Adopt-A-Dragon = Free to Good Homes!
Kururin's Clan
Beedle's best friend
Clan Info
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We're vigilantes. _______________________ |
Beneath the Shifting Expanse's towering conductors and the Tempest Spire exist a warren of tunnels and caverns. Within this vast lair resides the clan Lykos, founded by Shiq & Crest. Ever devoted to the Stormcatcher and all efforts to further science, this clan takes in willing dragons that seek adequate training before continuing on to serve beneath various deities. Though many dragons that come through this lair will go on to serve the Lightning deity, the clan is known to be allied with both the Fire and Ice flights. On rare occasions, trained interns are sent to other flights throughout Sornieth to offer their support to the other deities and their clans.
Recent Comments
Um maybe for a little while, funny story I’ve been looking for a female tundra with those exact genes for like a week now and yours was the first to show up. But I might breed her and then exalt her if I like one of her offspring better. Or not idk lol
You seriously named all three of my babies sorry??? I look at my dragon and I see under offspring "Sorry Sorry Sorry". WUUTT
when you get a chance i updated the trades with the amounts for each C:
Somewhat! I can do 200g or 200kt, mixed is fine as well. :)
I'll do my best to remember to message you for Lyra's offspring! She isn't one of the dragons I breed too frequently.
Your nest has three eggs!
Great! Thank you!
They are! Your little one is adorable with that triple green range! <3
Thank you for buying 3 of my hatchlings!
I'm sorry but WHERE do I know you from?? I am Big Confused.
Darrow was in the front page and he's absolutely gorgeous!!
So, so true :P
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