If A Dragon Were To...

Hifriend's Clan
If cauliflower can become pizza, you can be anything
Clan Info
1. sit in a parked car with sunglasses on and point a hairdryer at passing cars and see if they slow down
2. Page yourself over the intercom. Don't disguise your voice
3. every time someone asks you to do something ask them if they want fries with that
4. put a paper bin on your desk and label it "in"
5. order a diet water whenever you go out to eat-- with a serious face
6. specify that your drive-through order is "to go"
7. skip rather than walk
8. don't use any punctuation
9. Sing along at the opera
10. five days in advance tell your friends you can't go to their party because you aren't in the mood
11. have your friends address you by your wrestling name, rock bottom
12. when money comes out of the cash machine scream "I won, I won!"
13. when leaving the zoo, start running toward the car park screaming "Run for your lives, they're loose!"
14. find a good parking spot at the mall during rush hour and park in it with your reverse lights on
15. Anytime someone asks you 'why' reply with 'because I'm Batman'
16. put this on your page and make someone else smile
1. sit in a parked car with sunglasses on and point a hairdryer at passing cars and see if they slow down
2. Page yourself over the intercom. Don't disguise your voice
3. every time someone asks you to do something ask them if they want fries with that
4. put a paper bin on your desk and label it "in"
5. order a diet water whenever you go out to eat-- with a serious face
6. specify that your drive-through order is "to go"
7. skip rather than walk
8. don't use any punctuation
9. Sing along at the opera
10. five days in advance tell your friends you can't go to their party because you aren't in the mood
11. have your friends address you by your wrestling name, rock bottom
12. when money comes out of the cash machine scream "I won, I won!"
13. when leaving the zoo, start running toward the car park screaming "Run for your lives, they're loose!"
14. find a good parking spot at the mall during rush hour and park in it with your reverse lights on
15. Anytime someone asks you 'why' reply with 'because I'm Batman'
16. put this on your page and make someone else smile
Recent Comments

Hello! Just came to say I saw your dragon, Boots, on the front page! :D She is very pretty & eye-catching, I like her striking blue colors! :D Also your list of ways to keep one's insanity made me laugh, thanks for the giggle tonight ^^) That is all, hope you have an amazing day ^^)

Thank you for letting me know Lorel was on the front page!! :D

Thank you for telling me !! <3

Hi Hifriend, how have you been?

I like the second unnamed skydancer female

Thank you for the ping! It was lovely lore and I'm happy to have helped Doubletime reach his goal. Best of luck to him as he moves forward in his post-Vow world! ;o;

DarkSeas was on the front page!

That's twice in a week you got a hatchling from me! For xxx and xxy I'll always have some in stock for you, I can update you if you want!

i will forever love the dedication you are putting into Doubletime! thank you for updating me on him! <3

I have a CR for you from the door or boxes or whatever game... Anyway, please pick it up.

Oh. Basically, meant that in the "Ask a Dragon" thread, I posted my reply before you did.

im sorry, I ninjad you xD
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