

Create, adopt, or show off your adoptables.
TOPIC | Pyro's ~PixelBonsai~ [HIATUS]
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All done! Here you are @Pyromaniacal , one complete order form. I'll send the payment shortly.

Image width: 300px
Planter (Type - Colours - Configuration): Type 1 - blue - 300px
Substrate: Blue quartz
Structural Elements: N/A
Bonsai (Type - Season - Weather): (Starwood - Night - Windblown)
Plants: Blue lipped thresh, Black rose with white leaves
Creatures: Leucistic crow, meal moth, White cabbage moth
Decorations: Semi precious pile, Blue quartz
Animation? If Yes, which?: Rain, crow head turn, flying creatures
Placement Directions: N/A
All done! Here you are @Pyromaniacal , one complete order form. I'll send the payment shortly.

Image width: 300px
Planter (Type - Colours - Configuration): Type 1 - blue - 300px
Substrate: Blue quartz
Structural Elements: N/A
Bonsai (Type - Season - Weather): (Starwood - Night - Windblown)
Plants: Blue lipped thresh, Black rose with white leaves
Creatures: Leucistic crow, meal moth, White cabbage moth
Decorations: Semi precious pile, Blue quartz
Animation? If Yes, which?: Rain, crow head turn, flying creatures
Placement Directions: N/A
@Starlight18, 2 are absolutely permitted!

@Listalisa and @Eiira, orders received and queued.
@Starlight18, 2 are absolutely permitted!

@Listalisa and @Eiira, orders received and queued.
That's the queue, folks! We'll reopen in a week or two, once some of these are through the fae-shop. Thanks everyone!
That's the queue, folks! We'll reopen in a week or two, once some of these are through the fae-shop. Thanks everyone!

Thank you! I'll start on the next order shortly.

Thank you! I'll start on the next order shortly.
@Pyromaniacal do you have a pinglist for openings that i can be added to?
@Pyromaniacal do you have a pinglist for openings that i can be added to?
HO7jGPA.png Kookaburra
on Pixpets


Could I be added to the pinglist, please?

Could I be added to the pinglist, please?
glittergummy2_by_pyromaniacalbonsai-dc1yxk5.gif Art by Pyromaniacal (#262488) ljieotO.gif
@Kookaburra @GlitterGummy you've been added to the list!
@Kookaburra @GlitterGummy you've been added to the list!
@Pyromaniacal could you please add me to the pinglist? thanks ^^
@Pyromaniacal could you please add me to the pinglist? thanks ^^
[size=1]@tmq @epher @Hideki @Hooligan @Giesterwolf @Chaostrophy @stormspecter @Starlight18 @Listalisa @EvliSplitPersona @ShadowWolf @Siakb @Starlight18 @Eiira[/size] Hey guys, sorry for the late start. Miirshroom snuck in an extra easter present! If any of you'd like a bunny added to your order (free of charge, because happy Easter and because I'm whoa-late already) just let me know in the next couple of days! [center] [img][/img] [/center]
@tmq @epher @Hideki @Hooligan @Giesterwolf @Chaostrophy @stormspecter @Starlight18 @Listalisa @EvliSplitPersona @ShadowWolf @Siakb @Starlight18 @Eiira

Hey guys, sorry for the late start. Miirshroom snuck in an extra easter present! If any of you'd like a bunny added to your order (free of charge, because happy Easter and because I'm whoa-late already) just let me know in the next couple of days!


I'd love to get one added for my second order for the abyss/abyss/cyan dragon -- the white rabbit please! I'll edit the order to add it onto there.

I'd love to get one added for my second order for the abyss/abyss/cyan dragon -- the white rabbit please! I'll edit the order to add it onto there.
J6HTF7u.png Wdr4Smc.png Hideki #68095
aid | she/her | FR +3

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• Art Shop / Pixel Imps
• Hatchery
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