Theme Week: Favorite Dragons!

Shemei's Clan
Tentacles and insects are my fuel
Clan Info
I am 9 hours ahead from Flight Rising time!
Copy of Emetheo for Umbral.
Pistachio/white/white for Shaxxercise
Sometimes I'm logging from my friend's Meresad (ID: 84143) place
Recent Comments

Dragonfly was on the front page! :)

Acrux was the random dragon!!

Thank you for buying Malodorous!

Blink made it to the front page! He's GORGEOUS!!

Erhaval was on the front page. Cute coatl boooy!

Arhael was on the front page!

Helen was on the front page! :D

Hi, looking for a boy with colors like Kujaku. Could I get a ping next time if they breed one? (one of the most recent exalted boys would have been perfect D:

Beneth was on the front page!

Helen was on the front page, what a pretty dragon! :0

Shemei was on the front page, she looks really cool!

Shemei was on the front page!
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