[S] 1300g @ 1:1200

Pangur's Clan
Hail, and welcome to Gale-Cove, Jewel of the Steppes!
Clan Info
Founded on the border of Water and Wind, Clan Gale-Cove
is a bustling, intercultural trade hub where you can find most anything, if you have the time and treasure...
is a bustling, intercultural trade hub where you can find most anything, if you have the time and treasure...
Recent Comments

I had rayne for the looongest time and she was dressed up EXACTLY THE SAME before I decided I wanted her to be wind instead >v> I'm glad you're taking good care of her!

thank you for that comment on my dragon on the forum. she is a Halloween dragon and shes one of my most favourite dragon in my lair

Thank you, I'm glad you approve! I'm glad I managed to get him, I love his coloring^^

Hey! I just saw that you still have old Jaque in your lair (I bred him long time ago), and I wanted to say that that makes me so happy! I love how unique and you've made him and how he has so much character!

psssssst Othala's lore is really cool

Thank you for your kind words about Sige and Nightbird! :> I really adore them and you're compliment about my lore... AHHH just thank you! And yeah :/ Sette is going to be part of my lore overhaul in figuring out where she really belongs. Thank you!!

Your dragon Faora was on the from page, and wow, she's beautiful! Her apparel matches her perfectly! You have a wonderful lair!

D: where is my ridgie?

thanks for feedback on Huffle. All my dragons are based off characters from shows or games that I watch or play, so I havent really focused on any lore fo them XD

Also having read your lore I now have a real need to find a way to dress Pete up in a coat full of watches...

They really are epic, and I can guess how much work it must have been getting the pilot /just so/. You (and they) are an absolute treasure that more people should appreciate!
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