[Dom Watch] Bird Time!
DeadlyInformant's Clan
Remember death.
Clan Info
Hey there, welcome to my lair! Check things out, do what you like, love to meet you and all that! :D
Please note that this is an exalting lair. If I bought your dragon it's almost guaranteed to be exalted at some point. I'm fine with trading a fodder dragon for another if it's in my Fodder tab in lair/hibden.
If you're interested in a reprint of any of my accents just let me know, unless they're custom or special ones I don't mind reprinting things. These are the ONLY ones I will not reprint:
Please note that this is an exalting lair. If I bought your dragon it's almost guaranteed to be exalted at some point. I'm fine with trading a fodder dragon for another if it's in my Fodder tab in lair/hibden.
If you're interested in a reprint of any of my accents just let me know, unless they're custom or special ones I don't mind reprinting things. These are the ONLY ones I will not reprint:
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It would be cool if he got a name before exalting