[129] The Hatchery Masterlist

treeblood's Clan
hiatus: I had my baby <3
Clan Info

a b o u t - h a t c h e r y

Melissa : she/her : FR+1
I rent nests for free through the Nest Network.
I use FR at work and at home,
on my phone, desktop, laptop, and work pc.
stained for Memnoch - 1200g
soap for Carnelian - 1200g
koi for Laenor - 1200g
koi for Veneris - 1200g
total: 4800g
Recent Comments

kruos and rose laid three eggs in arcane!

Deosil and Widdershins have 2 eggs here in Fire.

Thank you for picking up Veneris! That's a very intriguing scry for her - I love Koi so much and it works great there.

Thank you so much for adopting Eucalyptus!

Thank you so much for telling me about Mydryin! I love your lair, especially Fanta - they look awesome!

Thanks for another dragon, haha. Your veilspun hatchlings are beautiful!

In reply to the comment on my profile: I would 110% accept that offer! They're both very pretty.

was drawn in by your amazing forum avatar/vista combo and WOW, your lair is lowkey stunning! :0

Cadaver was on the front page! What a cool dragon!

Thank you so much buying Carnelian! Good luck with your pregnancy; I myself just had my second baby! <3

Oh you're pregnant? I hope you have a safe pregnancy and delivery!!

Three eggs from Ebb and Flow!
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