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SolarCABLU's Clan

On hiatus, don't glitter me Acolights! '^^
Venerable Lair
near the
Moonportal icon

Clan Info



*please scroll to the bottom for info!*

Immaculate Tablet
Grove Fern

Something that I will write eventually. this is a test haha and also a wip weee ; anyway I have to continue this for a WHILE because gotta fill the space so ermmm here's me chitchattering about random stuff lalalalaaa I loveee pearlcatchers btw and please ignore this. this is a placeholder I swear it will be normal

Something that I will write eventually. this is a test haha and also a wip weee ; anyway I have to continue this for a WHILE because gotta fill the space so ermmm here's me chitchattering about random stuff lalalalaaa I loveee pearlcatchers btw and please ignore this. this is a placeholder I swear it will be normal


Something that I will write eventually. this is a test haha and also a wip weee ; anyway I have to continue this for a WHILE because gotta fill the space so ermmm here's me chitchattering about random stuff lalalalaaa I loveee pearlcatchers btw and please ignore this. this is a placeholder I swear it will be normal ps bla bla bla more text more nerdy stuff idk! aaaaaaaa

This is a continuation to the text above. Did I mention that I really like pearlcatchers? Like...an unhleathy amount. Of course, I have other dragon breeds too.. but pearlcatchers make a majority of my clan, and I am PROUD of that! And ironically, even if I use imperial emojis, I don't really have any imperials. Oops! anyway I have 0 idea what else to type so lorem ipsum dolor sit amet HAHA did you actually think this was lorem ipsum? Well. It's just me
Something that I will write eventually. this is a test haha and also a wip weee ; anyway I have to continue this for a WHILE because gotta fill the space so ermmm here's me
Intact Parchment
okay i am actually going to use lorem ipsum now guys trust me Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam quis mi convallis, bibendum nunc eu, suscipit leo. Nulla maximus turpis
libero, sit amet auctor nulla fringilla sit amet. Maecenas dignissim tempor nisi, eu iaculis quam facilisis vitae. Sed et nibh iaculis, ornare lacus in, imperdiet metus. Sed ut elementum orci, nec cursus ipsum. In ut nisl diam. Suspendisse id congue libero. Vestibulum vitae ex lorem. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Pellentesque rhoncus erat id ex sodales feugiat. Quisque elementum nulla ac mauris maximus
okay i am actually going to use lorem ipsum now guys trust me Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam quis mi convallis, bibendum nunc eu, suscipit leo. Nulla maximus turpis
Suspendisse nec varius orci. Mauris non erat sodales mi accumsan blandit. Quisque a urna sem. Pellentesque sed venenatis sapien, id volutpat arcu. Proin placerat pellentesque tempus. Sed at ipsum semper, dignissim neque in, dictum orci. Donec blandit viverra placerat. Etiam ac pellentesque tortor, et cursus ante. In consectetur nec ex eget dapibus. Sed bibendum ipsum dolor, eget maximus
e0ZMf95.png enim porta non. Quisque et mi rutrum, scelerisque ex in, tempus metus. Morbi ipsum nisl, scelerisque vitae risus sed, rhoncus iaculis neque.Sed ac nulla at felis dignissim accumsan. Nam eu porttitor nibh. Nunc venenatis urna et nulla semper elementum. Vivamus eu iaculis nibh. Proin ut tempus purus, non bibendum metus. Pellentesque sed lectus faucibus, imperdiet nisi sed, rhoncus nisi.
vByz6vO.png About me
This is an EXALT LAIR. If you want to buy a dragon from the fodder tab feel free to message me, I will give you a reasonable price and I don't bite :3c
If I give you a message with art, items or treasure it's 90% glitter. Enjoy! ^^
Please do not thank me for buying your dragon as there is a 97% chance that they will be yeeted to Glittermama </3
I have an unhealthy g1 pearlcatcher addiction
Check out my best friend ally FrostyShards, they have awesome lore!
You can find all of my bio resources here!
Also, fr staff, I have the same IP as my mom, fluffydragonclan.

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SunsPauliiine's avatar
October 17, 2023 21:39:25
Saw you on the obscure fandragons thread! Wanted to say I like your snowcave dragon -- I used to play ARK:Survival Evolved !
SeawingPike's avatar
October 13, 2023 11:12:35
If you give my bird a piece of watermelon, he just sits there holding it in his beak and judges you for your crimes
SeawingPike's avatar
October 13, 2023 11:06:16
SeawingPike's avatar
October 13, 2023 10:59:47
Also gorgeous blue-lavender-orange-red-gold colour combo
SeawingPike's avatar
October 13, 2023 10:59:12
It was supposed fo imitate Latona holding a flower, but now it just looks weird
SeawingPike's avatar
October 13, 2023 10:58:29
Argesh's avatar
October 11, 2023 14:47:16
HELLOOO Im so glad to see you!! :D
feralmonarch's avatar
October 04, 2023 17:16:17
wow uh..... you were killed by a raptor (Lv. 150) (i havent played ark in a while)
LabyrinthianLost's avatar
September 27, 2023 18:33:47
It's nice to see Darkmask doing well! I didn't know he became an Aberration :O
GhostofRoute35's avatar
September 10, 2023 04:25:43
Thank you for buying Katerine!
KinitoPET's avatar
September 06, 2023 22:11:20
Amalgemotion's avatar
June 14, 2023 19:09:33
Was looking around to see what has become of some of my clan's hatchlings, and just wanted to say I love what you've done with Quill! The accent and attire are really striking, and I love reading peoples' lore, 'tis good fun.
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Date Joined
Sep 9, 2021

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SolarCABLU's Friends

DigitalAres' avatar
DigitalAres (#555717)

May glittermoms light shine upon you
Blitzr's avatar
Blitzr (#562648)
KinitoPET's avatar
KinitoPET (#424110)

Is really bad at feeding my dragons
FrostyShards' avatar
FrostyShards (#597942)

incompetence or creativity?
fluffydragonclan's avatar
fluffydragonclan (#687044)
Stormdance's avatar
Stormdance (#98361)

Arise oh light!
Runovaris' avatar
Runovaris (#628537)

Let the warmth and radiance of the sun soothe your wounds.
DietDogwaterr's avatar
DietDogwaterr (#598421)

*pirates of the caribbean music plays aggressively*
etherealEquinox's avatar
etherealEquinox (#561134)

"Are you having fun?!" /q
KursedCurtain's avatar
KursedCurtain (#501782)

"Memories, my boy. Just a show we put on inside our heads."

Recent Activity

Feb 21
Welcomed new hatchlings!
1 Guardian Female, 1 Pearlcatcher Female
Feb 20
Welcomed new hatchlings!
3 Veilspun Female
Feb 19
Welcomed new hatchlings!
2 Guardian Female, 2 Fae Male

Recent Achievements

Dec 31
Actually, I'm Something of a Pet Expert Myself (100)
Dec 30
I Bet it's Something Totally Cool (250)
Dec 29
Marketplace Marauder (Eye Types)
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