
Raffles & Giveaways

Share your raffles and giveaways with the Flight Rising community.
TOPIC | [CLOSED] Win a Veilspun Scroll
Today I took the time to give my little Yorkie Bitsy a bath and decorated my room for Christmas :D listening to Christmas music while doing it made it so much more cheerful and put me in the mood for the upcoming holidays!

Today I took the time to give my little Yorkie Bitsy a bath and decorated my room for Christmas :D listening to Christmas music while doing it made it so much more cheerful and put me in the mood for the upcoming holidays!

I actually just got out of my weekly therapy appointment. It was hard to open up to someone at first, but the more I did, the better I felt. Seeking a therapist was probably one of the best decisions of my life.

Thanks very much for hosting (^w^)
I actually just got out of my weekly therapy appointment. It was hard to open up to someone at first, but the more I did, the better I felt. Seeking a therapist was probably one of the best decisions of my life.

Thanks very much for hosting (^w^)
I've been struggling a lot with school lately and my friends and I have been feeling pretty down because of this pandemic and trouble finding work and such. We've been trying to lift each others' spirits by playing games together and trying to hang out with each other when we can (following social distancing rules of course). One of our favorite pass times is to simply sit at a cafe together and chat or take the time to focus on school work and job applications. I've also been trying to relax with lots of ASMR and of course FR. Talking about my feelings and trying to be open with my friends is another step I'm taking toward self care.
Thanks for hosting this raffle btw! It's very kind of you, and I think it's very sweet of you to want to look out for the community and make sure people are taking care of themselves.
I've been struggling a lot with school lately and my friends and I have been feeling pretty down because of this pandemic and trouble finding work and such. We've been trying to lift each others' spirits by playing games together and trying to hang out with each other when we can (following social distancing rules of course). One of our favorite pass times is to simply sit at a cafe together and chat or take the time to focus on school work and job applications. I've also been trying to relax with lots of ASMR and of course FR. Talking about my feelings and trying to be open with my friends is another step I'm taking toward self care.
Thanks for hosting this raffle btw! It's very kind of you, and I think it's very sweet of you to want to look out for the community and make sure people are taking care of themselves.
i'm gonna finally work on the missing assignments ive been putting off (:
i'm gonna finally work on the missing assignments ive been putting off (:
I. he/him
II. +3 fr time
III. skin wishlist
IV. apparel wishlist
I have been struggling a lot with weird health crap and stress. I won't go into crazy details but I've been losing my mind dealing with all the random stuff my body is doing and not getting answers or help from my doctor. So today I booked myself an appointment with a naturopathic doctor. I've never tried a naturopath so it will be an experience. Hopefully she will be able to help me (or at least want to help since my GP doesn't seem to care). May want to smack the GP repeatedly on the head with a rolled up newspaper and knock some sense into him.
I have been struggling a lot with weird health crap and stress. I won't go into crazy details but I've been losing my mind dealing with all the random stuff my body is doing and not getting answers or help from my doctor. So today I booked myself an appointment with a naturopathic doctor. I've never tried a naturopath so it will be an experience. Hopefully she will be able to help me (or at least want to help since my GP doesn't seem to care). May want to smack the GP repeatedly on the head with a rolled up newspaper and knock some sense into him.
I took the morning off from homework today to walk around our house with my husband and talk about our hopes for it. We just moved in two weeks ago and are still working on developing a vision for how we want to use the different spaces. It was really fun and rejuvenating to just daydream with him.
I took the morning off from homework today to walk around our house with my husband and talk about our hopes for it. We just moved in two weeks ago and are still working on developing a vision for how we want to use the different spaces. It was really fun and rejuvenating to just daydream with him.
Dragon rentals suggestion, for safer studding and nest rentals.
Integrating badges into FR suggestion, for signature badges and user awards.
recently ive come to a realization that self-care is something i really really need, so ive been focusing on it. my therapist gave me plenty of recommendations, so i try them every other day :3 last night, i spent an hour reading which used to be one of my favorite pastimes and it was very nice, and today i decided to not "take the day off" per se and draw for myself, not for others~ it felt very nice to do things that i had wanted, and not things for other people.

thank you for this opportunity!
recently ive come to a realization that self-care is something i really really need, so ive been focusing on it. my therapist gave me plenty of recommendations, so i try them every other day :3 last night, i spent an hour reading which used to be one of my favorite pastimes and it was very nice, and today i decided to not "take the day off" per se and draw for myself, not for others~ it felt very nice to do things that i had wanted, and not things for other people.

thank you for this opportunity!
Okay this is really cool! I dont even care if I win. This has been a work on me year, so Ill try to sum it up as best as possible. This probably wont even qualify but, dang it, I am proud of myself.

Okay so for just some back ground I had a baby (First time mom) before the world went into shut down. PPD came in like a baseball bat to the gut. I didnt trust anyone with my baby, I got zero sleep, I was struggling to BF, and I overall just hated myself. At the time I didnt think it was PPD because a big part of PPD is resenting your child. I didnt resent him. I LOVE HIM. I love him with all my heart.

Things got worse after he came down with RSV and almost died. Literally. I have a sensor (500 USD) that tracked his O2 Levels and heart rate. It alerted us to a high heart rate and a low 02 level. We ended up in the docs office. My. Baby. Almost. Died. I began not trusting myself with him. I was "the worst mom ever". How could I let these things happen to him!? How could I raise him in such a hateful world!? ect ect...

Flash forward a few months. Everything came to a head when he had a night terror. He screamed like something was killing him- and I swear I didnt touch the floor sprinting to his nursery. I told my husband we were taking his door off, or he was sleeping in his pack and play in our room. Thats when he told me I needed to talk to someone.

Now, my support team (made up of a doctor, my OB/GYN, my therapist, and my husband) and I have gotten to the point where we are looking to take me off my meds. Every day, I take an hour or two to myself. Tea, reading, walking the dog, you name it. I drink at least two cups of water a day, have a good cleaning schedule, and now LOVE working from home and watching my now one year old son giggle at our dog.
Okay this is really cool! I dont even care if I win. This has been a work on me year, so Ill try to sum it up as best as possible. This probably wont even qualify but, dang it, I am proud of myself.

Okay so for just some back ground I had a baby (First time mom) before the world went into shut down. PPD came in like a baseball bat to the gut. I didnt trust anyone with my baby, I got zero sleep, I was struggling to BF, and I overall just hated myself. At the time I didnt think it was PPD because a big part of PPD is resenting your child. I didnt resent him. I LOVE HIM. I love him with all my heart.

Things got worse after he came down with RSV and almost died. Literally. I have a sensor (500 USD) that tracked his O2 Levels and heart rate. It alerted us to a high heart rate and a low 02 level. We ended up in the docs office. My. Baby. Almost. Died. I began not trusting myself with him. I was "the worst mom ever". How could I let these things happen to him!? How could I raise him in such a hateful world!? ect ect...

Flash forward a few months. Everything came to a head when he had a night terror. He screamed like something was killing him- and I swear I didnt touch the floor sprinting to his nursery. I told my husband we were taking his door off, or he was sleeping in his pack and play in our room. Thats when he told me I needed to talk to someone.

Now, my support team (made up of a doctor, my OB/GYN, my therapist, and my husband) and I have gotten to the point where we are looking to take me off my meds. Every day, I take an hour or two to myself. Tea, reading, walking the dog, you name it. I drink at least two cups of water a day, have a good cleaning schedule, and now LOVE working from home and watching my now one year old son giggle at our dog.
Helping someone, in return, helped me. For context, I recently had a scare with covid and took time to just relax and focus on fun and peaceful things to calm my nerves. Things turned out to be okay with me! Now, I know someone who had a scare with a family member coming down with covid recently. I did my best to help comfort her and help calm her down until tests could come back with definite results. It wasn't easy, but I am glad that I was able to help the situation even a little bit. Results came back and the family member turned out to be okay! Having two scares like this in such a short time has stressed me out a lot, but I recently came back to this game after around 4 years of being inactive, and have been able to calm my nerves and relax a lot more, and find even more fun, especially with the new breeds and changes that I have gotten to discover!

I know a lot of people have been stressing out badly because of this pandemic going on and it is really nice to know that there is such an amazing community here on this site and so much fun to be had with this game. It really is an amazing way to take my mind off of everything going on in the world right now and destress for a bit. Sitting down at night with a cup of tea and seeing all the cute dragons in my lair definitely helped me both mentally and physically!
Helping someone, in return, helped me. For context, I recently had a scare with covid and took time to just relax and focus on fun and peaceful things to calm my nerves. Things turned out to be okay with me! Now, I know someone who had a scare with a family member coming down with covid recently. I did my best to help comfort her and help calm her down until tests could come back with definite results. It wasn't easy, but I am glad that I was able to help the situation even a little bit. Results came back and the family member turned out to be okay! Having two scares like this in such a short time has stressed me out a lot, but I recently came back to this game after around 4 years of being inactive, and have been able to calm my nerves and relax a lot more, and find even more fun, especially with the new breeds and changes that I have gotten to discover!

I know a lot of people have been stressing out badly because of this pandemic going on and it is really nice to know that there is such an amazing community here on this site and so much fun to be had with this game. It really is an amazing way to take my mind off of everything going on in the world right now and destress for a bit. Sitting down at night with a cup of tea and seeing all the cute dragons in my lair definitely helped me both mentally and physically!
I’ve been cooking some meals and trying to eat more instead of just eating pre-packaged food. Also keeping a more consistent eating schedule, since school kinda... wrecked it.
I’ve been cooking some meals and trying to eat more instead of just eating pre-packaged food. Also keeping a more consistent eating schedule, since school kinda... wrecked it.