CrackedSouls' Clan

hoard not hoarding
Venerable Lair
near the

Clan Info


I play in multiple places with different devices please don't banish me to the shadow realm



Pure snow everywhere
Within the winter season
Frosty, snowflakes dance.

There, the snowflakes dance
For what seemed like forever
And when done, they fall.

It's ballet for them
For what we call beautiful
They melt, as if tired.

Are they not just nice?
Always dancing with the wind
Only when it snows.

In winter, they dance
Meanwhile in the summertime
They are retired.

Pleasant summertime
When it is sunny and hot
The beach is my friend.

Waves that are rolling
Towards my claws and the sand
Washing and rolling.

The water dances
The beauty of the shoreline
Ever so pleasant.

The dancing waters
So alike to the snowflakes
Dancing in winter.

Before the summer
Just a small season before
Is spring, not winter

But I do not care
The order doesn't matter
To me or my mind.

Spring, is when plants bloom
It is when plants bloom and thrive
Always smelling fresh.

With grass stains on you
Green stains, nearly all over
Always loved the smell.

When time comes, it rains
Water dropping on tin roofs
Forever raining.

When Autumn appears
In the multicoloured leaves
Orange, red, yellow.

The crunch of the leaf
Ever so satisfying
Beyond my hearing.

The smell of the smoke
When it's Autumn and Summer
It's time for camping.

Within the forests
Lie's the slumbering
So calm and peaceful.

We light a campfire
To roast bags of marshmallows
Rarely burning them.

Black burnt marshmallows
Tastes like soot and despair
And maybe, burnt wood.

I hate them this burnt
It's like charcoal in my mouth
Forever burning.

All of the Seasons
I have never liked them all
But sometimes, I do.
Clan Lorem---- ---- ---- -crackedsouls ☆ she/her ☆ fr +1

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec elementum convallis posuere. Aenean id purus ac justo imperdiet fringilla quis at dui. Nulla quis mi quis sem rutrum pellentesque. Etiam id quam sed mauris molestie feugiat. Cras auctor mauris est, semper interdum urna congue nec. Fusce felis lorem, dictum a malesuada at, finibus sed diam. Mauris faucibus rutrum neque, quis dictum magna egestas quis.

- Save up treasure and gems
- Stop making outfits for fan-dragons because you spend hours on them



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vitae arcu orci. Etiam nisl metus, bibendum ut eleifend et, cursus ac dui. Sed orci quam, bibendum eget sem at, lacinia sagittis nisi. Fusce at dignissim massa. Vestibulum sodales euismod eros, id ultrices purus egestas sit amet. Nullam lorem velit, volutpat id libero id, pretium pellentesque nunc. Maecenas congue augue justo, a gravida libero condimentum at. Nam nec ex eu tellus sodales pretium. Mauris viverra quam nibh, semper sagittis lectus imperdiet et. Duis ante sem, efficitur non scelerisque in, ultrices vitae lacus. Etiam gravida elementum quam, vitae aliquam turpis sollicitudin quis. Vivamus cursus ipsum velit, at hendrerit diam dignissim sit amet. Sed nec est ipsum.

Curabitur tincidunt, libero a sodales tristique, sapien enim venenatis odio, ultrices rhoncus nunc lacus eget lectus. Aliquam bibendum accumsan libero, sit amet feugiat ligula volutpat eget. Suspendisse et tortor ut mi bibendum semper sit amet ut lacus. Aenean id iaculis lacus, ut mattis neque. Nunc tincidunt metus erat, a vulputate massa gravida et. Vestibulum vulputate purus laoreet porta ultrices. Nullam sodales dictum purus, sed lacinia mauris. Sed condimentum dictum pellentesque. Pellentesque risus risus, convallis ac enim a, consequat ullamcorper libero. Quisque vitae erat maximus leo vulputate congue non a nisi. Suspendisse eleifend eget urna suscipit interdum. Curabitur vulputate diam nunc, ac condimentum est finibus sed. Nullam mattis elit felis, sed tempor leo varius a. Integer pharetra sagittis nisl, ut elementum enim. Vestibulum laoreet semper sodales. Fusce quis aliquam sem. Proin condimentum rutrum lacus, at ultricies enim. Maecenas in sollicitudin nisl. Sed commodo justo non interdum dictum. Ut efficitur sapien ac lorem rutrum rutrum. Suspendisse nisi nunc, semper scelerisque tempus placerat, lobortis blandit nulla. Donec felis libero, ultricies vitae faucibus id, pulvinar eu justo. Duis nec orci sed libero placerat auctor quis et nisi. Duis tempus euismod vehicula. Aliquam venenatis augue sit amet scelerisque Maximus. Etiam sodales faucibus augue nec gravida. Nunc nec felis a augue hendrerit ornare. Proin scelerisque feugiat nunc, ac pretium tellus rutrum eu. Etiam vehicula sapien at diam convallis ultricies. In sagittis, est et dignissim dictum, sapien ipsum lacinia neque, vitae laoreet ligula sem vitae est. Sed ullamcorper pulvinar metus a venenatis. Nulla facilisi. Fusce eu tellus at leo sollicitudin placerat. Nam mollis sed urna id sollicitudin. Mauris tincidunt leo nunc, id dictum elit maximus in. Sed laoreet luctus euismod. Praesent eu enim est. Ut luctus metus nec euismod hendrerit. Donec ac ipsum maximus, finibus odio sit amet.


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Consider not

Recent Comments

1 2 3 4 5
June 11, 2024 12:10:35
April 16, 2024 19:39:03
Neon was on the Random Dragon!
March 16, 2024 11:55:02
Lime was on the front page
March 10, 2024 06:50:30
Dew (#91809226) was on the front page!
February 25, 2024 10:32:07
Dominica is stunning! What a beautiful dragon!
December 22, 2023 18:11:57
this is super random but your avatar dragon looks similar to mine...
November 15, 2023 01:53:27
Cheers! Thank you so much!
October 22, 2023 15:53:56
Heck yeah, a Swatch enjoyer!! He's so good, best birb (thanks for picking my fanderg of them btw!)
September 19, 2023 17:36:44
I just wanna say, I looooove your ace attorney dragons! They are so cool
September 08, 2023 13:39:10
thanks, I appreciate it!! you have some lovely dergs yourself; I like your lair organization!!
August 16, 2023 16:56:57
ooh, i love your Napstaton dragon!! all of your other fandergs are great as well :D
August 08, 2023 14:38:14
I clicked on it...and translated it. Grammarly ad saved the day
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Date Joined
Nov 29, 2019

Recent Forum Posts

CrackedSouls' Friends

SilverBelle (#349852)

kinda hiatus~
Sick (#45740)
Mumtup (#98719)

Close only counts in horse grenades.
Evbay (#94612)

Hey, what's up, Slick?
ThiccShiba (#491887)

Watched Evangelion and EoE : /
Lallie (#175364)

Dishonor on your Clan! Dishonor on your Coatl!
rainchime (#315194)

Oooh moss *touches moss* yippee :D
Grox (#135561)

Being useful to the Grox is good for your survival.
Spassow (#167833)

Be stronger and laugh till the end.
Pac1fity (#496617)

Back to phonk again

Recent Activity

Jun 16
Welcomed new hatchlings!
2 Skydancer Male, 2 Skydancer Female
Jun 11
Welcomed new hatchlings!
2 Coatl Male
Jun 11
Welcomed new hatchlings!
3 Fae Male, 1 Fae Female

Recent Achievements

Mar 19
Swag! (Love is in the Air)
Mar 19
Festive Favors: Trickmurk Circus
Mar 19
Budge and Nudge to Formulate Sludge? (Blue)
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