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DraconemSeptum's Clan

ouch oof owie my eyeball
Venerable Lair
fortified within the
Magmablood Rebuke icon

Clan Info


Long-time user, 29 years old, he/him 🏳️‍⚧️
I tend to send friend requests randomly, don't feel obligated to accept! Active digger at Arlo's.

To-Do List
-Gathering priority list
-Coli Grind List
-Holiday apparel lists
-Site graphics resources list
-put together new mates for Dusthides
-get Skin: Prideful Ambition (100g current AH price)
-get Accent: Mech Pilot (80g current AH price)
-set up friendly_festival_dom_fodder_selling service (train em myself)
-save for Sphinxmoth 105000T
-save for Bee 600g
-save 3,000g for Lode & Petrify
-work Lode & Petrify into hatchery
-save 800,000t for more lair slots
-update RainWings (remove Alexandrite)
-finish HiveWings
-finish LeafWings (Wildclaw)
-update hatchery thread
-participate in or make Familiar swap/sales threads
-Familiar sets
-Ambassadors: 9/11 (Missing: Ice, Fire)
-Bears: 0/11 (all sold)
-Fakers: ?/11
-Elementals: 0/11
-Gems: 2/11 (Lightning, Ice, Water)
-Fakers: ?/11
-Goblins: 2/11 (Lightning and Earth)
-Spirits: 3/11 (Nature, Lightning, Light)
-Stone Statues: 3/11 (Lightning, Light, Arcane)
-Sprites: 0/11
-Snakes: 8/11(Missing: Light, Fire, Shadow)
-Slinks: 0/11
-Signs: 3/11 (Fire, Water, Nature)
-Fakers: 1/11 (Taurus)

Finished list
-save 650,000t for more lair slots



violet/fire ripple/toxin tundy


Welcome to Sunset Keep! We always have a few nests incubating in the back, and there's usually several interestingly gened specimens on the last few pages of my lair who are looking for a new home. We train and exalt regularly, though, so if you find something you like, don't hesitate to contact me.

I'm always ready to make an offer on a dragon with the following color combinations:
-Royal or Violet/Orange or Sunshine/Orange or Sunshine
-Tundras with Violet primaries and Ivory secondaries
(esp. Current and Tiger)
-Anything Indigo! especially mixed with golds

Looking for these specific dragons:

Ideal Indigo Babs such as this precious noodle:

Female Skydancer, Crystal or Basic/Facet/Thylacine, White/Gold/Violet

Sunset Keep now regularly hosts new interns for training and breeding pairs for, well, breeding! Occasionally a new egg is found during training sessions, and three such eggs have been hatched with great results. The “triplets” Milquetoast, Sazerac and Fridgerator are all permanent members of the clan as part of the scavenging crew. They are each saving up for gene scrolls. Septum has learned a great deal about alchemy from Yopo and the Malachite family, and together they are transmuting materials from the scraps of scavenged things the clan doesn’t need into apparel for the clan and gene scrolls, so occasionally the Sunset Keep will have spare Toxin and Poison genes for sale! Additionally, as more shiny dragons are hatched than can be kept in the lair, those too will either be trained for exalting or available for sale.

Please contact Septum if you have some new interns that could use training! Sunset Keep is happy to host and train as many new recruits as it has space for.

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Briarhart's avatar
July 06, 2024 09:11:29
Thank you! So glad you enjoy my plans for Scoville! He's just perfect for what I had envisioned!
CreationDragon's avatar
April 30, 2024 05:13:46
My sister saw your grand opening signature and linked me to your hatchery,
She isn't a fan of WOF but knew I was!
I've adopted a little Sandy and look forward to seeing where this goes ^v^
Airbuddy's avatar
February 18, 2024 18:54:44
No, I've moved on, hatcheries are too much commitment/effort for me! I've definitely not been keeping up with the series much as well. Any particular reason for asking, or just curious?
Gavynthetoad's avatar
May 19, 2023 12:22:43
Tuebor was on the front page!
GayForYD's avatar
May 11, 2019 01:37:39
Mogran was on the front page! I love her a lot.
Sharpjay217's avatar
September 29, 2018 12:44:10
Civet was on the front page! She's stunning! <3
GirlGamer1001's avatar
September 29, 2018 12:43:54
Civet was on the front page!
kyrin18's avatar
September 07, 2018 09:58:01
Your welcome <3
kyrin18's avatar
September 06, 2018 13:39:37
Hush was on the front page! (Btw Custis is adorable <3)
Tamatoa's avatar
August 13, 2018 22:01:33
Yep. It's true. Muck is flight rising's soylent green as it's made of familiars.
roadkilled's avatar
July 08, 2018 12:36:04
Maybe for Rainwings, you could get two dragons with a really big color range?
heartdragon56's avatar
May 01, 2018 13:15:10
i haven't heard of the wings of fire series but it sounds cool ^^ might write it down to look into checking out :D
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Date Joined
Nov 17, 2014

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DraconemSeptum's Friends

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fateandfire (#86532)

lyssa's home for special needs lizards
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secretstars (#39413)

comin out of my cage and i've been doin jUST FINE
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bazilisk (#146442)
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TheDrDroppedMe (#194815)
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Arewetruman (#41178)

Doing The Most since 2013
MxFelix's avatar
MxFelix (#198422)

New gender!
Keelzorz's avatar
Keelzorz (#212273)
TeaMug's avatar
TeaMug (#156959)

Lightning stikes in the distance. Always in the distance.

Recent Activity

Sep 20
Became friends with RiseOfAncalagon
Maybe in a few years they'll write a buddy comedy about you guys.
Sep 15
Welcomed new hatchlings!
1 Bogsneak Male, 2 Bogsneak Female
Sep 04
Became friends with Bisharpamor
Maybe in a few years they'll write a buddy comedy about you guys.

Recent Achievements

Aug 30
Flowery Patterns
Aug 30
Oooh, Shiny!
Aug 30
Venomous, not Poisonous
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