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TOPIC | Xarilin's Adopts [closed]
is there a Pinglist for when you finalize your wishlist? :V I'm mega money-poor atm but we might be able to work out a sort of deal in the future!
is there a Pinglist for when you finalize your wishlist? :V I'm mega money-poor atm but we might be able to work out a sort of deal in the future!
fr__light_by_baelfin-d8uyn70.png vix fr__light_by_baelfin-d8uyn70.png
fr__light_mini_by_baelfin-daqljgy.png she/her JJnYg3k.png
fr__light_mini_by_baelfin-daqljgy.png fr+0
fr__light_mini_by_baelfin-daqljgy.png art shop
fr__light_mini_by_baelfin-daqljgy.png my resources
feed my genone hoarding - G1 seeking thread

i hope you have a lovely day!

I actually remember seeing these when you started a thing in (Was it the creative corner) and had wanted to order one, so i guess i can make various offers!

would oldish festival interest you? I can offer apparel, familiars or dragons ^-^
I actually remember seeing these when you started a thing in (Was it the creative corner) and had wanted to order one, so i guess i can make various offers!

would oldish festival interest you? I can offer apparel, familiars or dragons ^-^

I do have a quick wishlist over on my tumblr, it's just in a list form instead of the items which is what I need to do! :0


Nnnnh I love old festival stuff-- Just throw some offers at me though and we can work it out!! ;w;
I'm in desperate need for oldie light stuff but I know that's far from happening haha-
I thiiink I'm fine on familiars but I might need to check my bestiary for that :0

I do have a quick wishlist over on my tumblr, it's just in a list form instead of the items which is what I need to do! :0


Nnnnh I love old festival stuff-- Just throw some offers at me though and we can work it out!! ;w;
I'm in desperate need for oldie light stuff but I know that's far from happening haha-
I thiiink I'm fine on familiars but I might need to check my bestiary for that :0
toki || 26
pokefarm - help me with clicks!
extremely interested but as (if I understand correctly) apparel are only for gems and accents for USD I might have to skip these or wait if they might become treasure buyable
extremely interested but as (if I understand correctly) apparel are only for gems and accents for USD I might have to skip these or wait if they might become treasure buyable
ism0MYQ.pngoKlBAFC.png kRnGBHl.gif
FR +10
i have a spirit ablaze accent to offer you ^-^
i have a spirit ablaze accent to offer you ^-^

I might have messed up on my pricing somewhere so I'll go look at it (I'm running on 4 hours of sleep :'D) but I'll do simple apparel and accents for treasure/gems!

I might have messed up on my pricing somewhere so I'll go look at it (I'm running on 4 hours of sleep :'D) but I'll do simple apparel and accents for treasure/gems!
toki || 26
pokefarm - help me with clicks!

Yesss I really want that accent its so nice ;;
So spirit ablaze is going for ~489g right now so I could give you 2 adopts with a few extra apparel or accents!

Yesss I really want that accent its so nice ;;
So spirit ablaze is going for ~489g right now so I could give you 2 adopts with a few extra apparel or accents!
toki || 26
pokefarm - help me with clicks!
@Xarilin oh : O you have peeked my interest in that case xD sadly I don't think I have 150k+ to just throw away right now while having 4 pages of dragons waiting for genes -_-'
@Xarilin oh : O you have peeked my interest in that case xD sadly I don't think I have 150k+ to just throw away right now while having 4 pages of dragons waiting for genes -_-'
ism0MYQ.pngoKlBAFC.png kRnGBHl.gif
FR +10
@Xarilin that sounds amazing! would these two interest you? [url=] [img][/img] [/url] and [url=] [img][/img] [/url] ???
that sounds amazing! would these two interest you?





Ohhh man I understand that haha, I just had to spend almost 500k on a lair expansion and I have too many dragons needing genes rip us

Ohhh man I understand that haha, I just had to spend almost 500k on a lair expansion and I have too many dragons needing genes rip us
toki || 26
pokefarm - help me with clicks!