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Grapiesoo's Clan
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Starseekers Grotto
(aka Grapiesoo’s lair)
Code by GraveyardGhost
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two eggs!
Ohhh that's so nice from you thank you so much !! <3
Tore looks fantastic I love them!! Their orca thylacine is (chef kiss)
holiclipse made the front page!
sadly lordrene and lunaris gave one egg
Thank you!
Your dragon Meune is absolutely GORGEOUS! I love the way the apparel compliments the colors. Oh and bonewindow LOL. I have an extra renaming scroll if you want it but I think the fact that it was spelled wrong just give it a little bit more meaning ^^
of course! ^^
thank you so much for the doodle of glynis!!
I meant Ori, darn autocorrect!
Yeah! I know they said they're taking a break right now to focus on other games, like the upcoming No Rest for the Wicked, but hopefully someday they'll go back and give something that feels less.... bitter than the last game. I know it was meant to be bittersweet but it really felt more bitter to me, haha. But I'm glad to meet another Sri fan!
I felt the same about Ari and the Will of the Wisps in all honesty! The ending really bothered me, even though I enjoyed the game!
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