Judithan Boutique [accents & apparel]

Pudgykookaburra's Clan
Pick a god and pray
Clan Info

I'm an old man who greatly enjoys his pixel dragons.
Please no random friend requests.
I'm an old man who greatly enjoys his pixel dragons.
Please no random friend requests.

-Art of my dragons-
-Genes for dragons in projects tab-
-The hahaha a guy can dream category-

Recent Comments

winds end/death's canyon just feels like a giant love letter to my fave aesthetics and i adore every single resident

Yoo I have Sekkajin's sister and just wanted to say she (and the rest of your lair) are beautiful!

Valentino is so beautiful <3

really love how you've dressed all your dragons! absolutely beautiful lair

Kralice was at the front page and wow, she's such a beauty!

Kralice was the random dragon! c:

nut was on the front page! she's gorgeous!!

I kept her sister cause she has primal eyes but all three babies turned out beautiful!
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