Mini Mass Hatch 2/29 GO!

starbornkid's Clan
dragon clan here we stand
Clan Info
hi i only log in like a few times a year now it's gonna take me some time to get through messages and grind notn, ty for your patience
133 missed notifs
what happened
Please do not message me about sending back a dragon if I have purchased it. I apologize, I don't want to come off as rude I just do not like feeling guilted about my purchases. Thank you for understanding!
salem | they/them | greek
_(」∠ 、ン、)_
Status: too many projects
Commissions: Fujo 60% complete
temp art sales | new art shop | accents | wips and projects
This is an exalting lair.
If we have not spoken, please do not send me random friend requests.
133 missed notifs
what happened
Please do not message me about sending back a dragon if I have purchased it. I apologize, I don't want to come off as rude I just do not like feeling guilted about my purchases. Thank you for understanding!
salem | they/them | greek
_(」∠ 、ン、)_
Status: too many projects
Commissions: Fujo 60% complete
temp art sales | new art shop | accents | wips and projects
This is an exalting lair.
If we have not spoken, please do not send me random friend requests.
Recent Comments

eyy ty!!! watch me poof again. how goes fr? :o

!!! :D

your new year g1 was on the front page

Bathory was on the front page!

Thank you so much for the wonderful art!

reinhilde was on the front page! u have such gorgeous dragons :o

Diardi was on the front page! c:

Dismal was on the front page! He is super cool looking.

that would be fun, i'll let you know when i have more time to myself.

thank you for thinking about me. well, just very busy. i hope to do something for you soon; feel free to ask even if shop is closed. i don't want to ping everyone if i only have time for one slot sometimes.

Diardi was on the front page. He’s gorgeous !

You are welcome smol/tol.
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