[PlagueDOM] Multigaze Sales

Jenovaa's Clan
Your Friendly Local Multi-Gaze Collector!
Clan Info

(art by Mersinia)
I want to make pretty dragons. Let me know how I can improve myself!
Mod of a lovely FlightRising discord, reach out to me if you'd like to join!
I'm interested in multi-gaze dragons!
Project: Primals of each element! (Achieved!)
Project: Multi-gaze (I will always love a multigaze dragon!)
Project: Looking to make XXY Midnight shadow primal babies! (So far: 2!)
Project: I'd like to find myself an old dragon. Whether they're 2 digit, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7! So many old dragons are starved and neglected, I'd love to give them a loving home.
Project: Looking to make a permababy of every breed of dragon!
Super friendly, send me a message!
Honestly, I see a lot of wishlists but.. I just want meaningful gifts. I don't need anything crazy. Gem marketplace always has cool stuff, but nothing is cooler than a heart-felt gift!
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You have so many gorgeous dragons!