
Raffles & Giveaways

Share your raffles and giveaways with the Flight Rising community.
TOPIC | New Year, New Lair [Anime Lair Purge]
Hello fellow weebs and lovers of animu!

My entire lair has been anime-themed since I started FR, and while I love it, I've decided it's time for a change of pace. That means I'm giving away tons of anime-themed dragons to you all absolutely FREE!!

I am keeping some of my favorites, but every dragon AFTER Stardust (page 3 of my lair) and BEFORE Cyanea (page 4) is up for grabs!


- You may request as many dragons as you want, but these dragons are NOT FOR EXALTING/RESELLING!! I love these little pixels and want them to go to homes that will keep them and appreciate them (: If you ever get tired of your dragon, please send them back to me!

- There are a few dragons that MUST be adopted as pairs:
* Agata/Noriko
* Holo/Lawrence

- Some dragons are wearing apparel, which can be purchased at LAH price!


Comment below with the following info...
1. Dragon's name (or ID if unnamed)
2. Your favorite anime (or favorite TV series if you don't watch anime) and why
3. A New Year's Resolution you'd like to fulfill in 2019
4. Do you want this dragon's apparel? (Yes or No; apparel is sold at LAH price)
5. Include the phrase "mulled wine" in your post to show me that you've read the above rules!
Hello fellow weebs and lovers of animu!

My entire lair has been anime-themed since I started FR, and while I love it, I've decided it's time for a change of pace. That means I'm giving away tons of anime-themed dragons to you all absolutely FREE!!

I am keeping some of my favorites, but every dragon AFTER Stardust (page 3 of my lair) and BEFORE Cyanea (page 4) is up for grabs!


- You may request as many dragons as you want, but these dragons are NOT FOR EXALTING/RESELLING!! I love these little pixels and want them to go to homes that will keep them and appreciate them (: If you ever get tired of your dragon, please send them back to me!

- There are a few dragons that MUST be adopted as pairs:
* Agata/Noriko
* Holo/Lawrence

- Some dragons are wearing apparel, which can be purchased at LAH price!


Comment below with the following info...
1. Dragon's name (or ID if unnamed)
2. Your favorite anime (or favorite TV series if you don't watch anime) and why
3. A New Year's Resolution you'd like to fulfill in 2019
4. Do you want this dragon's apparel? (Yes or No; apparel is sold at LAH price)
5. Include the phrase "mulled wine" in your post to show me that you've read the above rules!
1. Can I have Ryo and Susuwatari please?
2. My favorite anime is Acchi Kocchi
3. My New Years Resolution is to spend more time with my family because I stay on the computer everyday
4. They have no apparel
Mulled Wine
1. Can I have Ryo and Susuwatari please?
2. My favorite anime is Acchi Kocchi
3. My New Years Resolution is to spend more time with my family because I stay on the computer everyday
4. They have no apparel
Mulled Wine
@AquaBanana Sending them to you now (:
@AquaBanana Sending them to you now (:
1. Can I have Shinobu and Haikyu please?
2. Funnily enough, my favorite anime is Haikyu! I really like Psycho Pass too, and after seeing your dragons, I think I'll try breeding and naming my dragons after Houseki no Kuni gems.
3. My New Years Resolution is to eat healthier and exercise at least twice a week this year.
4. No apparel
Mulled Wine
1. Can I have Shinobu and Haikyu please?
2. Funnily enough, my favorite anime is Haikyu! I really like Psycho Pass too, and after seeing your dragons, I think I'll try breeding and naming my dragons after Houseki no Kuni gems.
3. My New Years Resolution is to eat healthier and exercise at least twice a week this year.
4. No apparel
Mulled Wine
Heio, @Yakul , could I get Singe? [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]2.[/b] Do the studio gibli films count as animae? If so, probably Nausicaa & the Valley of the Wind! [b]3.[/b] To stop impulse-buying really pretty dragons (It's okay I prepared my lair this time :P) [b]4.[/b]No thanks! I don't think she has any anyways, but some [b]mulled wine[/b] might make a good appearel piece. :P
Heio, @Yakul , could I get Singe?


2. Do the studio gibli films count as animae? If so, probably Nausicaa & the Valley of the Wind!
3. To stop impulse-buying really pretty dragons (It's okay I prepared my lair this time :P)
4.No thanks! I don't think she has any anyways, but some mulled wine might make a good appearel piece. :P
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Some links above aren't working yet due
to being future projects! Stay tuned!
@fflounder Sending them to you now! I tried for a while to breed some Houseki no Kuni gem dergs, but could never get ones I was satisfied with-- hopefully you have better luck than I did! Glad you were able to snag my Haikyu derg since it's your favorite anime-- great choice (:

@LunaTenebrisFlos I definitely count Studio Ghibli under the "anime" genre (: I actually haven't seen Nausicaa-- one of the few Ghibli films I still have to watch! Your comment has inspired me to go watch it now (: Also, I can relate with the impulse-buying pretty dergs. That's exactly what's going to happen as soon as I get my lair cleaned out lol. Sending Singe over now.
@fflounder Sending them to you now! I tried for a while to breed some Houseki no Kuni gem dergs, but could never get ones I was satisfied with-- hopefully you have better luck than I did! Glad you were able to snag my Haikyu derg since it's your favorite anime-- great choice (:

@LunaTenebrisFlos I definitely count Studio Ghibli under the "anime" genre (: I actually haven't seen Nausicaa-- one of the few Ghibli films I still have to watch! Your comment has inspired me to go watch it now (: Also, I can relate with the impulse-buying pretty dergs. That's exactly what's going to happen as soon as I get my lair cleaned out lol. Sending Singe over now.
1. Edward
2. ironicallyb fmab - it’s just so good man idek how to say how much i love it
3. continue to grow and improve upon myself
4. yes please
5. mulled wine !
1. Edward
2. ironicallyb fmab - it’s just so good man idek how to say how much i love it
3. continue to grow and improve upon myself
4. yes please
5. mulled wine !
@aliferose He's all yours! Glad you got a dragon from your fave anime and glad Edward is going to a home who will appreciate him (: The LAH for his apparel is 24kt total (20kt for the Sanguine Rose Thorn Collar and 4kt for the Iron Filligree Wing Guard). Mixed payment is fine too, if you prefer. I'll send them in separate CRs!
@aliferose He's all yours! Glad you got a dragon from your fave anime and glad Edward is going to a home who will appreciate him (: The LAH for his apparel is 24kt total (20kt for the Sanguine Rose Thorn Collar and 4kt for the Iron Filligree Wing Guard). Mixed payment is fine too, if you prefer. I'll send them in separate CRs!
2.My favourite is pokemon as it reminds me of my childhood as it used to be my favourite show back then and I don't really have a favourite first nowadays and I don't watch that much anime anyways.
3.Work and improve on my studies
4.No thanks! (she doesn't have apparel :) )

I can't drink mulled wine :(
2.My favourite is pokemon as it reminds me of my childhood as it used to be my favourite show back then and I don't really have a favourite first nowadays and I don't watch that much anime anyways.
3.Work and improve on my studies
4.No thanks! (she doesn't have apparel :) )

I can't drink mulled wine :(