Swipp/Baldwin/Den: Items to Keep
Xayah's Clan
gotta go fast
Clan Info
hi I'm Celeste and I'm addicted to ridgebacks
all my pride and joy dergs are in the hibernal den lmao
grad school is suffering
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Clan Valtinne
Clan Valtinne's lair rests deep in the Cloudscrape Crags, in a verdant mountain valley with a large, mirror-like lake. The air is thin here, filled with the sounds of birdcalls and rushing water. The dragons of Clan Valtinne isolate themselves away here, where only the bravest and most determined can find them. They do this for their own protection - many of them suffer from mutations that make them seem monstrous. Chased away from their homes, they find solace in this alpine valley.
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He's b e a u t i f u l! And i love your lair