

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | IC, Arc I. // There Will Come Soft Rains
Maia glanced over in Eris' direction with a slightly curious expression, and she nodded slowly as she listened to the girl talk.

"That seems like a good idea-- but how could we get people inside to start the fire? Unless you plan to start one from the outside and have the heat get in from there. Are the barriers heatproof?" she asked carefully, gazing over the rest of the people with a strangely analytical stare.

Just then, the enormous bat shifted in its sleep, though without seeming to wake-- regardless, Maia quickly took on a fighting stance, clutching Crimson at the ready. Some of the wasps seemed a little irritated by the Calamity's movement, though none of them attacked, and she noted this curiously.

"...Could we turn them against each other?"
Maia glanced over in Eris' direction with a slightly curious expression, and she nodded slowly as she listened to the girl talk.

"That seems like a good idea-- but how could we get people inside to start the fire? Unless you plan to start one from the outside and have the heat get in from there. Are the barriers heatproof?" she asked carefully, gazing over the rest of the people with a strangely analytical stare.

Just then, the enormous bat shifted in its sleep, though without seeming to wake-- regardless, Maia quickly took on a fighting stance, clutching Crimson at the ready. Some of the wasps seemed a little irritated by the Calamity's movement, though none of them attacked, and she noted this curiously.

"...Could we turn them against each other?"
Check out me and my friend's art shop!
"That seems like a good idea-- but how could we get people inside to start the fire? Unless you plan to start one from the outside and have the heat get in from there. Are the barriers heatproof?"
Eris thought for a bit.
"Uh- Well, I- I was thinking that we could... light a fire outside of the barrier and then drag the barrier with all the bugs over the fire? From what I know... my barrier is pretty sturdy." she whispered, barely enough for even Maia to hear, even though she was standing the closest to Eris.
She caught a glimpse of the bat stirring in it's sleep, but she wasn't too worried about it since she had a lot of trust in her barrier. What she was worried about was having to talk to and work with so many people.
"That seems like a good idea-- but how could we get people inside to start the fire? Unless you plan to start one from the outside and have the heat get in from there. Are the barriers heatproof?"
Eris thought for a bit.
"Uh- Well, I- I was thinking that we could... light a fire outside of the barrier and then drag the barrier with all the bugs over the fire? From what I know... my barrier is pretty sturdy." she whispered, barely enough for even Maia to hear, even though she was standing the closest to Eris.
She caught a glimpse of the bat stirring in it's sleep, but she wasn't too worried about it since she had a lot of trust in her barrier. What she was worried about was having to talk to and work with so many people.
cfFrvOr.png never gonna give you up
She/Her | FR +15
»PWYW Art Shop
never gonna let you down
"Ah," Maia replied with a nod of understanding after a moment, her brow furrowing slightly as she struggled to pick up on Eris' whispered speech.

"Would it be heavy? How many people would need to be moving the barrier, and how many would it leave us to fight?" she then asked, her head cocked slightly to the side as she passed Crimson back and forth between her hands.
"Ah," Maia replied with a nod of understanding after a moment, her brow furrowing slightly as she struggled to pick up on Eris' whispered speech.

"Would it be heavy? How many people would need to be moving the barrier, and how many would it leave us to fight?" she then asked, her head cocked slightly to the side as she passed Crimson back and forth between her hands.
Check out me and my friend's art shop!

As Claude stepped off the aircraft, a slight tremor in their step as they struggled to get used to normal altitudes again, they half-wondered if they should have just stayed back for this. There was a certain smell in the air that made their throat burn, their cane digging firmly into the earth for stability and leaving cracks in its wake. Their eyes flickered to each Splice in turn, figuring out who had the keycards. Ulrych and Maia. They kept those names in mind. The discussion currently was on tactics, and Claude decided to stand back and listen for a time, keeping an eye on the Catastrophes in the not-so-distant hallway.

When the oversized bat-thing with the green scales moved, its wings flapping slightly as it shifted positions, Claude’s eyes narrowed, the vice in their chest loosening as they realised it was simply moving in its sleep. The plan currently seemed to revolve around fire, and Eris had brought up an idea they found quite excellent. Seal them in, burn them to ash. That would work nicely, save us a lot of time. They nodded in silent approval.

The buzzing of wasp wings grew ever louder, and Claude watched the creatures hovering around the sleeping bat. They didn’t seem to be approaching it, rather choosing to keep a safe distance. Some of the insects seemed irritated, buzzing agitatedly around its head. That definitely wasn’t ideal, but perhaps could be used to the favour of the group. Leaning heavily against their cane when a sudden wave of weakness shook their legs, they drew a breath and coughed out the dust in their lungs. Maia had made a good suggestion too, something about smoke and fire. An idea crept into the fore of Claude’s mind, half-formed.

“Perhaps… perhaps we could use an explosive.” They dug through the pockets of their coat and found the battered metal of their lighter, fingers curling tightly around it. The cool material was soothing. “Throw it, then trap the catastrophes just before it goes off.” They looked up at the group, then hurriedly added, “It’s um. Yeah.” Their voice cracked slightly, a pain in their throat as they coughed to clear it. They could hear Eris whispering, but couldn’t make out the words.

(edited as I accidentally deleted half of it.)

The dream dissipated as quickly as it came, the sharp jolt of the landing bringing Nikolai back to his senses. He rubbed at his eyes with the back of his hand. It was dry here. He could feel it on his skin, the uncomfortably stifling heat of the outside world. The aircraft was mostly empty now, and so he decided to go along as well. No point idling back here, dwelling on faded colours and scraps of memory. He gave the handler a nod as he walked past her, drawing a deep breath and immediately coughing on the dust.

The others had already begun gathering outside, it seemed. Discussing tactics to defeat… what? Oh. Nikolai blinked at the catastrophes in the distance, spotting the swarm of wasps buzzing around the scaled bat-thing. They were all highlighted in a dark red, with the wasps also having occasional flares of a bright orange. Aggression, he thought to himself. The wasps were definitely angry, more volatile enemies, and he’d have to take them out first if… no, no. Stick with the team.

He didn’t really know anyone’s name. Everyone was different, and that made them easier to remember. For example, the woman he was currently hovering awkwardly behind was the one with the cowboy boots and white hat. And the man nearby, that was the man who made the lights break once. Probably. It was a hazy memory, but such things were usually enough to mark people out to Nikolai as more than just a passing stranger. Names just didn’t stick in his head anymore, a cluster of letters with no real meaning that slipped easily into the fog, never to be seen again. So he didn’t try.

Nikolai remained quiet, glancing briefly towards the Catastrophes when they stirred. He could feel the wasps growing more irritated, the weight on his chest increasing slightly and an itch gnawing at the back of his mind. To buy some more time for planning, he quietly extended one hand in the direction of the insects, pressing the other to his shield. Just a little bit ought to be enough. The negative energy flowed into his palm and into his shield, and the buzzing of the wasps seemed to calm slightly, their dark red glows lightening. This usually wasn’t a visible process unless large amounts were being taken in, so this should be fine.

Lowering his hand and shaking off the ache in his knuckles, he focused back on the task at hand.

As Claude stepped off the aircraft, a slight tremor in their step as they struggled to get used to normal altitudes again, they half-wondered if they should have just stayed back for this. There was a certain smell in the air that made their throat burn, their cane digging firmly into the earth for stability and leaving cracks in its wake. Their eyes flickered to each Splice in turn, figuring out who had the keycards. Ulrych and Maia. They kept those names in mind. The discussion currently was on tactics, and Claude decided to stand back and listen for a time, keeping an eye on the Catastrophes in the not-so-distant hallway.

When the oversized bat-thing with the green scales moved, its wings flapping slightly as it shifted positions, Claude’s eyes narrowed, the vice in their chest loosening as they realised it was simply moving in its sleep. The plan currently seemed to revolve around fire, and Eris had brought up an idea they found quite excellent. Seal them in, burn them to ash. That would work nicely, save us a lot of time. They nodded in silent approval.

The buzzing of wasp wings grew ever louder, and Claude watched the creatures hovering around the sleeping bat. They didn’t seem to be approaching it, rather choosing to keep a safe distance. Some of the insects seemed irritated, buzzing agitatedly around its head. That definitely wasn’t ideal, but perhaps could be used to the favour of the group. Leaning heavily against their cane when a sudden wave of weakness shook their legs, they drew a breath and coughed out the dust in their lungs. Maia had made a good suggestion too, something about smoke and fire. An idea crept into the fore of Claude’s mind, half-formed.

“Perhaps… perhaps we could use an explosive.” They dug through the pockets of their coat and found the battered metal of their lighter, fingers curling tightly around it. The cool material was soothing. “Throw it, then trap the catastrophes just before it goes off.” They looked up at the group, then hurriedly added, “It’s um. Yeah.” Their voice cracked slightly, a pain in their throat as they coughed to clear it. They could hear Eris whispering, but couldn’t make out the words.

(edited as I accidentally deleted half of it.)

The dream dissipated as quickly as it came, the sharp jolt of the landing bringing Nikolai back to his senses. He rubbed at his eyes with the back of his hand. It was dry here. He could feel it on his skin, the uncomfortably stifling heat of the outside world. The aircraft was mostly empty now, and so he decided to go along as well. No point idling back here, dwelling on faded colours and scraps of memory. He gave the handler a nod as he walked past her, drawing a deep breath and immediately coughing on the dust.

The others had already begun gathering outside, it seemed. Discussing tactics to defeat… what? Oh. Nikolai blinked at the catastrophes in the distance, spotting the swarm of wasps buzzing around the scaled bat-thing. They were all highlighted in a dark red, with the wasps also having occasional flares of a bright orange. Aggression, he thought to himself. The wasps were definitely angry, more volatile enemies, and he’d have to take them out first if… no, no. Stick with the team.

He didn’t really know anyone’s name. Everyone was different, and that made them easier to remember. For example, the woman he was currently hovering awkwardly behind was the one with the cowboy boots and white hat. And the man nearby, that was the man who made the lights break once. Probably. It was a hazy memory, but such things were usually enough to mark people out to Nikolai as more than just a passing stranger. Names just didn’t stick in his head anymore, a cluster of letters with no real meaning that slipped easily into the fog, never to be seen again. So he didn’t try.

Nikolai remained quiet, glancing briefly towards the Catastrophes when they stirred. He could feel the wasps growing more irritated, the weight on his chest increasing slightly and an itch gnawing at the back of his mind. To buy some more time for planning, he quietly extended one hand in the direction of the insects, pressing the other to his shield. Just a little bit ought to be enough. The negative energy flowed into his palm and into his shield, and the buzzing of the wasps seemed to calm slightly, their dark red glows lightening. This usually wasn’t a visible process unless large amounts were being taken in, so this should be fine.

Lowering his hand and shaking off the ache in his knuckles, he focused back on the task at hand.
item_pulsating_pendant_by_dogi_crimson-dab14jb.gif hello, I’m FINALHUNT
[center][img][/img] [font=Times New Roman][b][size=5][color=c39226]ELISE KAILATHU // KUDZU[/color][/size][/b] [size=4][b]Interactions:[/b] Ulrych, Annie[/font][/center] [font=Times New Roman] [i]Huh[/i], Elise thinks, pausing behind the others as the team crowds around the entrance in their plotting. [i]Who would have thought our first operation would begin with us standing at the door, waiting for someone else to suggest going in?[/i] The idea brings a slight smile to his face, a quick quip to make their situation light as Elise submerges himself in the strategizing. Something to handle the Catastrophes seems to be coming together, and something quite explosive at that. As for any survivors… Elise turns towards Ulrych and Annie, fingers rasping against the edge of the nutrient packs hanging alongside his supplies. [b][color=c39226]“Since it seems like we have the situation with the bat and the majority of the hive settled, we can handle any wasps that escape the barrier,”[/b] he says, a sweeping gesture clarifying the pair of collaborators he’s referring to. [b][color=c39226]“I’ll grow some vines to direct the shock and fire, and then Ulrych and Annie should be able to let loose without worrying about hitting us as well. Do either you have specifications for the vines?”[/b] Having said this, Elise pauses, reconsidering Annie's role elsewhere. [b][color=c39226]“Provided that you're not focusing on that shot instead. It never hurts to have a contingency plan, and I wouldn't want to overestimate the power of a grenade against something that big.”[/b]

Interactions: Ulrych, Annie
Huh, Elise thinks, pausing behind the others as the team crowds around the entrance in their plotting. Who would have thought our first operation would begin with us standing at the door, waiting for someone else to suggest going in?

The idea brings a slight smile to his face, a quick quip to make their situation light as Elise submerges himself in the strategizing. Something to handle the Catastrophes seems to be coming together, and something quite explosive at that. As for any survivors…

Elise turns towards Ulrych and Annie, fingers rasping against the edge of the nutrient packs hanging alongside his supplies. “Since it seems like we have the situation with the bat and the majority of the hive settled, we can handle any wasps that escape the barrier,” he says, a sweeping gesture clarifying the pair of collaborators he’s referring to. “I’ll grow some vines to direct the shock and fire, and then Ulrych and Annie should be able to let loose without worrying about hitting us as well. Do either you have specifications for the vines?”

Having said this, Elise pauses, reconsidering Annie's role elsewhere. “Provided that you're not focusing on that shot instead. It never hurts to have a contingency plan, and I wouldn't want to overestimate the power of a grenade against something that big.”
Maia looked down at Crimson doubtfully, and then at the pack on their belt beside the slingshot, which contained hardy seeds. Usually, these were great ammunition, but with the Calamity's tough scales, the roots would have trouble digging themselves in... but on the other hand, should they prove strong enough, the armored scales could be shattered quite easily.

Quickly she identified that Crimson wouldn't be of much help in a situation against the massive bat, no matter how sturdy its wooden structure was, and she slung the bostaff back across their back. She took a silent step backwards, into the shadow of the aircraft, where she immediately felt more comfortable.

Saying nothing, Maia took their slingshot in one hand, readying it but not launching an attack just yet-- they were supposed to be a team, so she held back. Vaguely she wondered if the wasps could be manipulated to attack the larger Calamity, but if they were trapping them, then that would be no use. She shook off the thought, refocusing, and she gripped their slingshot a little tighter.
Maia looked down at Crimson doubtfully, and then at the pack on their belt beside the slingshot, which contained hardy seeds. Usually, these were great ammunition, but with the Calamity's tough scales, the roots would have trouble digging themselves in... but on the other hand, should they prove strong enough, the armored scales could be shattered quite easily.

Quickly she identified that Crimson wouldn't be of much help in a situation against the massive bat, no matter how sturdy its wooden structure was, and she slung the bostaff back across their back. She took a silent step backwards, into the shadow of the aircraft, where she immediately felt more comfortable.

Saying nothing, Maia took their slingshot in one hand, readying it but not launching an attack just yet-- they were supposed to be a team, so she held back. Vaguely she wondered if the wasps could be manipulated to attack the larger Calamity, but if they were trapping them, then that would be no use. She shook off the thought, refocusing, and she gripped their slingshot a little tighter.
Check out me and my friend's art shop!
Annie "Calamity" Hart
Tinker Air Force Base, Oklahoma | Everyone.

"Y'all are all down but nine." She said, foot stomping hard against the dry earth as she glared at both Maia and Eris. There was absolutely nothing here for her to use Firebreaker on other than her fringe even if it did decide to activate. And being trapped inside a barrier with multiple calamities (one of which was the size of an aircraft) while on fire was not her idea of fun in any meaning of the word. "Now I don't mean to sound completely down on your plan. But right now there's only my fringe here for Firebreaker to burn up and I ain't gettin trapped in no barrier with multiple calamities. Nor would I be able to run wild around all those critters since that big vermin is blocking the whole doorway."

Her arms crossed over her chest again as she huffed before looking over towards one of the men standing near her. El-something. Ellie? Elick? No Elise! Who offered to actually grow some plants so she wouldn't have to burn through her fringe right off. A real bully kind of guy.

"Your real bully for the offer sweetheart? I'm done squabbling over what we're gonna do. So get your britches ready." Quickly drawing Lone Star, Annie pulled the hammer back in one smooth motion before firing right at the pink target of vermin's inner ear. The loud pop of the gun firing filled the air as the bullet went only a little astray. The lack of any strong wind and the beasts lack of motion making it a real easy target to finish off. Though it also had the side effect of disturbing the wasps and drawing their attention to their little posse.

"Now we just gotta finish off all the little ones! After that we can just clamber over and get this train back on track!" She hollered gleefully, before blowing out the thin trail of smoke escaping from her guns muzzle. With a showy twirl it was holstered back against her right hip.

Hakuren Homura
Tinker Air Force Base, Oklahoma | Everyone

"Not only would Annie not be able to use Firebreaker effectively. Explosives would also be a no go. We have no idea just how fragile the building is, nor if there are any other means to get to the items we were sent to retrieve. A good idea otherwise because it would take them all out." Hakuren shot a grin at the ghost-like figure of their group. His next few thoughts were completely broken by the sound of a gun firing relatively close by. A soft groan leaving the pale haired man as he turned to see Annie holstering her revolver. The bussing sound of the wasps wings seemed to grow louder afterwards, and... yup. They were definitely making their way over to their group.

"Annie once we're done with this I'm hiding all of your films. I swear to god." He muttered under his breath before flicking his right hand at the group of wasps. Wires quickly sailing through the air, visible only as pale gossamer strands before they anchored themself. The wires managing to injure or completely kill a decent amount of the wasps, before the strands were dyed with the insects green blood. Making them completely visible to all parties, and thus easily avoided.

"I've had my kills now. You all can have the rest." Hakuren flicked his hand out towards the group, as if shooing them away towards the incoming swarm. "Come to me if you get stung. Hate to see one of you die from a measly wasps sting."
Annie "Calamity" Hart
Tinker Air Force Base, Oklahoma | Everyone.

"Y'all are all down but nine." She said, foot stomping hard against the dry earth as she glared at both Maia and Eris. There was absolutely nothing here for her to use Firebreaker on other than her fringe even if it did decide to activate. And being trapped inside a barrier with multiple calamities (one of which was the size of an aircraft) while on fire was not her idea of fun in any meaning of the word. "Now I don't mean to sound completely down on your plan. But right now there's only my fringe here for Firebreaker to burn up and I ain't gettin trapped in no barrier with multiple calamities. Nor would I be able to run wild around all those critters since that big vermin is blocking the whole doorway."

Her arms crossed over her chest again as she huffed before looking over towards one of the men standing near her. El-something. Ellie? Elick? No Elise! Who offered to actually grow some plants so she wouldn't have to burn through her fringe right off. A real bully kind of guy.

"Your real bully for the offer sweetheart? I'm done squabbling over what we're gonna do. So get your britches ready." Quickly drawing Lone Star, Annie pulled the hammer back in one smooth motion before firing right at the pink target of vermin's inner ear. The loud pop of the gun firing filled the air as the bullet went only a little astray. The lack of any strong wind and the beasts lack of motion making it a real easy target to finish off. Though it also had the side effect of disturbing the wasps and drawing their attention to their little posse.

"Now we just gotta finish off all the little ones! After that we can just clamber over and get this train back on track!" She hollered gleefully, before blowing out the thin trail of smoke escaping from her guns muzzle. With a showy twirl it was holstered back against her right hip.

Hakuren Homura
Tinker Air Force Base, Oklahoma | Everyone

"Not only would Annie not be able to use Firebreaker effectively. Explosives would also be a no go. We have no idea just how fragile the building is, nor if there are any other means to get to the items we were sent to retrieve. A good idea otherwise because it would take them all out." Hakuren shot a grin at the ghost-like figure of their group. His next few thoughts were completely broken by the sound of a gun firing relatively close by. A soft groan leaving the pale haired man as he turned to see Annie holstering her revolver. The bussing sound of the wasps wings seemed to grow louder afterwards, and... yup. They were definitely making their way over to their group.

"Annie once we're done with this I'm hiding all of your films. I swear to god." He muttered under his breath before flicking his right hand at the group of wasps. Wires quickly sailing through the air, visible only as pale gossamer strands before they anchored themself. The wires managing to injure or completely kill a decent amount of the wasps, before the strands were dyed with the insects green blood. Making them completely visible to all parties, and thus easily avoided.

"I've had my kills now. You all can have the rest." Hakuren flicked his hand out towards the group, as if shooing them away towards the incoming swarm. "Come to me if you get stung. Hate to see one of you die from a measly wasps sting."
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Maia hissed softly in frustration as the wasps' attention was drawn towards them, and she quickly drew Crimson, holding it at the ready while being careful not to draw attention to herself.

One of the insects hovered close to her and she whirled around, smacking it out of the air and onto the ground with her bostaff, leaving the single wasp crippled. She was careful to do this quietly so that the others-- both human and Calamity alike-- wouldn't notice, and she tucked her slingshot back onto her belt, knowing full well that that kind of ammunition would be pointless against a creature that tiny.


She briefly set Crimson down and drew her slingshot, firing a seed towards one member of the swarm, and it made contact-- roots quickly erupted from a crack in the shell of the seed and surrounded the wasp, rendering it immobile as the little ball of roots containing a single, suffocating insect dropped to the ground with a small clatter.
Maia hissed softly in frustration as the wasps' attention was drawn towards them, and she quickly drew Crimson, holding it at the ready while being careful not to draw attention to herself.

One of the insects hovered close to her and she whirled around, smacking it out of the air and onto the ground with her bostaff, leaving the single wasp crippled. She was careful to do this quietly so that the others-- both human and Calamity alike-- wouldn't notice, and she tucked her slingshot back onto her belt, knowing full well that that kind of ammunition would be pointless against a creature that tiny.


She briefly set Crimson down and drew her slingshot, firing a seed towards one member of the swarm, and it made contact-- roots quickly erupted from a crack in the shell of the seed and surrounded the wasp, rendering it immobile as the little ball of roots containing a single, suffocating insect dropped to the ground with a small clatter.
Check out me and my friend's art shop!
[center][img][/img] [font=Bookman][size=5][b][color=#870F06]ULRYCH DIOCARA[/color][/b][/size] [size=4]Tinker Air Force Base, Oklahoma | Elise, Annie, Maia, open [/font][/size] [img][/img] [font=Bookman][size=4]Ulrych turned his attention to the voice that spoke his name. It was a handsome man with warm skin and eyes like liquid gold. He seemed amused by the way the team was calculating their moves. Ulrych agreed with him for the most part but the veteran was hesitant to let loose with a ragtag group of mutants–each one's power more unpredictable than the next. There were too many unknown variables and Ulrych was itching for a fight. [color=#870F06][b]"Hmm, okay."[/b][/color] Ulrych hummed in agreement. It was a particularly good response to Elise, but he understood the assignment. Without hesitation, Annie eliminated the Catastrophe in one swift move. The gunshot echoed in Ulrych’s ears, a sound he knew all too well. Jumping at the chance, Maia silently lept into action, taking out several wasps with her slingshot. Ulrych retrieved the silver bow from his back. It was light and cool in his hand–a comforting sensation. He snapped his fingers and drew back the bow string. An arc of lightning flickered in the faint shape of an arrow. Exhaling, he let the electricity fly. The charge connected with one of the remaining wasps and the beast dropped to the earth with a thud. Its legs twitched but Ulrych knew the thing was dead. He strung another arrow and shot again, the motion automatic. [/center][/font][/size]

Tinker Air Force Base, Oklahoma | Elise, Annie, Maia, open


Ulrych turned his attention to the voice that spoke his name. It was a handsome man with warm skin and eyes like liquid gold. He seemed amused by the way the team was calculating their moves. Ulrych agreed with him for the most part but the veteran was hesitant to let loose with a ragtag group of mutants–each one's power more unpredictable than the next. There were too many unknown variables and Ulrych was itching for a fight.

"Hmm, okay." Ulrych hummed in agreement. It was a particularly good response to Elise, but he understood the assignment.

Without hesitation, Annie eliminated the Catastrophe in one swift move. The gunshot echoed in Ulrych’s ears, a sound he knew all too well. Jumping at the chance, Maia silently lept into action, taking out several wasps with her slingshot.

Ulrych retrieved the silver bow from his back. It was light and cool in his hand–a comforting sensation. He snapped his fingers and drew back the bow string. An arc of lightning flickered in the faint shape of an arrow. Exhaling, he let the electricity fly. The charge connected with one of the remaining wasps and the beast dropped to the earth with a thud. Its legs twitched but Ulrych knew the thing was dead. He strung another arrow and shot again, the motion automatic.

Jade climbed down from the aircraft pretty late, as he had quite the motion sickness. It was weird, sometimes he didn't have a thing at all, at other times, he would have preferred to just go by foot even a planet away. This time was the second case.
His head was still spinning a bit but he gathered his will to see what was happening outside. One of his teammates had shot a gun at the larger Calamity of them, the smaller ones were mostly dispatched but for a few. Taking out his rapiers, he sliced and quickly killed off a wasp that was closing too much on the pale-skinned girl with dark hair dyed green at the tips (he didn't know the names of his colleagues).
Jade climbed down from the aircraft pretty late, as he had quite the motion sickness. It was weird, sometimes he didn't have a thing at all, at other times, he would have preferred to just go by foot even a planet away. This time was the second case.
His head was still spinning a bit but he gathered his will to see what was happening outside. One of his teammates had shot a gun at the larger Calamity of them, the smaller ones were mostly dispatched but for a few. Taking out his rapiers, he sliced and quickly killed off a wasp that was closing too much on the pale-skinned girl with dark hair dyed green at the tips (he didn't know the names of his colleagues).
For dragon swaps, breeds I like: Coatls, Guardians, Imperials, Obelisks, Pearlcatchers, Skydancers. The rest I am most likely trading off.
I am a breeder at Fluttering Hatchery, a free hatchery. Come visit.