

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Warrior Cats RPG (Open! All welcome!)
Silverstar faintly heard the voice, she stumbled forward,letting whoever it was guide her.

Silverstar faintly heard the voice, she stumbled forward,letting whoever it was guide her.

(are we still RPing?)

@Splitbeat @Sucrechat @kurlozleijon @Lorde @Balrier @Leondragon @Vanquished

@Masquerade @Acosmist @mktheangel @Sharpiero
(are we still RPing?)

@Splitbeat @Sucrechat @kurlozleijon @Lorde @Balrier @Leondragon @Vanquished

@Masquerade @Acosmist @mktheangel @Sharpiero
I don't know. I'm sitting here brainstorming what to do with my characters. Just waiting for everybody else to post, I guess

I don't know. I'm sitting here brainstorming what to do with my characters. Just waiting for everybody else to post, I guess

(weren't you guiding Silverstar? I have a plan, but I need you to call for help with your character please.)

(weren't you guiding Silverstar? I have a plan, but I need you to call for help with your character please.)


Rainfall and Siverstar continued to slowly make their towards the camp. Every once in a while Rainfall would glance over her shoulder to see if the fox was following them. The she-cat glanced towards the camp and decided they were close enough to call for help and hopefully get back to camp before that fox, or even worse, wolves caught up to them. "Help! Willowsway! Doveflight! We need your help!" Her voice echoed across the frozen wasteland. Rainfall knew that her call had been heard by at least one cat in the camp. She only hoped they could find them in time. And seeming in response to her call, the sharp harsh cry of the fox echoed across the ice. Rainfall turned to looked over her shoulder. The fox was bounding towards them, slowed only by the danger of walking across the ice at night. "Hurry Silverstar! We've got to hurry! The fox is coming!" She walked faster, practically dragging Silverstar after her.


Rainfall and Siverstar continued to slowly make their towards the camp. Every once in a while Rainfall would glance over her shoulder to see if the fox was following them. The she-cat glanced towards the camp and decided they were close enough to call for help and hopefully get back to camp before that fox, or even worse, wolves caught up to them. "Help! Willowsway! Doveflight! We need your help!" Her voice echoed across the frozen wasteland. Rainfall knew that her call had been heard by at least one cat in the camp. She only hoped they could find them in time. And seeming in response to her call, the sharp harsh cry of the fox echoed across the ice. Rainfall turned to looked over her shoulder. The fox was bounding towards them, slowed only by the danger of walking across the ice at night. "Hurry Silverstar! We've got to hurry! The fox is coming!" She walked faster, practically dragging Silverstar after her.

Doveflight heard the call she instantly recognized it. "Willowsway! We have to help Rainfall!" " You can't go." he said. "let me do it." he bounded out of camp, calling Skyfur and Sunwing. They saw the fox practically leap on Silverstar and Skyfur with Sunwing jumped on top of the fox, growling, while Willowsway and helped Rainfall carry Silverstar back to camp.

( I'll be Sunwing too. Skyfur and Sunwing will be Iceclan warriors if that is okay.)


Doveflight heard the call she instantly recognized it. "Willowsway! We have to help Rainfall!" " You can't go." he said. "let me do it." he bounded out of camp, calling Skyfur and Sunwing. They saw the fox practically leap on Silverstar and Skyfur with Sunwing jumped on top of the fox, growling, while Willowsway and helped Rainfall carry Silverstar back to camp.

( I'll be Sunwing too. Skyfur and Sunwing will be Iceclan warriors if that is okay.)


((I want to keep rping but literally no one is interacting with my characters again so))

@Icedust1 @Masquerade @Leondragon @Balrier @Sucrechat @kurlozleijon @Acosmist @Vanquished @Masquerade @mktheangel @Picturewicture @Sharpiero
((I want to keep rping but literally no one is interacting with my characters again so))

@Icedust1 @Masquerade @Leondragon @Balrier @Sucrechat @kurlozleijon @Acosmist @Vanquished @Masquerade @mktheangel @Picturewicture @Sharpiero
( how about make a character in Iceclan or Windclan? I need it. Also, I'm going to probobly going to put characters in Natureclan and clans that have no cats right now. )


( how about make a character in Iceclan or Windclan? I need it. Also, I'm going to probobly going to put characters in Natureclan and clans that have no cats right now. )


(( @kurlozleijon you have two characters right, Thornstar and Frostfeather? I guess you could have Thornstar leave and have her run into Creamstar and Darkwing, if @mktheangel agrees to it. I honestly don't know why nobody has posted anything. ))

Rainfall's spirits rose as three cats raced from camp towards them. She gently laid Silverstar down on the icy ground and turned to face the fox. Her claws rippled and were suddenly covered with ice. The fox stopped and stood before her, long claws gleaming in the moonlight. The bite mark on it's shoulder was healed. But how! It couldn't have healed that quickly! Unless.. Rainfall shook her head. She would worry about how the fox's injuries healed after she dealt with the fox. "You just don't know went to quit, do you?" She snarled, and jumped. She landed square on the foxes shoulders, her claws digging into it's back. Blood splattered the icy ground, taking on a strange color in the moonlight. The fox rolled, forcingRainfall to jump off it's shoulders. She landed on all four paws and lunged toward the fox with lightning speed, her fangs sinking into its fore-paw. It yowled in pain, but she but down, harder, until she heard the sickening snap of bone. The fox roared and wrenched its paw from her grip. It sank its teeth into her back and tossed Rainfall across the ice. It whirled and lunged toward Silverstar, but before it could Reach her Willowsway slammed into the fox. Rainfall heaved herself to her paws and the four Iceclan warriors turned on the fox.


((Edit- Yeah, I might add a character in Earthclan, but if nobody posts besides us three than I don't know if the Roleplay will continue in the first place.))
(( @kurlozleijon you have two characters right, Thornstar and Frostfeather? I guess you could have Thornstar leave and have her run into Creamstar and Darkwing, if @mktheangel agrees to it. I honestly don't know why nobody has posted anything. ))

Rainfall's spirits rose as three cats raced from camp towards them. She gently laid Silverstar down on the icy ground and turned to face the fox. Her claws rippled and were suddenly covered with ice. The fox stopped and stood before her, long claws gleaming in the moonlight. The bite mark on it's shoulder was healed. But how! It couldn't have healed that quickly! Unless.. Rainfall shook her head. She would worry about how the fox's injuries healed after she dealt with the fox. "You just don't know went to quit, do you?" She snarled, and jumped. She landed square on the foxes shoulders, her claws digging into it's back. Blood splattered the icy ground, taking on a strange color in the moonlight. The fox rolled, forcingRainfall to jump off it's shoulders. She landed on all four paws and lunged toward the fox with lightning speed, her fangs sinking into its fore-paw. It yowled in pain, but she but down, harder, until she heard the sickening snap of bone. The fox roared and wrenched its paw from her grip. It sank its teeth into her back and tossed Rainfall across the ice. It whirled and lunged toward Silverstar, but before it could Reach her Willowsway slammed into the fox. Rainfall heaved herself to her paws and the four Iceclan warriors turned on the fox.


((Edit- Yeah, I might add a character in Earthclan, but if nobody posts besides us three than I don't know if the Roleplay will continue in the first place.))
Skyfur leaped on its back and sunk his teeth in till he felt the spine. then he bit as hard as he could. He heard a crack and leaped of in time to see the fox fall over.

Skyfur leaped on its back and sunk his teeth in till he felt the spine. then he bit as hard as he could. He heard a crack and leaped of in time to see the fox fall over.
