

Create, adopt, or show off your adoptables.
TOPIC | [closed] Spiral Signature Adoptables!
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Thank you and of course! That would be 43kt. :>
Thank you and of course! That would be 43kt. :>
@lightenvee There you go! [img][/img] I'll send you the full res via PM. :>
There you go!
I'll send you the full res via PM. :>
@Nokobirds I would like one of this Girl please! What is the price in gems? [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
I would like one of this Girl please! What is the price in gems?

Of course! Usually it'd be 43k so in gems it's 67 C:
Of course! Usually it'd be 43k so in gems it's 67 C:

would you be able to do her accent on her at all? If so I'll pay extra please :3

would you be able to do her accent on her at all? If so I'll pay extra please :3
I'd have to handpaint the accent, which is not a problem at all but takes a loot more time. o:
So I'm unsure on how exactly to price it, would you be okay with 300 gems? I'd be willing to hagle though if you can't afford that. And do you want me to include her apparel or the accent only? :> The apparel wouldn't cost more.
I'd have to handpaint the accent, which is not a problem at all but takes a loot more time. o:
So I'm unsure on how exactly to price it, would you be okay with 300 gems? I'd be willing to hagle though if you can't afford that. And do you want me to include her apparel or the accent only? :> The apparel wouldn't cost more.

At 300g for the apparel and accent I'm sold. I'll send you payment now :)

At 300g for the apparel and accent I'm sold. I'll send you payment now :)
Got it, thank you so much! :)
Got it, thank you so much! :)
@Pastelwerewolf [img][/img] There you go! I'll send you the full reoslution via PM. :>
There you go! I'll send you the full reoslution via PM. :>
;_____; I LOVE THIS
;_____; I LOVE THIS
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