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snailcall's Clan
A los demonios no hay que creerles ni cuando dicen la verdad
Clan Info
Art shop: [x]
Blog: tetera-encantada.tumblr.com
Nice to meet you. :)
Time zone UTC+02:00 (9 hours ahead of Flight Rising time)
Blog: tetera-encantada.tumblr.com
Nice to meet you. :)
Time zone UTC+02:00 (9 hours ahead of Flight Rising time)
Recent Comments
Piperaceae was on the front page today :]
Enoch was on frontpage
Hey, please don't exalt that coat you just bought brother just got exalted :c
Yea that's fine! What are your commission prices like?
So I saw that human form of the old guardian you draw in the creative corner thread, it was pretty awesome, I have been looking for someone to draw one of my dragons in human form(Carnation). Are you open for requests or commissions of any sorts for that?
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