

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Warrior Cats roleplay! (open)
[img][/img] Vulcan slowly opened his eyes and looked around him. He was somewhere else, a place he didn't knew, and never heard about. he shoke his head. 'This must be a dream..' he whispered. A strange smiling cat walked into the den. 'Ah. you've awoken.' he smiled kindly. 'Who are you? where am i?'Vulcan growled. the cat smiles and sat down. 'I'm Dustclaw, the medicine cat of Fireclan. Welcome' he mewed nicely. 'And you're name is?' Vulcan sat down and wagged his tail. 'Vulcan.' he said looking right into the cat's soul. (Welcome newcomers! feel free to join in! Also, Dustclaw is a caracter who is just made up for a beginning, and needs a oficial player! feel free to be his Owner.)

Vulcan slowly opened his eyes and looked around him. He was somewhere else, a place he didn't knew, and never heard about. he shoke his head. 'This must be a dream..' he whispered.
A strange smiling cat walked into the den. 'Ah. you've awoken.' he smiled kindly.
'Who are you? where am i?'Vulcan growled.
the cat smiles and sat down. 'I'm Dustclaw, the medicine cat of Fireclan. Welcome' he mewed nicely. 'And you're name is?'
Vulcan sat down and wagged his tail. 'Vulcan.' he said looking right into the cat's soul.

(Welcome newcomers! feel free to join in! Also, Dustclaw is a caracter who is just made up for a beginning, and needs a oficial player! feel free to be his Owner.)
(@Wolfheart Hello! Could I possibly join as a medicine cat apprentice? ^_^)
(@Wolfheart Hello! Could I possibly join as a medicine cat apprentice? ^_^)
( @Celes Sure! thank you!)

( @JethroMax take a look around buddy, and join in if you'd like )
( @Celes Sure! thank you!)

( @JethroMax take a look around buddy, and join in if you'd like )
"Dustclaw, is he awake?" a small tortoiseshell apprentice burst into the den, her green eyes gleaming eagerly. "Oh! He is! I'm Rosepaw. I'm Dustclaw's apprentice as of today, which makes you my very first patient! Welcome to FireClan - what Clan are you from? Or - are you from a Clan? I haven't ever scented any other clans before, so I don't know if you are or not... I'm talking too much, aren't I? Tigerpaw always tells me I talk too much, but he's always been mean, and I - I really am talking too much. Sorry, Dustclaw."
She sat beside the tom, giving her chest a few embarrassed licks. She shot a nervous glance at her mentor, hoping he wasn't too upset with her.

(OOC: Thanks for letting me join in! :D)
"Dustclaw, is he awake?" a small tortoiseshell apprentice burst into the den, her green eyes gleaming eagerly. "Oh! He is! I'm Rosepaw. I'm Dustclaw's apprentice as of today, which makes you my very first patient! Welcome to FireClan - what Clan are you from? Or - are you from a Clan? I haven't ever scented any other clans before, so I don't know if you are or not... I'm talking too much, aren't I? Tigerpaw always tells me I talk too much, but he's always been mean, and I - I really am talking too much. Sorry, Dustclaw."
She sat beside the tom, giving her chest a few embarrassed licks. She shot a nervous glance at her mentor, hoping he wasn't too upset with her.

(OOC: Thanks for letting me join in! :D)
Vulcan snarled and ran to the back 'WHERE IN THE HELL AM I? I'D BE RATHER DEAD THEN HERE!'
he growled. he sat down and slowly started crying.

(And no problem! you are more then welcome!)
Vulcan snarled and ran to the back 'WHERE IN THE HELL AM I? I'D BE RATHER DEAD THEN HERE!'
he growled. he sat down and slowly started crying.

(And no problem! you are more then welcome!)

Rosepaw blinked, and approached Vulcan slowly. "It's alright," she meowed, trying to remain calm. "We're not going to hurt you. I - I'm sorry, did I hurt you? Um... would you like some... thyme?" she meowed, and quickly glanced at her mentor for confirmation. "It's used to treat shock. We won't hurt you."

Rosepaw blinked, and approached Vulcan slowly. "It's alright," she meowed, trying to remain calm. "We're not going to hurt you. I - I'm sorry, did I hurt you? Um... would you like some... thyme?" she meowed, and quickly glanced at her mentor for confirmation. "It's used to treat shock. We won't hurt you."
@Wolfheart @Celes (Can I join? Can Birchstripe be deputy? He doesn't have to be, but it'd be swell.) [center][img][/img][/center] Birchstripe's nose twitched. There was a stranger within the confines of the Clan. Male, decidedly foreign, and agitated. He had been on patrol when the outsider had been brought in, unconscious, to the medicine cats. Which was where he was now, at any rate. An outburst of furious hissing and snarling caught his ear. His eyes widening with alarm, Birchstripe bounded over to the medicine den. Inside, the young Rosepaw was cautiously approaching the stranger, who was lashing his tail and what seemed to be anger and fear. Birchstripe heard the last words of the young apprentice and curled his lip. [i]We won't hurt you as long as you don't give us reason to,[/i] he thought. Birchstripe didn't express his thoughts, however, and merely sat down bemusedly to supervise the situation. If the stranger turned out to be hostile, it would be dangerous to leave young Rosepaw and Dustclaw alone with him.

(Can I join? Can Birchstripe be deputy? He doesn't have to be, but it'd be swell.)

Birchstripe's nose twitched. There was a stranger within the confines of the Clan. Male, decidedly foreign, and agitated. He had been on patrol when the outsider had been brought in, unconscious, to the medicine cats. Which was where he was now, at any rate.

An outburst of furious hissing and snarling caught his ear. His eyes widening with alarm, Birchstripe bounded over to the medicine den. Inside, the young Rosepaw was cautiously approaching the stranger, who was lashing his tail and what seemed to be anger and fear. Birchstripe heard the last words of the young apprentice and curled his lip.

We won't hurt you as long as you don't give us reason to, he thought. Birchstripe didn't express his thoughts, however, and merely sat down bemusedly to supervise the situation. If the stranger turned out to be hostile, it would be dangerous to leave young Rosepaw and Dustclaw alone with him.

@mawkingbird (Sure! welcome!)

Vulcan looked at the Cats. then at Rosepaw. he sat down and near her. 'It's okay..'
he acted nicely, to see how she would react, and gave her a lick on her head, and curled her tail around her. He then looked at the others, to see their reaction.
@mawkingbird (Sure! welcome!)

Vulcan looked at the Cats. then at Rosepaw. he sat down and near her. 'It's okay..'
he acted nicely, to see how she would react, and gave her a lick on her head, and curled her tail around her. He then looked at the others, to see their reaction.
@Wolfheart @Mawkingbird

Rosepaw blinked in surprise, and turned to look at Birchstripe. "It it - is it alright if I give him some Thyme?" she asked, still unsure of how to approach the deputy. She had never seen much of him - after all, her life so far had taken place almost entirely in the nursery. "Or, um - would you rather speak to him first? The thyme will make him sleepy - or, no! That's poppy seed! Thyme won't make him tired."
@Wolfheart @Mawkingbird

Rosepaw blinked in surprise, and turned to look at Birchstripe. "It it - is it alright if I give him some Thyme?" she asked, still unsure of how to approach the deputy. She had never seen much of him - after all, her life so far had taken place almost entirely in the nursery. "Or, um - would you rather speak to him first? The thyme will make him sleepy - or, no! That's poppy seed! Thyme won't make him tired."
@Celes @Wolfheart

(Wolfheart; who is RPing Dustclaw?)
(Celes, here is a great reference for herbs!)

Birchstripe stiffened as the young foreigner approached Rosepaw, pressing his paws into the hard dirt to keep from unsheathing his claws. He glared at the outsider's tail, wrapping around the medicine cat apprentice. When it became clear that the contact wasn't leading to any sort of physical confrontation, he relaxed again, slightly. The unexpected intimacy the strange tom had bestowed upon the apprentice medicine cat had alarmed Birchstripe; you just didn't rub up against cats you didn't you.

Still, the apprentice didn't seem any worse for it. Birchstripe inclined his head towards her, keeping his green eyes on the mismatched ones of the stranger. "I'm no medicine cat. Honey and marigold are the limits of my expertise." The deputy crouched slightly, watching the gray tom intently.

"Perhaps we will question him later. What is it that is wrong with him?"

@Celes @Wolfheart

(Wolfheart; who is RPing Dustclaw?)
(Celes, here is a great reference for herbs!)

Birchstripe stiffened as the young foreigner approached Rosepaw, pressing his paws into the hard dirt to keep from unsheathing his claws. He glared at the outsider's tail, wrapping around the medicine cat apprentice. When it became clear that the contact wasn't leading to any sort of physical confrontation, he relaxed again, slightly. The unexpected intimacy the strange tom had bestowed upon the apprentice medicine cat had alarmed Birchstripe; you just didn't rub up against cats you didn't you.

Still, the apprentice didn't seem any worse for it. Birchstripe inclined his head towards her, keeping his green eyes on the mismatched ones of the stranger. "I'm no medicine cat. Honey and marigold are the limits of my expertise." The deputy crouched slightly, watching the gray tom intently.

"Perhaps we will question him later. What is it that is wrong with him?"
