Laptop Dragon Adopts [OPEN for USD - $8]
Sparrowe's Clan
Watch out, the moth dergs are coming to eat your lore
Clan Info
Sparrowe » Christian | writer | artist ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Here, the pasts of darkness are forgotten and futures of light are embraced. We have found more than hope. » Wishlist | » Youtube | » Clan Lore | » Shops |
Hi! I'm attending college for a Writing degree, and I'm always open to talk about anything writing-related! While my time for games has dropped substantially, I'm still semi-active to sell art for USD. This is a lore clan, though most of my lore became outdated and was deleted. |
We are an unlikely collection of dragons, most of whom carry criminal histories. Many have been redeemed from their pasts, embracing a strong clan-wide moral code. The clan doubles as a prison, where dragons with severe criminal records are kept humanely and ministered to until they change their perspective and conduct. |
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Thanks so much ^^