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Emmalilu's Clan

The Arcane Clan
Venerable Lair
on the
Starwood Strand icon

Clan Info



Welcome at the beautiful and yet old The Arcane Clan. Our God, is Spacedad called aslo as Arcanist.
There is many of fae & skydancer dragons, but not only them. We love our Spacedad, cuz he is just for us like the very good father! The Anthemn of Clan is Forget.
The Arcane Trio




Chapter 1: The Great Beginning


When the Sornieth was been a young planet, one day the Arcanist decided to create his first Fae childs. Their names was Orchid & Hydroposeidon. Later, both of them fall in love with each other... a little later, the royal couple had their first hatchling, Bella.
Thousand years after creation of Orchid & Hydroposeidon, there born a first Ridgeback in the Starfall Isles. Her name was been Xeria.
Orchid when meet this Ridgeback, asked her something like "Who are you?" then she introduced herself to the Orchid. That's how The Arcane Trio has been created. Later, the Shade started to attack gods, and the Sornieth. Arcanist went to The Arcane Trio's nest, said something like "Orchid... my daughter, we need a help! Something strange is gonna end up the life of our world!" after those words, Orchid with her friends called Hydroposeidon and Xeria, came to the location where Shade was been hiding. The Arcane Trio was been fighting many years with Shade, but they won, beating they forever. Some dragon says, The Arcane Trio has been formed by main rulers of The Arcane Clan -
Orchid, Hydroposeidon & Xeria in order to defend them, other members of The Arcane Clan - they are the only one members of The Arcane Trio. Later, The Arcane Trio did maded a own theme, which is their theme and The Arcane Clan's theme aslo too, called The Cult of Dionysus.

Chapter 2: The Age of Revolution


After many millennials, even if the Arcanist destroyed the World Pillar - it have risen, the youngest flight of the all.. Arcane. It becamed a 2nd of biggest flights.
Meanwhile, The Arcane Trio still are standing near the colossal place which is Forbidden Portal, to protect Starfall Isles from dangerous unknown creatures, within powers of most powerful behemots.
Thankfully to The Arcane Clan, the many of young faes have migrated to their origins, roots. To the Starwood Strand.
But aslo in the Starwood Strand, expanded much higher than before a population of arcane inborn skydancers.
In the one, but big word - The Arcane Clan have caused the great event, called The Arcane Revolution. Arcane dragons are now more faithful, and loyal to their Deity which have originated all roots of The Arcane Flight's roots.
Arcanist still is inside The Observatory, learning many exciting facts about galactic, stars and cosmos. Many exalted dragons, helps the Arcanist within writing all that knowledge, and many of the arcane scholars decided to continue pursue the magic.
Not everything is alright forever how one of dragons thinked - it was right. Shade started to strike back, sending to the Forbidden Portal many new dangers.
That didn't have feared The Arcane Clan. In exchange, they started to invite to the Military Forces more and more dragons within awesome battle skills, to protect their motherland from the Shade.
Deities, they sees what happens but they prefers to battle against the Shade as single forces. That was error. But Arcane Flight, being the 2nd of the biggest flights it have used their potential, and all of them it seems like is gonna connect their forces into big, magic structure like a behemot.
All of them, are still learning new and more powerful skills, magic, and spells always supported by the Arcanist's blessings.
That's how the dragons have called The New Age of Sornieth - The Age of Revolution.
This chapter it haven't ended yet. The Arcane Clan have maked 2nd theme - The Revolution.

Chapter 3: The Revolution aren't Ended


Hydroposeidon, inside his workshop were still working hard to help Arcanist within upgrading his Observatory.
"It was too calm day" - thinked loud the inventor, Hydroposeidon. But, after a while of thinking he getted inspired and have done maked next machine... it was, a ink? Definitely.
This machine were suppossed, to revieve the dragons after their death, using arcanic magic and his newest ambitial thoughs beacuse Hydroposeidon have done errors, only a few times and it was been only a small part, of that what he lived.
While busy, Minerva have approached his room. "Hydroposeidon! Help! Coatls are doing revenge, they escapes even from Starfall Isles, back to the their homeland, it can end up bad for our friends which are exactly coatls, especially Phoenix which really wants to tame a real phoenix..."
Minerva looked desperately deep into busy Hydroposeidon's eyes.
"Fine. We have no time to waste." - Hydroposeidon had said loud, and it came to the Orchid.
In this moment, they knewed it. A Flamecaller wants a real battle with Arcanist.
How this will end up? No one knews. Great battle beetwen Arcane Flight, and Fire Flight is about to start...
Meanwhile, Arcanist like always observed the stars, until Orchid didn't have told him, she needs his support.
Arcanist took these words into heart. The Great Spacedad, never will leave alone his dearest flight.
Coatls from Starfall Isles, were fighting with themselves only to stay here. But, Flameforger didn't wanted to lost.
The Arcane Clan were forced again, to fight for their friends almost many thousands of next years. It seems like, they are close to win but Flamecaller haven't said, the battle is over yet.
Both of machinery experts, agressively with full force, were about to make more magical golems which will bombard The Great Furnace within arcane, magical bullets to defend their coatl friends from coming back to their origins.
Flamecaller in last moment, have said she gives up, but it was too late. The Arcane Clan was been merely were close to their great victory.
It seems like, Windsinger wants revenge too beacuse he tries to get back his losted arcane skydancers into his homeland.
The Arcane Clan isn't about to surrender, they are fighting back to the Windsinger's attempts to get back skydancers to his home.
While wind battles beetwen arcane were sharper than Xeria's claws, something inky but scary have escaped from Ink Machine's engine.
It was been... Bendy? A strange hatchling. Scared of that, how he wanted to make his own Flight within powers of arcane and magic, The Arcane Clan have put him inside Resting Cave.
But it weren't egnough. Bendy have leaved Resting Cave, while doing a deals with Shade having more, more and more of power. It seems like, Bendy is about to destroy Sornieth, but Arcanist have transformed his dangerous powers, into a small hatchling of fae dragon, keeping his body trapped in form of fae, to stop his plans of getting deal with Shade.
The day of end the Revolution has came and Xeria have leaded this, at that moment she roared with the voice of a ridgeback, biting her sharp fangs into Windsinger's skin, her claws piercing his flesh.
She looked at him, speaking to him in telepathy; "And that's why you hoped our skydancers would get back to your flight? You were wrong. We won the Arcane Revolution."
"You should beware of the might of our Military Forces, but you have ignored the might of arcane. Congratulations on your stupidity."
this is how Xeria ended the Arcane Revolution, to the cheers of the rest of the Arcane Clan.
Battle with wind flight have ended. That was last moment of Windsinger's nonsense attacks.
Both of machinery experts, Hydroposeidon and Minerva scared of that what they have done within Ink Machine, they decided to scrap it and forget about their past errors done with that strange machine.

Chapter 4: The Eternal War


Bendy as the unstable ink creature still does many troubles in Sornieth. All Military Forces of The Arcane Clan, must pursue the dancing demon and catch him, before it end will be here already.
That's not all, how all members though - transforming Bendy into a fae dragon, it was a solution only for a while beacuse he finded a spell that allows him to became back, a his real form.
Hydroposeidon, seeing this his big error, made in life were depressed from days to days, creating a new prototype, of machine that shall stop Bendy from his destructive usage of powers.
But, the Great King of The Arcane Clan, felt like hes a error. He just were too worried about the future. And, promised he won't do that error again. Meanwhile, the Dominance in Sornieth weren't lesser than before, the Deities wanted more desire and empower from dragons to be capable of fighting with Beastclans, and other enemies.
Orchid, like pure dragon of Arcane Flight, she promised that won't leave her roots. NEVER, meant for her future, literally NEVER. That's why, The Arcane Clan trained much better Military Forces, to be ready in command, for Arcanist's support.
Still it seems like, scholars, mages, astronomists, and other Arcanist's sons and daughters, that divides and leads Arcane Flight, they are still about to won, due to their count.
That's a big sucess. Literally too big. The Arcane Clan, also they made their best efforts, to get highest rank in Dominance, by exalting many many and many dragons.
Do they will stand forever high, in Dominance? It's hard to predict, but it will keep if they will get more active members.
The Arcane Clan, haves only one weakness which was been always a trouble, but not such a big. Their usage of insect food, is 60% and that's definitely too big, in comparision to other food types.
No worries, they haves a own ways to get rid of that troubles, like using Resting Cave, or forcing all members to grind on extreme insect finding.
Anyway, the Eternal Wars beetwen Flights, or Dominance - for some dragons are just a unstoppable future of everyone, all dragons and no one can stop it.
That always will happen, and that's okay. None of civilizations, were just perfect. It's literally impossible.
The Arcane Clan, have created 2 new themes to remember this painful but beautiful beginning of Modern Ages - Future, and Radioactive.


"Legends says, The Arcane Trio was been the beginning of The Arcane Clan."


~Extra Info~


Our the first prioritety is mainly helping Arcane Flight in order to get 1st place in Dominance again. We exalt mainly unwanted dragons, to the Spacedad. In our Clan, there is only Arcane dragons. All others cannot join.
The Arcane Trio


~About Me~


I'm passionate arcane player, that won't leave this flight (i'm here from my first days on flight rising) since, from my beginning i thinked it will match perfectly with me. For me, accepting random friend requests are fine, but i prefer to know a bit person, that wants to befriend with me.
Anyway, The Arcane Trio is my favorite dragons that which i picked, to representate my Clan, as the big unit and no, i'm not planning to make flight represantants, beacuse i have already a theme picked for my Clan.
My most favourite dragon breeds are Faes, Skydancers, Wildclaws and Ridgebacks.
I prefer to be called Emma and my timezone is GMT+ 2 since i'm from poland, pronouns she/her please. Sorry for english errors, or something but i'm using deepl translator sometimes since still i'm learning this languague. i'm learning english also via duolingo. I'm using also diki dictionary (english and polish) to help learning english.
Have a nice day, dear wanderer :)



Recent Comments

hatesprit's avatar
June 24, 2023 21:25:10
honeycomb was on the front page!
serenbach's avatar
June 24, 2023 03:19:44
Cream was on the front page, she's beautiful!!
LibEgalFrat's avatar
March 11, 2023 19:25:07
Thank you so much for giving Zephyr such a good home! I love your lore, and am so glad to see she's being taken care of.
xYura's avatar
October 15, 2022 08:08:14
Haha, yeah! I had a lot more at one point, but I wanted to give love to the other breeds. Skydancers are still my favorite, but I've found a love for Mirrors, Imps, Pearlies, and Spirals too in doing this! ^^
CirrusAscending's avatar
October 01, 2022 19:02:36
Thank you! I'm proud of how she turned out!
StormcatcherHere's avatar
March 19, 2022 10:39:30
I believe i found it on a Creative Corner thread, not sure which one tho! I used to be in arcane tho, wanted to tell you you have a dope aesthetic!
Scorpius' avatar
March 07, 2022 18:17:58
I reply back to people who show appreciation and compliments for my dragons. It's just a little thank you for their kind words.
Scorpius' avatar
March 05, 2022 18:36:28
Thank you for your kind words
Dreamily's avatar
March 02, 2022 05:00:24
DragonQueenHi's avatar
December 29, 2021 11:00:27
Gr8 thx
DragonQueenHi's avatar
December 27, 2021 06:39:12
She's pretty!
Mind if i take a screenshot of her?
DragonQueenHi's avatar
December 27, 2021 03:11:39
What dragon is ur profile pic of?
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Maybe in a few years they'll write a buddy comedy about you guys.
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