Please scry this for me (open still)
CookieMayhem's Clan
Clan Info
I'm back and... yep. Gonna rework my dragons entirely! Not that it matters that much.
Everybody hates Leana. She writes bad comments about their appearances and hides them in the archives with all of the scrolls. It's very petty, really. But she says she's a renowned journalist, and to be fair, she tells nothing but the truth (disregarding her clanmates). She'll take care of the paperwork, so if you have any issues during your stay, bring it up with her and Slippers. (Slippers has a record of the things the Clan wants, needs, or likes.)
Clan Alliances
Clan Alliances
>Always looking for more Flair Scarves. Always.
>Lair Expansion - 350kt
>Sylvana (F Wildclaw) Accent for Komoku
Full Wishlist Here
>Always looking for more Flair Scarves. Always.
>Lair Expansion - 350kt
>Sylvana (F Wildclaw) Accent for Komoku
Full Wishlist Here
Art by Kurayami
A little URL so I donut forget this amazing story:
CLOSED Lore and Bio shop.
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By the way charisma is SO cute :D