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Denutena's Clan

Hey, you... You're amazing, you know that?
Ancient Lair
floating upon the
Cloudsong icon

Clan Info

Adorbs Accents

Welcome to Denutena's Candyclan! =D

Notes for visitors:
- I'm a complete airhead, please poke me if I forget stuff or take too long to reply!
- Hatchling and parent letters are very welcome!
- I no longer accept random friend requests, but you're welcome to message me and talk to me if you want. ^^
- I will name all my dragons. Eventually. If you don't like unnamed dragons on your offspring list, don't worry! I'm still mulling over what the perfect name would be.
- I flip/exalt dragons from time to time.
- Clickity-click an art to go to the artist's clan profile!

She/her | 33 y/o | Dutch | FR+9 | Wishlist | Quest: Make It Pretty
PM me for my Tumblr | My Clan in the Lorebrary (outdated)

My lair, like my dergs, is sweet like a sugercoated candyland. It's also quite big. The skillful magicians of the clan have enchanted a lump of land to float in the air. On that piece of land, my clan has built a giant building with many wings and balconies sticking out. It looks a bit sketchy, but they've made sure it's safe. This is where almost all of the dragons live/sleep.

The giant building occupies about a third of the land. In the middle is a clan square, where the dragons show off and hand out their crafted/collected/whatever goodies, where they throw parties, and share meals together. Other, smaller buildings are located around the square, like the Counsil's meeting hall, the daycare/youth centre, and other stuff I haven't thought of yet. There's also a beautiful garden, and a small air dock with an air ship with giant balloons.

Everything is very colourful, and not a wall, corner, nook, item, whatever is safe from being decorated with shiny stones and feathers to intricate paint and glitter patters. It's like a beautiful fairyland, except with dragons instead of fairies. Very peaceful, lots of fun, and not a cloud in the sky! Although they do have a giant tarp to hang from the buildings over the clan square in case it rains.

See Galaxia's bio for a list of badges. ^^

Wind Warriors for Wisps
I share an IP address with my fiance, OttoNL. We like helping/spoiling each other, please don't ban us. =3 SemiLovely is my brother, sometimes we share an IP when we visit each other.

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plaguedemon's avatar
November 18, 2019 03:16:05
hi would you like to click the eggs on my user page? it helps them hatch, and im pretty new there so i need some help from ppl
FierySkies' avatar
October 14, 2019 17:21:26
two egg!
PachaMama's avatar
October 04, 2019 08:20:32
thanks for your kind words. i've been searching for weeks for a female in that color range for my lonely boy. they are now nesting and couldn't be happier. she is very loved! <3 thanks for breeding her.
FierySkies' avatar
September 18, 2019 11:36:53
Vulpess' avatar
August 12, 2019 07:49:20
Two eggs. ^^"
Solskensbarn's avatar
August 07, 2019 00:49:46
Idk how/if it works, but I'd love to by #52486477 :D
Vulpess' avatar
July 28, 2019 07:01:08
Three eggs~!
Vulpess' avatar
July 12, 2019 14:25:22
The three egg streak continues!
Kuhli's avatar
July 03, 2019 06:17:00
You got a water primal fae!! :>
BirchConcentus' avatar
June 30, 2019 08:48:09
Dandelion was on the front page! She's beautiful!
Tealshark's avatar
June 30, 2019 08:48:01
Dandelion was on the front page! :)
Vulpess' avatar
June 26, 2019 05:29:39
Three eggs. ^^
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Date Joined
Apr 8, 2015

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Denutena's Friends

SemiLovely's avatar
SemiLovely (#93480)

Nyne's avatar
Nyne (#3060)

Living life one Coatl scroll at a time.
Jaz's avatar
Jaz (#88842)

Close to my 10yr anniversary, suggestions for celebrations?
OttoNL's avatar
OttoNL (#157850)

Breeder of Fire and Darkness
sbslink's avatar
sbslink (#155673)

Senkiro's avatar
Senkiro (#145934)
tonake's avatar
tonake (#84603)

небу 300 лет оно устало
whalewatcher's avatar
whalewatcher (#73646)

Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down
Foxofwonders' avatar
Foxofwonders (#3615)

Guided by the wind and the gears of time
juut's avatar
juut (#192643)

Oh yes, we're certainly out to get you.

Recent Activity

Dec 06
Welcomed new hatchlings!
2 Aether Male, 1 Aether Female
Dec 06
Welcomed new hatchlings!
3 Obelisk Female, 1 Obelisk Male
Dec 06
Welcomed new hatchlings!
2 Imperial Female

Recent Achievements

Jul 25
Exemplary Exaltation Exaction
Jul 25
Marketplace Marauder (Apparel)
Jul 25
New Pair of Genes
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