
Raffles & Giveaways

Share your raffles and giveaways with the Flight Rising community.
TOPIC | The Giving Tree
@SWEETBABYJESU5 sending you a Gilded Chest

I wish for..


- Any 4+ familiars or apparel
- 10-15 gems


- Chests (2+ Iron or 1+ gilded)
- Any (modern breed) festival skin/accent
- wishlist items worth over 20g


- Anything from my wishlist
- Any unhatched egg

@SWEETBABYJESU5 sending you a Gilded Chest

I wish for..


- Any 4+ familiars or apparel
- 10-15 gems


- Chests (2+ Iron or 1+ gilded)
- Any (modern breed) festival skin/accent
- wishlist items worth over 20g


- Anything from my wishlist
- Any unhatched egg

Light Runestone
@var1s sent fams c: Easy: 20 gems Easy: Familiar(s) that i’m missing worth 20kt/g Easy: 3x [item=Water Strider] (i need 5 total c:) Medium: Any familiars that i am missing worth of 45 gems/35kt Medium: 45 gems or 35kt Medium: any of those: [skin=45778][skin=45779][skin=45780][skin=45781][skin=45784][skin=45785][skin=45788][skin=45789][skin=45790][skin=45791] Hard: - Any Unhatched Egg ;-; <3 - Any Modern breed gem gene. -Buy a gen one from me (50gems and up,depending which you want. selling tons in my hibden! also selling non gen 1’s from level 25) -Any of these items: [item=Reaper Guise][item=Bloodred Kelpie Mane][item=Dire Kelpie mane][item=Vial of Glowing Sight][item=Scroll of eternal youth][item=Tri-color scatterscroll][item=Vial of Disjointed Sight][item=Vial of Elemental Sight] -And ofcourse: I just calculated how much treasure and gems i need for gening my dragons and the total is 8.4 million treasure and 110.2k gems so [b]any amount higher then 20gems/ 20kt is highly appereciated! :D [/b]
@var1s sent fams c:

Easy: 20 gems
Easy: Familiar(s) that i’m missing worth 20kt/g
Easy: 3x Water Strider (i need 5 total c:)

Medium: Any familiars that i am missing worth of 45 gems/35kt
Medium: 45 gems or 35kt
Medium: any of those:

- Any Unhatched Egg ;-; <3
- Any Modern breed gem gene.
-Buy a gen one from me (50gems and up,depending which you want. selling tons in my hibden! also selling non gen 1’s from level 25)
-Any of these items: Reaper Guise Bloodred Kelpie Mane Dire Kelpie Mane Vial of Glowing Sight Scroll of Eternal Youth Tri-Color Scatterscroll Vial of Disjointed Sight Vial of Elemental Sight

-And ofcourse:
I just calculated how much treasure and gems i need for gening my dragons and the total is 8.4 million treasure and 110.2k gems so any amount higher then 20gems/ 20kt is highly appereciated! :D
She/Her, Female, Adult (20+) Florist

PWYW Grab Bags!
Art for PWYW! Literally! 1t is fine!
Boss familiars lower than LAH or offers!
Free pure gen 2 dragons!

FR time +9 (Dutch), Dyslexic gen 1 collector :’)
@StormJunes sending an accent

Wishlist in signature, I prefer familiars but accept anything from there (Please don't send familiar/skins/accent from this event)
@StormJunes sending an accent

Wishlist in signature, I prefer familiars but accept anything from there (Please don't send familiar/skins/accent from this event)

My goal is to collect all familiars, all help is appreciated :)

I host a gift giving thread!

@LunaShapeshifter sending wishlist items :))

1. Buy one of the dragons in this tab
2. Seapetal flowerfall / Grove sylvan twist / Grove sylvan bracelets

3. 35kt/45g
4. Current festival accent/skin/chest (not baldwin)

5. Items from my wishlist linked in bio :3
@LunaShapeshifter sending wishlist items :))

1. Buy one of the dragons in this tab
2. Seapetal flowerfall / Grove sylvan twist / Grove sylvan bracelets

3. 35kt/45g
4. Current festival accent/skin/chest (not baldwin)

5. Items from my wishlist linked in bio :3
@SilverBelle - Sent [item=Secondary Gene: Flair] [rule] I. Familiars I don't own II. Apparel [emoji=star][emoji=star][emoji=star][emoji=star] - [emoji=rainbow star 1] III. 45 [emoji=gem size=1] IV. [item=Iron Treasure Chest] OR [item=Bloodstone Cascades] V. [item=Breed Change: Wildclaw] OR [item=Sanguine Plumage]
@SilverBelle - Sent
Secondary Gene: Flair

I. Familiars I don't own
II. Apparel -
III. 45
IV. Iron Treasure Chest OR Bloodstone Cascades
V. Breed Change: Wildclaw OR Sanguine Plumage
Alex's Creepy Cookout Raffle
Morpheon Gach'adopt

FR+9 · They
28 y.o.

Shadom Bakery
@Calvair sending a fam you don't own! [item=Grey Slime]x3 and [item=Copper Muck]x3 [item=Lightback Slink] Literally and accent (not skin) from this festival [item=Light Aura](50) [item=Gilded Compass](70) Prismatic Token 80kt/g for a jox box
@Calvair sending a fam you don't own!

Grey Slime x3 and Copper Muck x3

Lightback Slink
Literally and accent (not skin) from this festival

Light Aura (50)
Gilded Compass (70)
Prismatic Token
80kt/g for a jox box
FaCKLHz.png |Buying Spare Inventory Crates |
| WishList |
| Sales Tab |
@XCVN sending A Pearl’s Refraction!!

1. Any hibden mats
2. 10,000 treasure
3. Iron chest
4. 30,000 treasure
5. Gaoler breed change
@XCVN sending A Pearl’s Refraction!!

1. Any hibden mats
2. 10,000 treasure
3. Iron chest
4. 30,000 treasure
5. Gaoler breed change
@finnamony sent hibden stuff c: Easy: 20 gems Easy: Familiar(s) that i’m missing worth 20kt/g Easy: 3x [item=Water Strider] (i need 5 total c:) Medium: Any familiars that i am missing worth of 45 gems/35kt Medium: 45 gems or 35kt Medium: any of those: [skin=45778][skin=45779][skin=45780][skin=45781][skin=45785][skin=45788][skin=45789][skin=45790] Hard: - Any Unhatched Egg ;-; <3 - Any Modern breed gem gene. -Buy a gen one from me (50gems and up,depending which you want. selling tons in my hibden! also selling non gen 1’s from level 25) -Any of these items: [item=Reaper Guise][item=Bloodred Kelpie Mane][item=Dire Kelpie mane][item=Vial of Glowing Sight][item=Scroll of eternal youth][item=Tri-color scatterscroll][item=Vial of Disjointed Sight][item=Vial of Elemental Sight] -And ofcourse: I just calculated how much treasure and gems i need for gening my dragons and the total is 8.4 million treasure and 110.2k gems so [b]any amount higher then 20gems/ 20kt is highly appereciated! :D [/b]
@finnamony sent hibden stuff c:

Easy: 20 gems
Easy: Familiar(s) that i’m missing worth 20kt/g
Easy: 3x Water Strider (i need 5 total c:)

Medium: Any familiars that i am missing worth of 45 gems/35kt
Medium: 45 gems or 35kt
Medium: any of those:

- Any Unhatched Egg ;-; <3
- Any Modern breed gem gene.
-Buy a gen one from me (50gems and up,depending which you want. selling tons in my hibden! also selling non gen 1’s from level 25)
-Any of these items: Reaper Guise Bloodred Kelpie Mane Dire Kelpie Mane Vial of Glowing Sight Scroll of Eternal Youth Tri-Color Scatterscroll Vial of Disjointed Sight Vial of Elemental Sight

-And ofcourse:
I just calculated how much treasure and gems i need for gening my dragons and the total is 8.4 million treasure and 110.2k gems so any amount higher then 20gems/ 20kt is highly appereciated! :D
She/Her, Female, Adult (20+) Florist

PWYW Grab Bags!
Art for PWYW! Literally! 1t is fine!
Boss familiars lower than LAH or offers!
Free pure gen 2 dragons!

FR time +9 (Dutch), Dyslexic gen 1 collector :’)
@StormJunes sent you an accent! hope you like! :) I wish for: 1.) 10k treasure! 2.) [item=chipskink] or [item=ragepuff] (for hibden! 3.) 35 gems 4.) any frog companion apparel (except marsh frog, which I already have!) 5.) [item=primary gene: speckle]
sent you an accent! hope you like! :)

I wish for:
1.) 10k treasure!
2.) Chipskink or Ragepuff (for hibden!
3.) 35 gems
4.) any frog companion apparel (except marsh frog, which I already have!)
5.) Primary Gene: Speckle
@thistleonions sending over treasure! ----- [center][b]Feel free to adjust anything as LAH changes.[/b][/center] [b][color=green]easy: (up to 15kt/20g)[/color][/b] [list] [*] [gamedb item=1089] OR [gamedb item=1084] [*] [gamedb item=180] x15 [*] [gamedb item=245] x5 [*] [gamedb item=79] x3 [/list] [b][color=orange]medium: (up to 35kt/45g)[/color][/b] [list] [*] [gamedb item=90] x15 [*] [gamedb item=181] x20 [/list] [b][color=red]hard: (over 35kt/45g)[/color][/b] [list] [*] Upgrade my lair: 45kt [emoji=treasure size=1] [*] [gamedb item=1080] [/list]
@thistleonions sending over treasure!

Feel free to adjust anything as LAH changes.

easy: (up to 15kt/20g)
medium: (up to 35kt/45g)
hard: (over 35kt/45g)
Check here if you are interested in unbred G1s; I have 200+ for sale.

Pro Tip:

Utilize Control F in CRs/PMs to find specific items by using the number of the amount that you have in your hoard.