
Now, where did I put my pen this time...?
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Female Obelisk
Female Obelisk
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Aged Book Collection
Crimson Aviator Satchel
Ephemeral Timepiece




10.61 m
16.85 m
6070.14 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Apr 18, 2023
(1 year)


Obelisk icon

Eye Type

Normal Eye Type
Level 1 Obelisk
EXP: 0 / 245


Milan's realm of protection is errors that are glaringly obvious in hindsight. She heads off problems before they can occur, and until she reached the Haven, that behavior made her look like a worrier. Here, half the lair regards her as their savior on a daily basis.


The dramatically-colored Obelisk made her way carefully to the lair she had heard about, where instead of working with metals, there was a Fire Fae dragon that seemed to work with chemicals and alchemy. She was curious as to why this was, and whether the strange concoctions actually did what she had heard of; was there really a way to temporarily shift, say, an Imperial dragon to the size of a Fae Dragon, or vice versa? How would they fly? Wouldn't that be dangerous? She kept hearing stories about this place from other wanderers, and now she was here to see for herself.

As she came to the entrance of the lair, she noticed that the enormous door had smaller and smaller doors cut into it, so that a dragon of any size had a door they could open at just the right scale. She chuckled and opened the one that seemed closest to her size. What greeted her inside the lair was not the pandemonium she had been expecting, but a calm... sitting room? Perhaps... if a sitting room were created to house any possible combination of scales of guest and host. It currently had no one present, however, and there was a sequence of tables to match the door, each at the scale of a different type of dragon, with a small bell and a note upon each. She picked up one of the notes, which read "Ring once for business, Twice for visits." She thought a minute, then rang the bell twice.

After a moment or two, she heard the distinctive sound of fluttering Fae Dragon wings coming from behind a door that was set high in the wall, which then opened, revealing a flame-patterned Fae dragon.... excitedly? Milan could never tell with Fae Dragons... coming out to greet the visitor. The tiny host sat at one of the tables on a very high chair, the chair opposite being just the right size for Milan, and asked, "Would you like some tea?"


Milan shook her head, coming out of the reverie of remembering when she first arrived at the Polychromic Haven. She had been planning to move on once she learned the place's secret, to explore more of the world, but she found herself still here a year later, and had taken on the role of the den's archivist, as most of the inhabitants came up with the most outlandish explorations, but never recorded any of it.

Maybe her time visiting the lands of Light had rubbed off on her, but it bothered her that so little of what happened here was recorded anywhere but the memories of the inhabitants, and as the place grew, there had to be more dragons keeping track of the practicalities, or this lovely pocket of chaos in the forgelands would fall apart. And so, she became the one to keep those records, and she loved it... even if keeping track of which herbs and other ingredients Blazewing was experimenting with at any given time was a logistical nightmare.


"...Let's see... we should keep at least five each of green goo and green ooze, and say, double that of green sludge, so that we can participate in Baldwin's monthly experiments during the Festivals. More will never go awry, but we do need to be careful not to use anything with another purpose to make it..."

"We get visitors from the Mystic Alcove occasionally, good to remember. Occasionally, dragons reconsider exalting and come here as well."

"Dragons looking to move out of the lair sometimes try for sponsored fosterage, and a few that don't make that look to trade places with someone seeking to enter into service to the gods."



Polychromic Haven dragon of the Blood, Snow, and Ash wing

You have encountered one of the diverse offspring of the Polychromic Haven! This lair has many different philosophies represented, so the young grow up in a safe yet chaotic environment, encouraged to find their own path, for the adult dragons around them were always willing to teach, but rarely to guide. Having now left the Haven, they must find their own way in the world, although they are always welcome to return to their ancestral home if they wish.

Blood, Snow, & Ash: These dragons have a Black/White/Red color scheme with those colors in any order, and tend to find mates with a matching order, which means this wing usually breeds true. They are the protectors of the lair, but unlike Guardians, they tend to work in specific types of protection over a larger range, and their protection is not always physical. It could be, but it could also be emotional, economic, or other forms of protection. This applies generally, but like anyone else, they do focus more on people and things they care about.
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Exalting Milan to the service of the Flamecaller will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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