
Skins and Accents

Share and sell your skin creations with other players.
TOPIC | .: Tooth & Cloud :. // New F Imperial
Trick-or-treat! I hope you're having a great Riot of Rot :)

and oh boy I had completely forgotten about the bewitching accents x_x good thing there's still some time to gather gems.
Trick-or-treat! I hope you're having a great Riot of Rot :)

and oh boy I had completely forgotten about the bewitching accents x_x good thing there's still some time to gather gems.
Woot, finally back home \(=v=\)

@Anomalous049; @TetsudoHermanni;
Your order was received! These can always be checked on the form result spreadsheet by searching for your name. Because of this, we don't ping people to let them know their order is listed 'O'

I have copies of both Spiral accents, and M Skydancers on hand. I'll be submitting another batch of F Skydancer soon 'v'

I am about to send out a mass ping to let people know that their preorders are due, but prior to today I've only been pinging people when the accents they specifically ordered were newly in stock \('O'\) Otherwise people were free to send in their payments as soon as they wanted, if they did not mind the fact that their accent would not be available right away.

I am the host of this event, so everything should be directed my way! Questions, payment, complaints, etc. Clouded isn't involved in the Bone Armor series ^_^
( An exception has been that my trick-or-treat helpers have been answering questions in regards to the trick-or-treat uh...program? Game? Thing. )

So to sum up: You can send payment to me. You should do so before the 31st, through CR or PM. As long as you do that, you will get your accent d('v'd)

Yes, I am always okay with payment through gems, treasure, or a mix of both. At the shop's current ratio the price for both of those would be 990000 T total!
Woot, finally back home \(=v=\)

@Anomalous049; @TetsudoHermanni;
Your order was received! These can always be checked on the form result spreadsheet by searching for your name. Because of this, we don't ping people to let them know their order is listed 'O'

I have copies of both Spiral accents, and M Skydancers on hand. I'll be submitting another batch of F Skydancer soon 'v'

I am about to send out a mass ping to let people know that their preorders are due, but prior to today I've only been pinging people when the accents they specifically ordered were newly in stock \('O'\) Otherwise people were free to send in their payments as soon as they wanted, if they did not mind the fact that their accent would not be available right away.

I am the host of this event, so everything should be directed my way! Questions, payment, complaints, etc. Clouded isn't involved in the Bone Armor series ^_^
( An exception has been that my trick-or-treat helpers have been answering questions in regards to the trick-or-treat uh...program? Game? Thing. )

So to sum up: You can send payment to me. You should do so before the 31st, through CR or PM. As long as you do that, you will get your accent d('v'd)

Yes, I am always okay with payment through gems, treasure, or a mix of both. At the shop's current ratio the price for both of those would be 990000 T total!
[center][size=2]Sup everybody! Hope you have been having a good month so far \(*__*\) Thank you x 10000 to my trick-or-treat helpers, who have not only been doing me a great favor from the get-go in handing out all the items, but continued to do so while I was in the mountains with poor internet access lol. Anyways, main point of this post:[/size] [size=6][b]Preorders for Bone Armor accents are due by October 31st[/size][/b] [size=3][u]If you want your preorder(s) to count towards the raffle for receiving copies of the special edition Coatl accents, the deadline is [b]October 30th[/b] instead.[/u][/size] [quote][size=2]The raffle entry is a hard deadline on account of the fact that the winner will be chosen on the 31st. Aside from that however, if you need a little more time to pay for a preorder ( this is a short notice reminder ping, I know ), or do not feel comfortable paying for it based on the information below, please just [i]let me know[/i], that way I know to count your preorder towards the total number of accents required. [b]If I don't hear from you by the 31st, I'm going to assume you don't want to keep your order[/b] 'O' Which in turn may effect the number of prints made, whether copies are put in the AH, etc. etc.[/quote] [u]The following accents will not be here by October 31st[/u] [quote][size=2]Because of lower interest, their priority went below other accents and have not been submitted yet. They will still be submitted of course, but they won't be here by October 31st. - Bone Armor M Imp - Bone Armor F Imp - Bone Armor M Coatl - Bone Armor F Coatl - Both Ridgeback accents were submitted, but need to be fixed for lineart clarity, and will be resubmitted today. - Additionally, a second print for F Skydancers is still pending to be submitted. As mentioned above, if you are not comfortable paying for your preorder before they arrive, please be sure to [b]let me know before the 31st![/b] Otherwise, you are welcome ( and encouraged ) to send payment now, and I will get you your accent as soon as it arrives ^_^[/quote] [u]And here are pings for every unpaid order that I am aware of[/u] [size=2]If I made a mistake and you have already paid and/or received your accent, just let me know. I probably failed to properly mark it down from mobile this past week TT_TT; As a reminder: Each accent is 550 gems! [quote][columns]F Fae | F Imp | M Imp | M Coatl | F Pearlcatcher | M Pearlcatcher | F Skydancer | M Skydancer | F Spiral | M Spiral | F Wildclaw | M Wildclaw | F Ridgeback | M Ridgeback | [nextcol]@GabrielReyes @atrolock @Anomalous049 @Utadesu @Anomalous049 @mumtup @giantredpanda @Darkdragonfiend @Hinumi @Darkdragonfiend @JurassicPark @StardragonSalem @Hyliah @Hinumi @Cedric @Darkdragonfiend @birdfairy @KittyAoba @bleederdoll @Vulpen @Woodwose @TetsudoHermanni @Runi @Darkdragonfiend @atrolock @KittyAoba @kimbeloo @Diamondsuits @KittyAoba @Vanitas @Utadesu @mumtup @KittyAoba @absolmon @Darkdragonfiend @Leenanishere @atrolock @Darkdragonfiend @Utadesu @Takora @WhiteMantis @thecatsred @Weenyah @dESOLATION @karilara @Takora @Monchii @Emmahaa @WhiteMantis @rattus @ChrispBreadfield[/columns][/quote]
Sup everybody! Hope you have been having a good month so far \(*__*\)
Thank you x 10000 to my trick-or-treat helpers, who have not only been doing me a great favor from the get-go in handing out all the items, but continued to do so while I was in the mountains with poor internet access lol.

Anyways, main point of this post:

Preorders for Bone Armor accents are due by October 31st
If you want your preorder(s) to count towards the raffle for receiving copies of the special edition Coatl accents, the deadline is October 30th instead.
The raffle entry is a hard deadline on account of the fact that the winner will be chosen on the 31st.

Aside from that however, if you need a little more time to pay for a preorder ( this is a short notice reminder ping, I know ), or do not feel comfortable paying for it based on the information below, please just let me know, that way I know to count your preorder towards the total number of accents required. If I don't hear from you by the 31st, I'm going to assume you don't want to keep your order 'O' Which in turn may effect the number of prints made, whether copies are put in the AH, etc. etc.

The following accents will not be here by October 31st
Because of lower interest, their priority went below other accents and have not been submitted yet. They will still be submitted of course, but they won't be here by October 31st.

- Bone Armor M Imp
- Bone Armor F Imp
- Bone Armor M Coatl
- Bone Armor F Coatl

- Both Ridgeback accents were submitted, but need to be fixed for lineart clarity, and will be resubmitted today.

- Additionally, a second print for F Skydancers is still pending to be submitted.

As mentioned above, if you are not comfortable paying for your preorder before they arrive, please be sure to let me know before the 31st! Otherwise, you are welcome ( and encouraged ) to send payment now, and I will get you your accent as soon as it arrives ^_^

And here are pings for every unpaid order that I am aware of
If I made a mistake and you have already paid and/or received your accent, just let me know. I probably failed to properly mark it down from mobile this past week TT_TT;

As a reminder: Each accent is 550 gems!

Thanks for the reminder! Payment has been sent for my slot. :D

And trick-or-treat! ;3

Thanks for the reminder! Payment has been sent for my slot. :D

And trick-or-treat! ;3
Sending payment now! ^.^ Thanks!
Sending payment now! ^.^ Thanks!
Thank you for the reminder!

Trick or treat please :)
Thank you for the reminder!

Trick or treat please :)
@Toothiana Sadly I must step down from my preorder. I dont have the funds at the moment. Sry for the bother :/
@Toothiana Sadly I must step down from my preorder. I dont have the funds at the moment. Sry for the bother :/
Just to say that I've already paid and received my copy of Bone Armor F Fae :D
Just to say that I've already paid and received my copy of Bone Armor F Fae :D
@Toothiana could I pay in both treasure and gems?
@Toothiana could I pay in both treasure and gems?
Yep! Shop's gem ratio is 1:900 'v'
Feel free to pay in whatever mix you prefer.

Ah, thank you GabrielReyes, sorry for the unnecessary ping ;v;

And no problem, Monchii! Thanks for the initial interest all the same \(^_^\)
Yep! Shop's gem ratio is 1:900 'v'
Feel free to pay in whatever mix you prefer.

Ah, thank you GabrielReyes, sorry for the unnecessary ping ;v;

And no problem, Monchii! Thanks for the initial interest all the same \(^_^\)