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cheesity's Clan

sunset garden sparkle dog
Venerable Lair
carved into the
Rotrock Rim icon

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Cov's avatar
May 03, 2019 13:42:51
kiran is baby and so are u
Cuddleh's avatar
May 01, 2019 13:17:14
Yeah that's fine! I just finished a gene project so it'll take me a day/two to get the funds back (darn it, gem genes) but I'd love to take him :3
Cuddleh's avatar
April 29, 2019 12:57:50
Sure! Can you remind me what his price was again though xD
Inno's avatar
April 29, 2019 05:50:59
madhuri was on the front page!! so pretty!
Cuddleh's avatar
April 28, 2019 14:48:44
Hi! I was going to pick up a boy of yours, #50961497, but his auction expired before I could. I was wondering if he was still up for purchase? He looks so much like a girl I have that I wanted to get him to put them together xD
Vhyxalas' avatar
April 22, 2019 18:03:54
Hey what's up are you actually RNGsus???
GirlGamer1001's avatar
April 15, 2019 21:12:12
Sitri was on the front page!
Cov's avatar
April 03, 2019 15:42:48
cant wait to grow old with u
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Date Joined
Jul 20, 2015

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cheesity's Friends

Tantobus' avatar
Tantobus (#142141)

Covet blood on thy blade, dignity in thy bones.
Nabesima's avatar
Nabesima (#27814)

Scavenging turns since last egg: 800-ish idk I lost count
Yondaime's avatar
Yondaime (#127528)

come on and slam and welcome to the jam
panicrobot's avatar
panicrobot (#115567)

today is the last day of your life up to this point - WTNV
Ekio's avatar
Ekio (#11692)
Istilel's avatar
Istilel (#92853)

u wot m8 i'll bash ur head in i sware on me mum
tetris' avatar
tetris (#36993)

haven't touched FR in 4yrs, everything is new, i'm scared xD
Juba's avatar
Juba (#31289)

stupidprizes' avatar
stupidprizes (#106696)

im on the bus
annadandelion's avatar
annadandelion (#135369)

*trips* *hundreds of pics of dergs fall out of pockets*

Recent Activity

Oct 15
Became friends with InTheDarke
Maybe in a few years they'll write a buddy comedy about you guys.
Jun 28
Became friends with ferspnai
Maybe in a few years they'll write a buddy comedy about you guys.
Jul 18
Earned: Level 40 Digging
Reach a level of 40 in the Digging skill.

Recent Achievements

Jul 24
Fashion Show, Fashion Show, Fashion Show at Lunch
Jul 24
HP/MP Restored!
Jul 24
Leafy Leftovers
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