionals
Cropped version to fit into your signature?: Yes please! +25g
Label your diary? (add your name to the bottom of the adopt): n/a
Suggestions for future updates?: hmmm maybe inventory or party select for bottom screen? But it's really a lovely adopt! I would love a ping for any new breeds (especially spiral :D) + updates you make please!
added to [b]pinglist[/b]! tysm [emoji=familiar heart size=1] [size=2]@Shinyumbreon @Parad0xxy @dream0late @skystreamchan @lanseax @GrimAndGloomy[/size] okay! please send the gems/treasure over [emoji=coatl happy size=1] [size=2]@SpinySpino @Ghastjio @Vinid @crowvidae[/size]
added to pinglist! tysm
@Shinyumbreon @Parad0xxy @dream0late @skystreamchan @lanseax @GrimAndGloomy

okay! please send the gems/treasure over
@SpinySpino @Ghastjio @Vinid @crowvidae
F4lxR3N.gif owzK76I.png “I usually solve problems by letting them devour me.”
hi! these are so so so cute <3
I'd love to be pinged for future breeds! (especially excited for gaolers... haha)
hi! these are so so so cute <3
I'd love to be pinged for future breeds! (especially excited for gaolers... haha)
KMv71f5.png cHa0MYt.png

@SairentoTsuki added, tysm! [emoji=coatl happy size=1]
added, tysm!
F4lxR3N.gif owzK76I.png “I usually solve problems by letting them devour me.”
These are lovely! I'd love to be pinged for future breeds :D
These are lovely! I'd love to be pinged for future breeds :D
___they/them_-_ please copy+paste my
____fr time +3___username when pinging
@Palaeophis added! [emoji=familiar heart size=1]
F4lxR3N.gif owzK76I.png “I usually solve problems by letting them devour me.”
Could I be on your pinglist for new breeds, please? These are so cute! <3
Could I be on your pinglist for new breeds, please? These are so cute! <3

VX0BdyJ.gif sKm6SRH.png
[center][img][/img] [b]Delivery[/b]! [size=2] @SpinySpino [img][/img] [img][/img] @Vinid [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [/size][/center] ----- @Synthsational added! tysm <3

B0I8StA.gif imZHArQ.gif

tcWha3m.gif K02xwAL.gif
blxcDFw.gif y3gaMQX.gif

added! tysm <3
F4lxR3N.gif owzK76I.png “I usually solve problems by letting them devour me.”
Ohh that is perfect, thank you so much!! :D
Ohh that is perfect, thank you so much!! :D
Image ID: Animated pixel art of the clan leader and custom progen, Purble. She is a female tundra, with the genes purple swirl, purple marbled, and maize underbelly. Her eyes are water common. She is seated on a grassy patch with one paw raised, blinking and flicking her tail on occasion. The wind rustles her fur, and the grass surrounding her. A signpost is beside her, with three arrows pointing different directions. The signs read Vin, She/Her, and FR +3. End ID.
this is geniunely the coolest thing i have ever seen, omg??? do you have a pinglist???
this is geniunely the coolest thing i have ever seen, omg??? do you have a pinglist???