[LF] Leveling To 25 - 250g/kt per

Purplepleb's Clan
Clan Info
~~Exalting Lair~~
Hello! I'm Purple :) I'm not so good with social subtleties so I like to be very clear when I am saying things! Please don't take offense, I don't mean to be rude :3
I'm always buying purple-mist range g1s! Thread here
I'm also on LW: https://www.lorwolf.com/Play/ViewUser?id=2379
Keeping a handy link to my journal for my own use ^_^ https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3287131
Quick-click for den tasks
My current goal is to complete the bestiary (excluding KS/beta).
I'd also like to make some profile graphics to prettify things a tiny bit. :3
Hello! I'm Purple :) I'm not so good with social subtleties so I like to be very clear when I am saying things! Please don't take offense, I don't mean to be rude :3
I'm always buying purple-mist range g1s! Thread here
I'm also on LW: https://www.lorwolf.com/Play/ViewUser?id=2379
Keeping a handy link to my journal for my own use ^_^ https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3287131
Quick-click for den tasks
My current goal is to complete the bestiary (excluding KS/beta).
I'd also like to make some profile graphics to prettify things a tiny bit. :3
Recent Comments

I wonder what Purple's favorite color is. I could not guess.

Purplepleb is one of the nicest people I know.<3

Eunys was on the front page!

I think having 20 gen1s definitely falls under gen1 collector, especially if you plan on making them all your permas.

Oh, you're a gen 1 collector? If you want extra gen1s, you can always ask me if the ones I have in my levelees tab (lair and den) to see if any of them spark your interest.

Hiyas! :D Nice to see you over here too hehe!
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