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moomargh's Clan

hi, i love your coatl :heart:
Ancient Lair
floating upon the
Cloudsong icon

Clan Info

mooma | 34 | ♀ | finland
i'm online A LOT lately. prepping for wind vs. ice dom, gifting too much in forum games and loving those familiars a heck ton. sorry not sorry :3

achievement unlocked!
sprite collection complete on 31/12/23
as i finally got Fire Sprite <3

item wishlist/skin&accent&chest wishlist


windy art by Tunesmith

achievement unlocked!
omg I got baby Akihs a light sprite! hello give some love <3

my fr tumblr

i am always looking for descendants/family of Verdance #1539.
please if you have one, let me know!

stuff i love and want;~
old dragons, 5-6-digits <3
familiars (want any missing ones!)
verceri skins/accents
golem gauntlet, for dunane
holiday skin: refraction
old gem mp skin: sun spots

ps. I share ip with the user Liukaste. my jello.
Liuk doesn't really play anymore, but you know. just in case.


also, to who it might concern: i play both on my laptop and my phone. i mostly do fairgrounds on phone and coli on my lappy. might use occasionally use other devices.

payment plans;
nothing - give me a payment plan on something!

+ remember

+ art
Miru headshot 125g to be paid Aikooo
Windy pixel PAID Tunesmith
Shiven and Cisslac PAID

+ our 6- and 7-digit & gen 1 dragon rescues

+ badges etc
bfuFvKq.png ASIQ1WN.png tJujdm9.png

i am so done with people

Recent Comments

TalaTari's avatar
August 17, 2018 09:26:52
Thank you! ^^
Facinarose's avatar
June 30, 2018 09:02:39
gems are truly out~rageous~ ;) Love Taric and her lore! I love fandragons having place in the story of the lair :D She's positively stunning!
Being's avatar
April 18, 2018 21:08:15
if you ever come back I'd be interested in Midori and Depressio if you ever think of selling them. such a lovely lair, nice calming tones. have a good day!
Leucine's avatar
May 19, 2017 16:29:59
Heyo! I saw the skin Crystalline (Arcane '13) is in your wishlist. If you ever would like to nab it off my hands hmu ^^
LostCuriousCrow's avatar
March 13, 2017 07:09:12
FireHeart was on the homepage! She looks so cool and her bio is so sweet!
Thrawn's avatar
March 05, 2017 03:33:34
You're welcome =D
Thrawn's avatar
March 05, 2017 03:21:25
No worries about the wait! Hope they turned out how you like =D
chimeratic's avatar
February 11, 2017 20:37:42
i'd be happy to breed you one if you see any you like ;u; I only have a few pairs but hey if you want me to breed anybody specifically let me know
chimeratic's avatar
February 10, 2017 12:50:43
i have decided that shiroi and akame are beautiful children
Cerf's avatar
February 07, 2017 18:42:14
OMG sorrry you're right you mentioned it, sorry I forgot today it's Imps, anyways I marked it :3
Glaceon's avatar
January 22, 2017 09:59:09
No worries, no worries. It's all good! `v`)b
Thoracosaurus' avatar
January 16, 2017 18:00:13
Sorry I didn't notice that ping! Sometimes my notification list won't load ^^;;
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Date Joined
Dec 15, 2014

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Jaz (#88842)

Close to my 10yr anniversary, suggestions for celebrations?

Recent Activity

Mar 11
Welcomed new hatchlings!
2 Tundra Female
Mar 11
Welcomed new hatchlings!
3 Aether Female
Mar 11
Welcomed new hatchlings!
1 Pearlcatcher Male, 2 Pearlcatcher Female

Recent Achievements

Mar 09
Swarm Snacks
Mar 09
Modern Egg-stravaganza (250)
Feb 13
Marketplace Marauder (Scenes)
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