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Personal Style


Pastry Chef Pan
Dark Incense
Black Candle Cascade
Twice-Dyed Mantle
Learned Sage Sleeves
Learned Sage Shawl
Laureate's Cap
Cobalt Halfmoon Spectacles
Ghost Flame Candles
Gemologist's Discovery


Accent: Galactic Glissando


Scene: Haunted Museum


1.25 m
1.64 m
2.47 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Nov 08, 2015
(8 years)


Fae icon

Eye Type

Normal Eye Type
Level 1 Fae
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none



Researcher, Why Damage Control Exists

"On the bright side, only 99% of the lair is on fire."
aaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaa aaaaaa aaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaa
A former researcher of the Observatory, Vanya is the resident introverted Fae who could honestly care less about what goes on in the lair. As long as everyone stays far away from him and keep their filthy paws off his shinies, he's fine with being in a clan. Unfortunately, being an archeologist who often goes on digs and returns with interesting things that may or may not be cursed, it’s too much to ask the dragons of this lair to stay away.

To his dismay, upon returning from excursions, Vanya often finds himself robbed in a matter of seconds. This would be somewhat acceptable if it was just the dragons in this clan, but now that Pachetona’s flock of birds have join in on the fun, he’s considering taking some more drastic measures. Like mounting tiny tank treads to his satchels, with a couple of homing missiles thrown in. That seems like a good place to start.

While he’d honestly prefer to keep to himself if he could, there are no worthless layabouts in Clan Aequitas. Ma’at has made sure of that, in any case, and in consideration of his future and livelihood, Vanya had no choice but to agree to be a part of the research team. This turned out badly for everyone else, as Vanya is a handful on his own, but when paired with Muffin, the duo are capable of finding new and increasingly creative ways to make seemingly random things explode. It’s unknown whether or not Ma’at regrets this decision, but it may be possible that the Nocturne’s hoping they blow themselves up so she could finally be free of them.

The only reason the research team hasn’t done that is because of Harmony’s existence. Vanya’s twin has no qualms about delivering blunt cranial trauma whenever her brother is on the loose. Unsurprisingly, Vanya is a lot less destructive whenever she’s within earshot, as finding ways to agitate a chemical mixture usually isn’t worth one of Harmony’s “sibling fights.” He dislikes how she cramps his style, often mumbling insults whenever she’s not around to listen. At the same time, though, Harmony’s version of punishment is a lot more mild than what Ma’at or Demeter might have up their sleeves, so he’s not too interested in retaliating.

Vanya doesn't care for his clanmates. It's a mystery as to whether he even knows their names or faces at all. The most one can get out of him these days is "You're ugly. Go away." He only interacts with others when research demands partnership, but once he’s done with his experiments or whatever the clan wants him to research, he’s leaving, and he’ll probably never talk to those partners again unless pressed to. Harmony is the only one he really spends time around, and even then, most of their time is spent embroiled in a neverending sibling war. Vanya would also spend time around Muffin, but since it’s a given that the two of them are bad influences for each other (the lair will never survive their partnership) most of the time, Harmony makes sure he’s as far away from the wayward alchemist as possible.

Which is fine with Vanya. He doesn’t need some explosion-happy Nocturne’s help - he can figure things out on his own, thank you very much. (He really can’t.) Besides, most of his time is spent out in the wilderness of the Runic Mountain Range, and Muffin’s usually too busy dealing in chemical explosions to be bothered with going outside.

He’s currently searching for bits of relics that might clue him in on how the Runic Mountain Range was formed, who used to live there, and perhaps why nobody can seem to leave unless they really don’t want to. Although he’s found quite a lot of priceless artefacts from the time Kraken and Demeter annihilated the majority of the living inhabitants in the Range, there’s not much he can determine with what he’s uncovered, other than the fact that the mountain range used to be under sea level, and there was probably an ocean where sparkly purple trees now grow.

Dragons have pointed out he would find more relics if he explored the ventilation system like Ravanai did, but there’s no way he’s going back in there after what happened last time. He’ll never admit it, but he’s constantly irritated that a casual adventurer like Ravanai can go in and out of the ventilation system as she pleases, while a serious scholar like him got blasted out the last time he attempted.

He has collected a multitude of scars from his excursions, due to the fact that he adheres strictly to the doctrine of “what is mine is mine and what is yours is also mine,” a doctrine that many of the Beastclans he visits does not share. He also has a few injuries from the experiments he blew up, and there’s an unfortunate bald spot on his scalp that he covers with a hat at all times. Attempting to remove the hat will result in monotone screaming and random bolts of magic in equal parts.

The blackened scars on his body aren’t from his time in the Runic Mountain Range. They’re results of his last experiment at the Observatory. While Vanya won’t say what happened, he's a lot less traumatised than Harmony, and seems slightly more attached to whatever the two had done, to the point where there are rumours he's dabbling in shady magic. He's enchanted his glasses to lock onto Shade-related activities. While he hasn’t picked up anything abnormal yet, he’s noticed that Nagara sometimes carries traces of the Shade after being escorted out of the mountain range and then dragged back again.

Those marks on his wings are from the time he attempted to enter the ventilation system to figure out whether or not something lives up there. By all analysations, that’s likely impossible, seeing as there’s no food in the ventilation system and a larger dragon wouldn’t be able to fit in there. Vanya wasn’t able to confirm this analysis, however, as he was blasted out of the vents by a strong bolt of energy and ended up headfirst in Nephthys’ private drinking water fountain before he could discover anything. Fortunately, he received nothing more than a curse in the form of musical notes on his body from that blast. The downside of this curse is that every time he flaps his wings, a small serenade of musical notes and the occasional voice of an opera singer floats through the air, interrupting any conversation he has attempted with another dragon, as said dragon bursts into laughter.

Yes, it’s as bad as it sounds.

§ Graphics by LuminousNoble, Bio Assets by Serpy, Hazeledpoppy


There are six thousand seven hundred and thirty-one things you should never let the Arcanist do, and rule number one "everything" includes taking care of hatchlings.

Abandoned on the doorstep as an egg, Vanya hatched under the care of the Arcanist, if you can call it "care" when your foster parent accidentally puts you in the microwave to incubate you. From a very young age, it was clear that Vanya was the kind of dragon that didn't talk much, preferred to keep to himself, and was annoyed by everyone. Unfortunately, because he was, in fact, surprisingly rational and intelligent for someone who's been exposed to more radioactivity than was for his own good, many of his classmates had the nerve to bother him, thus forcing him to look beyond the Observatory for a quiet place to think.

It was while looking for a sanctuary that Vanya stumbled upon the archaeology laboratory. In it, he was bedazzled by relics and artefacts of all shapes and sizes. A spark seemed to light up in him, and he found himself racing to the library to borrow any and every book he could find on the mouldy old relics and the art of archaeology. When books could no longer satisfy his appetite for knowledge, he turned to a greater pool of resource - outside.

So while his sister Harmony played social with their classmates and pored over books for the upcoming exams, Vanya was nowhere to be seen; a shadow in every conversation - if he bothered to be in one at all. He preferred the outdoors to the stifling, too-familiar atmosphere of the Observatory, and he enjoyed digging down and around for anything even mildly interesting. Of course, not all of his finds were pure gold. Some of them were trash. (Read: most of them were trash, and that includes one hundred and seventy-two rotten apple cores.) But Vanya treated his discoveries the way a Ridgeback might possessively guard its hoard. Farther and farther he went, away from the Observatory, so that he might find even more interesting objects. The farther away he got, the higher his chances of finding actual dig sites, and the more unique were his findings.

Then, one day, he found a glowing statue among the devastated ruins of a village.

It contained the Shade.

There were two things that fueled Vanya's desire to summon the Shade. The first thing: while Harmony had told Vanya about her research in black magic, he had not just been enthralled by the text upon the paper, but excited at the prospect of what this black magic could do. The second thing was the statue.

Vanya first decided to check upon the ruins of a devastated lair when he heard of the legends circling it. While he saw nothing more than a couple of skeletons, he felt a strong pull to something below the ground. Vanya found himself drawn to the volatile magic, and ended up unearthing a strange, glowing artefact. It was the most wonderful object he had ever found - a beautiful statue shaped like a dragon, but covered in runes not even Vanya understood. Proud of his discovery, he brought it back to his sister.

Harmony, on the other hand, had found books on summoning the Shade, and immediately she recognised the artefact as one imbued with black magic required for the ritual. She persuaded Vanya to join her in her ritual, and out of pure pursuit of knowledge, Vanya agreed.

Their first attempt ended before it could begin. The Arcanist could feel the presence of the dark artefact, and was well aware of what the siblings were attempting to accomplish. Understanding that the presence of the Shade would mean annihilation for all dragonkind, the Arcanist confiscated the ingredients and spells for the ritual. He did not take the artefact - Vanya had hidden it too well. Giving the siblings a severe warning, the Arcanist left them.

Vanya scorned the Arcanist, thinking that all the god knew was what not to do. Both he and Harmony were bitter that months of their hard work had gone to oblivion at one command of the god, and they thought hard as to how to evade such restrictions. Quietly, they began working on another summoning attempt. They used spells to evade the Arcanist, and quietly, their plans neared fruition. On a night when the moon hung pale and sickly in the sky, Vanya placed the artefact in the centre of their magic circle, and broke the runes inscribed upon it.

A mistake. Vanya had understood that the runes were filled with binding magic, but he did not realise the reason why the statue had been bound. The artefact was a prison for a dangerous entity, not just a simple reservoir of black magic. Upon being released, the long-suffering entity sprang out without reservation, hissing and snarling in the ancient language of magic.

Harmony was terrified. Vanya was delighted. A new creature, unknown in the field of biology! He wanted to take notes, but Harmony was there, screaming in the very bland "AHHHHH." that Fae reserved for things of the utmost horrifying, and he was distracted. In yelling at her to stop panicking, he was unable to perceive the entity's pent-up anger and frustration, so when the entity, fed up with their antics, suddenly snarled and unleashed a horrific blast of black magic, Vanya, too, shrieked in terror. His rationality lost, he and his sister ran for it.

Not even the Arcanist could save them. Before Vanya and Harmony could escape, the dark entity's coils had entangled them in black magic. Corrosive energy seared into their skin - painful reminders that some magic should never be meddle with. The Arcanist came just in time to destroy the entity before it could consume them, but it was too late. Vanya and Harmony were Shadetouched.

Having suffered more serious injuries than Harmony, Vanya was warned to stay in the Observatory for further healing for fear his mind broke under the weight of black magic. However, Harmony, devastated by what she had done, persuaded him to leave. Deciding that he'd prefer to live out the rest of his days in the outdoors he loved instead of another test subject in the Observatory, Vanya left with his sister in the dead of the night, and never turned back.

After leaving the Observatory, one thing became clear to Vanya and Harmony: they did not, in any way, know how to provide for themselves. At the Observatory, they'd gotten free food and lodgings, and never had to think about suffering from the weather and starvation. Away from home, they had trouble with the simplest things.

Vanya was the one who found out that being a magic peddler actually brought in some good coin. Thus, he and Harmony began working as free-lancing mages for the good of the entire Arcane community. Unfortunately, as impressive as this may sound, Vanya didn't do much other than (accidentally) blow up and few dragons and extract their wallets from the sizzling pile of sludge. (He claims he was simply conserving resources, though honestly, it's burglary.) And of course, once he and Harmony were blacklisted as murderers, there was that one incident where they were being chased by several dozen angry dragons and found themselves flying through the air one second - then slamming into several herds of Longnecks the next.

After a very long adventure that included few heroics, much monotone screaming, and a lot of cursing, the siblings found themselves hiding in Myrtle's pumpkin patch. The Guardian, after flaying the Longnecks for trampling her flowers, went with blood streaming down her face to take care of the two offending Fae next. There was more screaming. Then Demeter appeared, and in an attempt to keep Myrtle's list of kills from hitting six thousand, saved Vanya and Harmony, telling them about the Runic Mountain Range in the process.

Vanya was absolutely fascinated by the Runic Mountain Range. The magic! All the new flora and fauna! He was down to do research the moment Demeter dragged him back from being bisected by Myrtle's cleaver. Amused by his enthusiasm, Demeter tasked Vanya and Harmony with helping the clan with their magic. Vanya took this as an invitation to do all the research he could in the mountain range. He flew straight out into the open, and immediately immerse himself in the outdoors.

A few months later, he learned that he'd apparently become a part of the Aequitas Clan. He still doesn't know how this happens, but honestly, it's a lot more convenient to stash piles of potentially unsafe materials in his den then leaving it out for other dragons to inspect and (in some cases) steal.


§ Art by Fizzywits

I know the darkness is my ally
I fear not the shadows residing in my heart
Only those who cannot control it
Ever fear the wrath of the dark

You can say it's a nightmare
I say it's a dream come true
Where is the point in fearing
What the darkness can make you do?

You can't say that darkness is evil
You can't say all that is malicious is dark
I've heard and seen far too much
To know that evil and dark are apart

I scorn those that live for the light
Those that the dark despise
You think of darkness as a terrible fate?
Oh, you've never seen Fate's hated eyes.

Adopt by Fantastea
§ Art by WhiteVenom
§ Art by Fantastea

§ Art by insomnolence
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