
Quests & Challenges

Quests, Challenges, and Festival games.
TOPIC | [Pinkerlocke] Sunken Dreams
Ah, I missed your comment. Apologies! Yeah, Kanasu is certainly very self-centered and likes to insert herself for her benefit. But with Deene's personality, would it be at Kanasu's benefit or detriment to keep up that attitude?
Ah, I missed your comment. Apologies! Yeah, Kanasu is certainly very self-centered and likes to insert herself for her benefit. But with Deene's personality, would it be at Kanasu's benefit or detriment to keep up that attitude?
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Sorry I'm so delayed in my response! Those were both great chapters! I especially liked Seabert and Mireille's interaction, that was sweet!

Sounds like you have a good system planned for wrapping up your locke! I spent today rereading mine to refresh myself on what has happened and planned out how I am going to space out the remaining challenges. (I'll explain once I post my next chapter, which should be sometime in the next week or two. I'm hoping tomorrow, but I'm not holding myself to that if the motivation isn't right.) I'm excited to see how the rest of your locke goes!!!

Sorry I'm so delayed in my response! Those were both great chapters! I especially liked Seabert and Mireille's interaction, that was sweet!

Sounds like you have a good system planned for wrapping up your locke! I spent today rereading mine to refresh myself on what has happened and planned out how I am going to space out the remaining challenges. (I'll explain once I post my next chapter, which should be sometime in the next week or two. I'm hoping tomorrow, but I'm not holding myself to that if the motivation isn't right.) I'm excited to see how the rest of your locke goes!!!
b7742e507b7cf8e2cd71c4f2ffd5a17c3b9f9e2e.png 7ae5f576df9583faed137e7e0ca37146ab2a57b6.pnga6562add08eab1563b3f067ebd5e56834bb18267.png
All good! I'm so delayed myself for the next chapter. Trying to close on a house has been the forefront of everything and at this rate, I need to reread the chapters to get me aligned better at what comes next. Motivation is such a key component for me too (and I haven't had the energy that could produce a full chapter tbh). But I am excited to see your next chapter, whenever it is ready. ^^
All good! I'm so delayed myself for the next chapter. Trying to close on a house has been the forefront of everything and at this rate, I need to reread the chapters to get me aligned better at what comes next. Motivation is such a key component for me too (and I haven't had the energy that could produce a full chapter tbh). But I am excited to see your next chapter, whenever it is ready. ^^
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FR+3 time
Dragons for Sale

Art Shop
[center][url=]Previous[/url] [Color=navy][size=5][b]Chapter 82: Spill Your Secrets![/b][/size][/color] --------------- [url=][img],690,10371,10385,10743,10736,10722&xt=dressing.png[/img][/url] Kailani swam quickly but quietly through the halls, turning around when she saw a potential guard that would cross her path. Thankfully, all the swimming around the palace’s halls made her adept to easily avoid others when she wanted to. Eventually, she was facing the entrance to the library and floated there a moment, noting the eerie stillness amongst the shelves. Suddenly, she saw the slightest bit of movement out of the corner of her eye, and she decided to follow it. The feather tips made her realize that it was the same Skydancer she saw outside the palace with Aalto, and hope leapt in her chest. Rather than have the chance of losing the unknown dragon, she called out in her most regal tone, “You there! Stop where you are.” [url=][img],35549,35548,10746,10753,10395,10374,10367,10718&xt=dressing.png[/img][/url] The dragon immediately froze, and Kailani was able to catch up to the Skydancer, who seemed to be clutching something tightly against aer chest. In fact, ae seemed to be visibly shaking in fear. Kailani gave a small smile, [i]Maybe fear will cause this Skydancer to easily spill what ae was doing with Aalto. But then again, fear may seal this one’s lips up completely. Here goes nothing…[/i] “Rather odd to get a snack at this hour and eat it in the library. Isn’t there a rule against bringing food in here?” Kailani started, hoping to break the initial tension. The Skydancer was shocked to see that the dragon that caught aer was Kailani and looked confused at her words. After a moment to process, ae started chuckling nervously, “What? Oh. Yeah! My apologies, Your Highness. Just some late night cravings after sorting through the tomes we have. But you’re right, I shouldn’t be eating here, even though I am the librarian and all. Got standards to uphold, right? So, I’ll just be on my way…” Kailani blocked the Skydancer’s path, “But then again, I wouldn’t advise eating that scroll you have there. Probably would give you a stomach ache.” The Skydancer’s eyes began to widen, “You saw me?” Kailani nodded and spoke quietly, “I won’t breathe a word of it to anyone…as long as you tell me what you were doing with Aalto. Who are you and who are you writing to?” The Skydancer gulped and looked around frantically, “My name is Lanuola, but we can’t speak here…there are eyes and ears everywhere. Follow me.” Without a chance for Kailani to respond, Lanuola grabbed Kailani’s hand and dragged her through the library until they reached a special bookcase with a tapestry depicting the first rulers of Nan’nalu. It was hard to follow what Lanuola did, but ae seemed to move a few books around until a click was heard. Ae lifted the corner of the large tapestry to a secret passageway and pulled Kailani inside, shutting the door tightly behind them. “Woah, I never found this passageway before,” Kailani murmured. “And you [b]never did[/b] find this passageway,” Lanuola replied matter-of-factly, “We’ll be safe here. Dakila doesn’t know of it, and it’s where I hide any tomes from his purging of ancient Nan’nalu history, culture, and legends. Now - ” ae placed the scroll on the sole desk in the room, “let’s talk.” A slew of questions flooded out of Kailani’s mouth, “What were you doing with Aalto on the palace grounds? Who are you exchanging correspondence with? What is you intent with Nan’nalu, with Dakila? What are you exactly planning?” Lanuola sighed and rubbed aer temples, “I first saw Aalto ages ago and recognized it being your familiar. It came to the palace grounds during the times Dakila’s sea beast wasn’t around, so eventually I chanced to swim up to it. Tied to its back was a small scroll, written by Murchadh.” Kailani’s breath caught at hearing her mate’s name. “The scroll’s contents explained that he and Penina were trying to amass a force to overthrow Dakila and save the rest of the royal family – you and Tusitala, but they needed allies inside the palace too. Aalto could discern who followed Dakila and who didn’t, so it allowed me to obtain and read that scroll. But finding other allies in this palace…” Kailani grimaced, “Dakila made sure he didn’t have any potential problems left in the palace. It’s all his brainwashed guard that’s left. Food quality really suffered here because of it,” she joked, but didn’t laugh. Lanuola simply nodded, missing the humor, “And to be honest, I couldn’t tell if he brainwashed you or not with those magically imbued bracelets. But your mind seems sound. It just keeps you confined in the palace then?” “Yeah…” Kailani murmered, looking angry and dejected. Lanuola looked carefully at the bracelets, and nodded to aerself, “Hmm, might be something here that we can use to figure out to break them. It looks like some old magic, maybe passed down from the ancients of Nan’nalu even.” Kailani lifted her head and looked directly into Lanuola’s eyes, “Wait, are you serious?” Lanuola shrugged, “It’s a chance, but yes, theoretically. Just give me time.” Kailani looked antsy at the thought of more time being confined to the palace, but nodded reluctantly, “I suppose all I have is time at this point, so sure.” But then she looked longingly at the letter, “Umm, if it’s from Murchadh…can I read it?” Lanuola was already starting to peruse the tomes in the room, “Hm? Oh yeah, sure.” Kailani rushed over and read the letter. It was very formal and concise, and it made her grin. [i]Murchadh being all serious again…I hope he and the rest of them are safe and sound…[/i] Then she turned towards Lanuola, “Do you send letters back?” “Only if he requests information…Hmm, which I guess is most of the time since they need the information to plan. But only if I actually have answers for him. It’s not like I know everything going on here,” Lanuola commented, “But we won’t be able to get anything out until Aalto has a safe window of opportunity to return.” But even with those words, Kailani was furiously writing on an empty scroll on the desk, “Then make sure he gets this. I’ll try to get answers or any information they need from my time near Dakila and the guards.” Lanuola nodded, “It’d be a big help. I can’t stray too far from the library, otherwise it raises suspicion with Dakila…Oh!” Ae looked about nervously, “You need to leave here quickly. If Dakila is trying to find you and can’t, he’ll rip apart the palace, even here, to find you.” Kailani finished her letter and rolled up the scroll, “Sure, I’ll leave, but make sure Aalto gets this soonest.” Lanuola opened the door and peered about, making sure the room was clear, “Still quiet since it’s night, but dawn is fast approaching. Hurry!” She swam outside the room, but heard the door shut behind her. [i]Guess he’ll be focusing on finding the means to get these off me.[/i] Kailani gave an immense smile. It was nice to finally have hope to regain her freedom and do something. Realizing a smile would be out of character for her, she regained her composure and swam out of the library. Might as well get some sleep. The whole event left her more tired than she thought she’d be. Plus, she needed to have as much energy as she could to gather the intel Murchadh and her sister needed. [img][/img] [url=][img],24232,24228,24233,10380,56935&xt=dressing.png[/img][/url] Emyr was happily humming to himself while writing on scroll. After some final strokes, he picked up the scroll, read it over, and smiled in satisfaction. [Url=][img],24233,45161,45184,24232,24229,24230,45168&xt=dressing.png[/img][/url] “Well, well, writing to someone are we?” Keola said from behind Emyr, which caused him to panic. “Oh, oh! I didn’t see you. Um, yeah, just writing to, to, to Kasada, yep!” Emyr said while trying to roll up the scroll, “Just going to send it out now.” And he reached for his familiar, a Seaweed Nautilus, to hand it the scroll. “That’s wonderful! I didn’t know you’ve been in correspondence to Kasada! Maybe I can send a letter too, find out what’s going on with xem?” Thinking quickly, Emyr replied, “The nautilus can only hold so much. I try to keep my letters light so it can swim quickly to avoid that horrid monster if it’s around. And – oh!” the Seaweed Nautilus was already starting to swim away, “Guess it has a mind of its own. Maybe next time it returns, you can send something.” Keola looked disappointed, but it was quickly replaced with a smile, “Next time it is, but it’s wonderful to see you having such an interest in Kasada’s well-being. Who knew having a sibling leave would cause you two to be closer?” But then Keola thought aloud, “Actually, maybe Cabaletta’s familiar can send a letter to Kasada too. She said it can easily navigate to you or other loved ones if they are not magically hidden. I’ll talk with her so we can send out a letter too!” Keola swam away, and Emyr released the breath he was holding. [i]That was too close. Guess I have to write these letters away from here if I don’t want to be caught.[/i] ----------------------------- [url=]next[/url] @pinglist-2103 Finally had energy and time to get to this. I wanted to finish what I started when Kailani spied Lanuola, and now there's context to what's going on! But yet, who is Emyr writing to? Time will tell [emoji=guardian winking size=1] Also, I got a fun chapter planned to post tomorrow for the Pirate event! Get ready for another crew to be pulled in. Now that they're all gened, they are ready to sail the rough seas!
Chapter 82: Spill Your Secrets!


Kailani swam quickly but quietly through the halls, turning around when she saw a potential guard that would cross her path. Thankfully, all the swimming around the palace’s halls made her adept to easily avoid others when she wanted to. Eventually, she was facing the entrance to the library and floated there a moment, noting the eerie stillness amongst the shelves.

Suddenly, she saw the slightest bit of movement out of the corner of her eye, and she decided to follow it. The feather tips made her realize that it was the same Skydancer she saw outside the palace with Aalto, and hope leapt in her chest. Rather than have the chance of losing the unknown dragon, she called out in her most regal tone, “You there! Stop where you are.”


The dragon immediately froze, and Kailani was able to catch up to the Skydancer, who seemed to be clutching something tightly against aer chest. In fact, ae seemed to be visibly shaking in fear. Kailani gave a small smile, Maybe fear will cause this Skydancer to easily spill what ae was doing with Aalto. But then again, fear may seal this one’s lips up completely. Here goes nothing…

“Rather odd to get a snack at this hour and eat it in the library. Isn’t there a rule against bringing food in here?” Kailani started, hoping to break the initial tension. The Skydancer was shocked to see that the dragon that caught aer was Kailani and looked confused at her words. After a moment to process, ae started chuckling nervously, “What? Oh. Yeah! My apologies, Your Highness. Just some late night cravings after sorting through the tomes we have. But you’re right, I shouldn’t be eating here, even though I am the librarian and all. Got standards to uphold, right? So, I’ll just be on my way…”

Kailani blocked the Skydancer’s path, “But then again, I wouldn’t advise eating that scroll you have there. Probably would give you a stomach ache.” The Skydancer’s eyes began to widen, “You saw me?” Kailani nodded and spoke quietly, “I won’t breathe a word of it to anyone…as long as you tell me what you were doing with Aalto. Who are you and who are you writing to?”

The Skydancer gulped and looked around frantically, “My name is Lanuola, but we can’t speak here…there are eyes and ears everywhere. Follow me.” Without a chance for Kailani to respond, Lanuola grabbed Kailani’s hand and dragged her through the library until they reached a special bookcase with a tapestry depicting the first rulers of Nan’nalu. It was hard to follow what Lanuola did, but ae seemed to move a few books around until a click was heard. Ae lifted the corner of the large tapestry to a secret passageway and pulled Kailani inside, shutting the door tightly behind them.

“Woah, I never found this passageway before,” Kailani murmured. “And you never did find this passageway,” Lanuola replied matter-of-factly, “We’ll be safe here. Dakila doesn’t know of it, and it’s where I hide any tomes from his purging of ancient Nan’nalu history, culture, and legends. Now - ” ae placed the scroll on the sole desk in the room, “let’s talk.”

A slew of questions flooded out of Kailani’s mouth, “What were you doing with Aalto on the palace grounds? Who are you exchanging correspondence with? What is you intent with Nan’nalu, with Dakila? What are you exactly planning?”

Lanuola sighed and rubbed aer temples, “I first saw Aalto ages ago and recognized it being your familiar. It came to the palace grounds during the times Dakila’s sea beast wasn’t around, so eventually I chanced to swim up to it. Tied to its back was a small scroll, written by Murchadh.” Kailani’s breath caught at hearing her mate’s name.

“The scroll’s contents explained that he and Penina were trying to amass a force to overthrow Dakila and save the rest of the royal family – you and Tusitala, but they needed allies inside the palace too. Aalto could discern who followed Dakila and who didn’t, so it allowed me to obtain and read that scroll. But finding other allies in this palace…”

Kailani grimaced, “Dakila made sure he didn’t have any potential problems left in the palace. It’s all his brainwashed guard that’s left. Food quality really suffered here because of it,” she joked, but didn’t laugh. Lanuola simply nodded, missing the humor, “And to be honest, I couldn’t tell if he brainwashed you or not with those magically imbued bracelets. But your mind seems sound. It just keeps you confined in the palace then?”

“Yeah…” Kailani murmered, looking angry and dejected. Lanuola looked carefully at the bracelets, and nodded to aerself, “Hmm, might be something here that we can use to figure out to break them. It looks like some old magic, maybe passed down from the ancients of Nan’nalu even.”

Kailani lifted her head and looked directly into Lanuola’s eyes, “Wait, are you serious?” Lanuola shrugged, “It’s a chance, but yes, theoretically. Just give me time.” Kailani looked antsy at the thought of more time being confined to the palace, but nodded reluctantly, “I suppose all I have is time at this point, so sure.”

But then she looked longingly at the letter, “Umm, if it’s from Murchadh…can I read it?” Lanuola was already starting to peruse the tomes in the room, “Hm? Oh yeah, sure.”

Kailani rushed over and read the letter. It was very formal and concise, and it made her grin. Murchadh being all serious again…I hope he and the rest of them are safe and sound… Then she turned towards Lanuola, “Do you send letters back?”

“Only if he requests information…Hmm, which I guess is most of the time since they need the information to plan. But only if I actually have answers for him. It’s not like I know everything going on here,” Lanuola commented, “But we won’t be able to get anything out until Aalto has a safe window of opportunity to return.”

But even with those words, Kailani was furiously writing on an empty scroll on the desk, “Then make sure he gets this. I’ll try to get answers or any information they need from my time near Dakila and the guards.”

Lanuola nodded, “It’d be a big help. I can’t stray too far from the library, otherwise it raises suspicion with Dakila…Oh!” Ae looked about nervously, “You need to leave here quickly. If Dakila is trying to find you and can’t, he’ll rip apart the palace, even here, to find you.”

Kailani finished her letter and rolled up the scroll, “Sure, I’ll leave, but make sure Aalto gets this soonest.” Lanuola opened the door and peered about, making sure the room was clear, “Still quiet since it’s night, but dawn is fast approaching. Hurry!”

She swam outside the room, but heard the door shut behind her. Guess he’ll be focusing on finding the means to get these off me. Kailani gave an immense smile. It was nice to finally have hope to regain her freedom and do something.

Realizing a smile would be out of character for her, she regained her composure and swam out of the library. Might as well get some sleep. The whole event left her more tired than she thought she’d be. Plus, she needed to have as much energy as she could to gather the intel Murchadh and her sister needed.



Emyr was happily humming to himself while writing on scroll. After some final strokes, he picked up the scroll, read it over, and smiled in satisfaction.


“Well, well, writing to someone are we?” Keola said from behind Emyr, which caused him to panic. “Oh, oh! I didn’t see you. Um, yeah, just writing to, to, to Kasada, yep!” Emyr said while trying to roll up the scroll, “Just going to send it out now.” And he reached for his familiar, a Seaweed Nautilus, to hand it the scroll.

“That’s wonderful! I didn’t know you’ve been in correspondence to Kasada! Maybe I can send a letter too, find out what’s going on with xem?”

Thinking quickly, Emyr replied, “The nautilus can only hold so much. I try to keep my letters light so it can swim quickly to avoid that horrid monster if it’s around. And – oh!” the Seaweed Nautilus was already starting to swim away, “Guess it has a mind of its own. Maybe next time it returns, you can send something.”

Keola looked disappointed, but it was quickly replaced with a smile, “Next time it is, but it’s wonderful to see you having such an interest in Kasada’s well-being. Who knew having a sibling leave would cause you two to be closer?” But then Keola thought aloud, “Actually, maybe Cabaletta’s familiar can send a letter to Kasada too. She said it can easily navigate to you or other loved ones if they are not magically hidden. I’ll talk with her so we can send out a letter too!”

Keola swam away, and Emyr released the breath he was holding. That was too close. Guess I have to write these letters away from here if I don’t want to be caught.


@Sunken Dreams pinglist

Finally had energy and time to get to this. I wanted to finish what I started when Kailani spied Lanuola, and now there's context to what's going on! But yet, who is Emyr writing to? Time will tell

Also, I got a fun chapter planned to post tomorrow for the Pirate event! Get ready for another crew to be pulled in. Now that they're all gened, they are ready to sail the rough seas!
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FR+3 time
Dragons for Sale

Art Shop

Ohohohoho, the plot is thickening! I'm glad to hear Kailani may have a way out soon!

Ohohohoho, the plot is thickening! I'm glad to hear Kailani may have a way out soon!
b7742e507b7cf8e2cd71c4f2ffd5a17c3b9f9e2e.png 7ae5f576df9583faed137e7e0ca37146ab2a57b6.pnga6562add08eab1563b3f067ebd5e56834bb18267.png
[center][url=]Previous[/url] [Color=navy][size=5][b]Chapter 83: Rescued Frozen Treats[/b][/size][/color] --------------- [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img],2562&xt=dressing.png[/img][/url] It took ages before the iceberg had drifted into the Sea of One Thousand Currents, and Fleur and Delg learned a great deal from each other. Fleur learned how to speak with Delg on that journey, and she turned out to be quite an energetic soul when she wasn’t as frozen by the cold of the Southern Icefield. Delg learned that Fleur had a knack of spotting fish and sealife in the waters around the iceberg, which he put to good use to catch their meals with his strength. But it was one quiet morning that the still water of the ocean were especially unnerving, causing Delg’s fur to rise in fear. Something was out there, but he couldn’t see what it could be… [url=][img][/img][/url] “Delg! What’s that?” Fleur said, and Delg turned in the direction she was pointing to. It was the back of something, that was certain, but not a smooth back of a whale or fish. This creature’s hide looked almost decayed, with what seemed like bone emerging from different portions. “Stay back, Fleur!” and Delg grabbed her with his paw to the safety of his fur coat. Fleur felt Delg’s fear and turned to him wide-eyed, “Is it a friend?” “I don’t know what it is, but it’s stalking us like a shark. You must keep your body away from the sides of the ice,” Delg said, although a little unsteady, but the beast seemed to be making its way closer, revealing that it was even larger than what Delg initially thought it’d be. Its presence felt powerful and filled with ill-intent. He wanted nothing more than run away from this unknown beast, but the iceberg was at the mercy of the currents. Fleur hugged Delg’s coat, both to soothe herself and Delg, who she saw as a father after all the time they had spent together. Delg turned to the little Fae with a loving gaze, “Just stay close and we’ll get out of this.” Yet just as he finished saying this, the beast’s body brushed against the iceberg, causing the pair to be unbalanced and Delg to yelp out in surprise. But that one yelp was a cue for the beast to raise its massive head from the water, deathless eyes gazing straight at the icy craft’s riders. Slowly, it opened its mouth lined with teeth and made something like a sinister grin. Delg’s stomach plummeted, and he was frozen in fear. Fleur was trying to push him, but her heaves of effort could not budge the Gaoler…and the sea beast’s head lowered down towards them… [url=][img][/img][/url] Cannon fire behind them brought Delg to his senses, and the sea beast lurched backwards from the hard hit of the cannonball. “Ye wan’ te be its dinn’r? Ye looked like a froz’n treat standin’ there like that,” a voice yelled. It was a Guardian in flight heading towards them. “Can ye fly? Follow me if ye wan’ te live. Me ship’s this way!” Delg wasn’t great at flying, but staying on the iceberg seemed a bit foolish when a fortified ship was only a little ways off. “Hang on, Fleur,” he said to the Fae, whose wings were not as strong yet, and once she had a firm grip on his antlered horns, Delg flapped his wings and took the sky. His movements were a little clumsy, but he stayed close to the Guardian that guided them. At one point, he turned back to see the beast trying to lunge at them. Thankfully more cannons were fired and hit the beast directly, stopping it before it could reach the trio. “Don’ look back. Focus on me an’ yer flyin’. Ye need it the way ye’ve been movin’,” the Guardian said gruffly, and Delg didn’t need to be told twice. Exerting every fiber and muscle in his body, he pumped his wings and hurriedly flew towards the ship. Once he reached its deck, Delg plopped down ungracefully and tried to catch his breath. Fleur looked around curiously and saw a few dragons running about. The Guardian landed at the helm and was shouting orders to the crew, “All innocents on board. ‘ow many cannonballs do we ‘ave left?” [url=][img][/img][/url] A Dusthide with branches supporting green leaves spoke up, “Not enough to make a dent in it, Cap’n. Only a few more rounds.” The Guardian grimaced, “Guess we’ll fight anoth’r day,” and turned towards the ocean, yelling, “Ye ‘ear that? We’ll dance anoth’r time! Jus’ make sure ye keep yer last fer me!” “Unfurl those sails!” the Guardian captain ordered, and quickly the sails caught the strong breeze. A few more cannon shots were made to make sure the beast didn’t follow, but the ship’s speed helped a great deal to enlarge the gap between beast and crew. As the beast’s form sunk beneath the water, Delg finally could breathe calmly and asked, “What was that thing?” Fleur piped up right after, “Who are you?” The Guardian walked towards them and gave a toothy grin, some golden teeth glistening in the light, “The name’s Captain Faneel, an’ this is me crew. What ye jus’ saw was me rival in the sea, a great beast that’s been’ ravagin’ countless vessels. Glad we got to ye firs’ ‘fore it did.” Delg nodded, “You and me both, Captain. My name is Delg and this here is Fleur. We’ve been adrift for quite a bit of time and are looking to find a place to call home.” The Dusthide beside Faneel nodded, “We actually need to ‘ead back to Flotsam’s port to restock on cannons. Maybe ‘ome will be there?” Fleur smiled happily and cheered, “Yay! Home!” Delg patted her head, “We’d appreciate it that a lot...” and then he lowered his voice, “Will we see that thing again?” Faneel replied grimly, “Only if ye venture in these wat’rs. Seems to ‘ave a ‘unger that can’t be satiated. Been savin’ crews fer months from it. No weak spots. Can’t get tired. But it can get bored if its prey is ‘ard to get.” “Yer safe wi’ us though!” the Dusthide said assuredly, “Me name’s Sage,” and zi shook Delg’s paw enthusiastically, “Let us know if ye need anythin’.” Delg suddenly felt the exhaustion set in as the adrenaline faded, “Maybe a place to sleep?” Fleur looked bewildered, “But it’s morning! I’m hungry.” Faneel and Sage laughed. “We’ll get this young un some vittles. Sage here will show ye yer bunk. We’ll wake ye once we make it to port if ye sleep that lon’,” Faneel said. Fleur looked uncertain about splitting up with Delg, so Faneel asked, “We got lots o’ vittles to choose from. Cheese, bread, beef, pork, beans, rice – which do ye want?” Fleur unease melted away at the prospect of all of these new foods, “All of them!” Faneel chuckled and turned to Sage, “Bless me soul, this youngin’ will eat everything we ‘ave before we get to port.” Sage also laughed, “I best tell Hemlock so ‘e can still eat ‘is breakfast ‘fore it’s gone! But first – let’s get ye to bed.” After Fleur hugged Delg and left with Faneel, Delg and Sage made their way below deck. Delg barely registered his surroundings and gratefully fell into his bunk, falling asleep before his head hit the below. ----------------------------- [url=]Next[/url] @pinglist-2103 Technically when Delg found Fleur and when the iceberg drifted, I imagined it to be during the time that passed in chapter 76. It gave time for Fleur and Delg to grow in their time on board the iceberg and eventually connect to the main storyline. And finally, I can introduce Faneel and some of the crew! I had trouble sorting out who would be Faneel’s crew and who would be part of the town, but Sage and Hemlock felt right to be aboard Faneel’s ship based on their backstories. I rather like how Sage and Hemlock are both very opposite and alike (even down to being plague and nature, but both having the nature fest gene). Excited to see how these new characters grow in the story! Had to post this before I go to work, so it's before the actual start of the pirate event, but wishing everyone a great Talk like a Pirate Week! [emoji=pirate hat size=1]
Chapter 83: Rescued Frozen Treats



It took ages before the iceberg had drifted into the Sea of One Thousand Currents, and Fleur and Delg learned a great deal from each other. Fleur learned how to speak with Delg on that journey, and she turned out to be quite an energetic soul when she wasn’t as frozen by the cold of the Southern Icefield. Delg learned that Fleur had a knack of spotting fish and sealife in the waters around the iceberg, which he put to good use to catch their meals with his strength.

But it was one quiet morning that the still water of the ocean were especially unnerving, causing Delg’s fur to rise in fear. Something was out there, but he couldn’t see what it could be…


“Delg! What’s that?” Fleur said, and Delg turned in the direction she was pointing to. It was the back of something, that was certain, but not a smooth back of a whale or fish. This creature’s hide looked almost decayed, with what seemed like bone emerging from different portions. “Stay back, Fleur!” and Delg grabbed her with his paw to the safety of his fur coat. Fleur felt Delg’s fear and turned to him wide-eyed, “Is it a friend?”

“I don’t know what it is, but it’s stalking us like a shark. You must keep your body away from the sides of the ice,” Delg said, although a little unsteady, but the beast seemed to be making its way closer, revealing that it was even larger than what Delg initially thought it’d be. Its presence felt powerful and filled with ill-intent. He wanted nothing more than run away from this unknown beast, but the iceberg was at the mercy of the currents.

Fleur hugged Delg’s coat, both to soothe herself and Delg, who she saw as a father after all the time they had spent together. Delg turned to the little Fae with a loving gaze, “Just stay close and we’ll get out of this.” Yet just as he finished saying this, the beast’s body brushed against the iceberg, causing the pair to be unbalanced and Delg to yelp out in surprise.

But that one yelp was a cue for the beast to raise its massive head from the water, deathless eyes gazing straight at the icy craft’s riders. Slowly, it opened its mouth lined with teeth and made something like a sinister grin. Delg’s stomach plummeted, and he was frozen in fear. Fleur was trying to push him, but her heaves of effort could not budge the Gaoler…and the sea beast’s head lowered down towards them…


Cannon fire behind them brought Delg to his senses, and the sea beast lurched backwards from the hard hit of the cannonball. “Ye wan’ te be its dinn’r? Ye looked like a froz’n treat standin’ there like that,” a voice yelled. It was a Guardian in flight heading towards them. “Can ye fly? Follow me if ye wan’ te live. Me ship’s this way!”

Delg wasn’t great at flying, but staying on the iceberg seemed a bit foolish when a fortified ship was only a little ways off. “Hang on, Fleur,” he said to the Fae, whose wings were not as strong yet, and once she had a firm grip on his antlered horns, Delg flapped his wings and took the sky. His movements were a little clumsy, but he stayed close to the Guardian that guided them.

At one point, he turned back to see the beast trying to lunge at them. Thankfully more cannons were fired and hit the beast directly, stopping it before it could reach the trio. “Don’ look back. Focus on me an’ yer flyin’. Ye need it the way ye’ve been movin’,” the Guardian said gruffly, and Delg didn’t need to be told twice. Exerting every fiber and muscle in his body, he pumped his wings and hurriedly flew towards the ship. Once he reached its deck, Delg plopped down ungracefully and tried to catch his breath.

Fleur looked around curiously and saw a few dragons running about. The Guardian landed at the helm and was shouting orders to the crew, “All innocents on board. ‘ow many cannonballs do we ‘ave left?”


A Dusthide with branches supporting green leaves spoke up, “Not enough to make a dent in it, Cap’n. Only a few more rounds.” The Guardian grimaced, “Guess we’ll fight anoth’r day,” and turned towards the ocean, yelling, “Ye ‘ear that? We’ll dance anoth’r time! Jus’ make sure ye keep yer last fer me!”

“Unfurl those sails!” the Guardian captain ordered, and quickly the sails caught the strong breeze. A few more cannon shots were made to make sure the beast didn’t follow, but the ship’s speed helped a great deal to enlarge the gap between beast and crew. As the beast’s form sunk beneath the water, Delg finally could breathe calmly and asked, “What was that thing?” Fleur piped up right after, “Who are you?”

The Guardian walked towards them and gave a toothy grin, some golden teeth glistening in the light, “The name’s Captain Faneel, an’ this is me crew. What ye jus’ saw was me rival in the sea, a great beast that’s been’ ravagin’ countless vessels. Glad we got to ye firs’ ‘fore it did.” Delg nodded, “You and me both, Captain. My name is Delg and this here is Fleur. We’ve been adrift for quite a bit of time and are looking to find a place to call home.”

The Dusthide beside Faneel nodded, “We actually need to ‘ead back to Flotsam’s port to restock on cannons. Maybe ‘ome will be there?” Fleur smiled happily and cheered, “Yay! Home!” Delg patted her head, “We’d appreciate it that a lot...” and then he lowered his voice, “Will we see that thing again?”

Faneel replied grimly, “Only if ye venture in these wat’rs. Seems to ‘ave a ‘unger that can’t be satiated. Been savin’ crews fer months from it. No weak spots. Can’t get tired. But it can get bored if its prey is ‘ard to get.”

“Yer safe wi’ us though!” the Dusthide said assuredly, “Me name’s Sage,” and zi shook Delg’s paw enthusiastically, “Let us know if ye need anythin’.” Delg suddenly felt the exhaustion set in as the adrenaline faded, “Maybe a place to sleep?” Fleur looked bewildered, “But it’s morning! I’m hungry.” Faneel and Sage laughed.

“We’ll get this young un some vittles. Sage here will show ye yer bunk. We’ll wake ye once we make it to port if ye sleep that lon’,” Faneel said. Fleur looked uncertain about splitting up with Delg, so Faneel asked, “We got lots o’ vittles to choose from. Cheese, bread, beef, pork, beans, rice – which do ye want?”

Fleur unease melted away at the prospect of all of these new foods, “All of them!” Faneel chuckled and turned to Sage, “Bless me soul, this youngin’ will eat everything we ‘ave before we get to port.” Sage also laughed, “I best tell Hemlock so ‘e can still eat ‘is breakfast ‘fore it’s gone! But first – let’s get ye to bed.”

After Fleur hugged Delg and left with Faneel, Delg and Sage made their way below deck. Delg barely registered his surroundings and gratefully fell into his bunk, falling asleep before his head hit the below.


@Sunken Dreams pinglist

Technically when Delg found Fleur and when the iceberg drifted, I imagined it to be during the time that passed in chapter 76. It gave time for Fleur and Delg to grow in their time on board the iceberg and eventually connect to the main storyline. And finally, I can introduce Faneel and some of the crew! I had trouble sorting out who would be Faneel’s crew and who would be part of the town, but Sage and Hemlock felt right to be aboard Faneel’s ship based on their backstories. I rather like how Sage and Hemlock are both very opposite and alike (even down to being plague and nature, but both having the nature fest gene). Excited to see how these new characters grow in the story!

Had to post this before I go to work, so it's before the actual start of the pirate event, but wishing everyone a great Talk like a Pirate Week!
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It may not be soon, but it's still something to have hope with. I guess I was in a similar head space as her when I thought about it, which got in the way of me writing for a bit of's rather uplifting to give both of us hope.
It may not be soon, but it's still something to have hope with. I guess I was in a similar head space as her when I thought about it, which got in the way of me writing for a bit of's rather uplifting to give both of us hope.
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FR+3 time
Dragons for Sale

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Eyyyyy new pirates! I can't wait to get to know this new crew!

Eyyyyy new pirates! I can't wait to get to know this new crew!
b7742e507b7cf8e2cd71c4f2ffd5a17c3b9f9e2e.png 7ae5f576df9583faed137e7e0ca37146ab2a57b6.pnga6562add08eab1563b3f067ebd5e56834bb18267.png
[center][url=]Previous[/url] [Color=navy][size=5][b]Chapter 84: A Rival Emerges[/b][/size][/color] --------------- [url=][img][/img][/url] “Get your fins and scales out of bed!” roared a dragon, and it startled Ashling awake. Not even the first rays of morning were discernable yet through the ocean, but the bustle of dragons told Ashling that training was starting momentarily. After a quick stretch, she swam after the rest of the Royal Guardsdragons to the training grounds. Yesterday’s events flashed across Ashling’s memory, but she shook her head in attempt to rid of herself of any distractions. [i]Today is a new day. I need to stay focused and continue to prove myself.[/i] [url=][img],10364,10392,10743,10371&xt=dressing.png[/img][/url] “Alright fall in line. You know the drill. Answer when your name is called,” barked out Douglas, and soon he was calling out each name within the ranks, each of them quickly responding with a gruff “here.” There was a couple of dragons falling in after Douglas started, but it seemed they were never called out prior to their arrival. The Guardian’s flash of recognition with each dragon falling in made it seem intentional to Ashling…along with not calling out her name. “Okay, you know the drill, start laps around the palace grounds. First three to drop out will have cleaning duties after the morning routines,” Douglas commanded, and he gave a snide look towards Ashling, “And don’t try be the last one swimming of the pack. Stay there long enough and you can join your comrades in the cleaning duties too.” Douglas flicked his tail, indicating for everyone to start swimming. Everyone else knew where they were going, so Ashling followed them, keeping pace with the dragons that trailed the group. Sometimes there were unexpected twists and turns, but no one tried to guide Ashling in the slightest. Instead, if she somehow accidentally bumped into a nearby dragon, they’d attempt to bat her away with a fin or limb in retaliation. Thankfully, Ashling’s quick reflexes saved her in those moments getting seriously hurt. After a few laps, Ashling knew the route and decided to pull up more ahead within the group. She had swam at faster paces in her training and felt confident in her abilities. It surprised the dragons around her, and all of them tried to block her path by pushing their bodies closer together as she approached. However, the pushing and shoving made them clumsy, and Ashling was able to snake around them until she was neck and neck leading the group with another Undertide with deadly looking fangs. [url=][img][/img][/url] “So the newbie is trying to lead this formidable crew? Sorry, my dear, but you have some training yet to finish before you are in the same league as I am,” the Undertide said in a sickly sweet tone, and zir tail whipped out so quickly that Ashling was unable to dodge it, only blocking the jab partially with her wings. It caused a scratch across her scales that bled slightly, and she grimaced at the stinging sensation. It also caused her to be pushed back towards the incoming dragons, who did nothing to slow down or avoid her. Even though she attempted to swim to the side, the blows against her back were enough to knock the breath out of her lungs. She tried to catch her breath quickly, wincing slightly at the pain in her back and sides. [i]Gonna feel that one for a bit…[/i] she thought bitterly, but it did not dissuade her to push forward and weave around the dragons until she was beside the Undertide from earlier. The Undertide looked surprised for a brief moment and then grinned, “Well, hungry for more? I have to applaud you for your perseverance, but I’m afraid you still cannot keep up to the likes of me.” This time, zi swam faster ahead, and it caused the dragons behind them to complain, “Ciarán! You know we all can’t keep up with you! Douglas is going make all of us do cleaning duty if you pull up too far ahead!” But Ciarán ignored them and simply gave a grin towards Ashling, challenging her silently to try to keep up. Ashling never backed down from a challenge, so she swam faster, ignoring the pains from her body that protested from her change of pace. She eventually caught up to Ciarán, and they swam beside each other. This time the Undertide did not try to lash out, focusing all of zir energy and focus into speed and agility towards the training grounds (which was the end of the current lap). Ashling couldn’t hear anything except the rush of water flowing past her, the other dragons’ groaning long gone as they were far ahead of everyone else. In one last push, the two used the rest of their energy and strength to see who would land at the center of the training grounds first… and Ashling beat Ciarán by a nose. But neither of them could speak or shout in celebration or protest. Both of them collapsed, breathing heavily on the ground. Douglas swam over after seeing how Ashling was able to beat Ciarán to the spot. But his words were not of praise, “On some sort of joy ride? Enjoying the thrill? Well, it’s a sign you are unable to think of the group and put yourself first,” Douglas scolded. Ashling couldn’t yet respond, but anger flashed in her eyes. “I think I’ll make an exception to my usual rule of the first three to dropping out to do cleaning duty. If you want to leave everyone behind, then take some time cleaning as everyone else leaves you behind after training.” Douglas then turned around to see the rest of the guard falling in, most of them also landing on the ground and trying to catch their breath. If it wasn’t for the Douglas’ punishment, Ashling would have chuckled at how silly they all seemed. Instead, she was fuming at the lack of fairness. “You beat me…no one has done that since I first started in the Royal Guard,” a voice said incredulously from behind her. Ashling looked to see Ciarán with an unusual look on zir face. It wasn’t surprise nor anger. Was it admiration? Perhaps. Yet, there also seemed to be flicker of ill intent that caused a chill run down Ashling’s spine. “Well, get used to it,” Ashling rebuked, “Because I am not going to make it easy for you to win.” Ciarán only swam closer to her until zir face was uncomfortably close, “I suppose not,” zi whispered silkily. Ashling recoiled in disgust, causing Ciarán to laugh. She decided to swim away far enough to keep some distance between her and Ciarán, but zir gaze never left Ashling. “Hey, Ciarán, why’d you do that?” a fellow Guardian remarked. “Yeah, Douglas could’ve given us all extra duties because we can’t keep up with you,” a Skydancer muttered. But they both noticed how Ciarán didn’t look away from Ashling. “Hey, do we need to crush this newbie? She getting in your way?” they asked Ciarán. But they were surprised at the way zi looked angrily their way, “If anyone will crush her, it will only be me.” The two dragons looked surprised and frightened at zir reaction, “Oh…okay. We won’t get in your way.” Ciarán regained zir composure and smiled at the pair of dragons, pulling each of them in on either side of zir, “If you want to slow her down for me though, I won’t object.” This caused the Guardian and Skydancer to smile, “You got it. We’ll let the others know.” “Make sure you do,” Ciarán remarked, and zi looked back at Ashling as the pair swam amidst the ranks. Ashling tried to not look at Ciarán at all, and it caused Ciarán to smile wickedly. [i]You’re cute when you’re flustered. But your actions today will be punished. I’m the best in this guard, and there’s no room for another. You won’t dare try to beat me again after I am through with you…[/i] [img][/img] Ashling winced when she lowered herself into her nest. Her whole body was hurting due to the combination of rigorous training, extra duties, and blows from the other dragons in the guard. Even though she showed that she could win against the best of them, she felt it created more enemies than friendships. Shaking her head, she cursed her inability to keep a level head and give in to her competitive nature. Ashling could hear her mother’s words in her head, “Pace yourself. Nan’nalu was not erected in a day.” Now Ashling’s actions created an expectation that she would have to uphold, otherwise Douglas will think she is incapable of progressing. And then there was Ciarán. Zi seemed like the dragon that was the strongest and most skilled dragon of the group, but zi was also a bully. She saw the fear in the others when zi was around, and if anyone stepped ahead of Ciarán, zi would put them in their place. But Ciarán seemed to paint a target on Ashling too, one that was large enough to cause everyone to pull her down. Beating Ciarán during their impromptu race made Ashling Ciarán’s rival, something she was certain of. Somehow, she needed to prevail against the other Undertide, because if she didn’t, she knew zi would attempt to completely crush her. A sharp pain flared when she adjusted her body, and she froze until it passed. She would have to pace herself to last through this experience and achieve her goal of proving herself worthy of a Royal Guardsdragon role. Her body needed rest, and with training again tomorrow morning, she knew such rest was limited. With a sigh, she carefully adjusted herself so she was comfortable enough to fall asleep. Tomorrow was another day… ----------------------------- @pinglist-2103 Introducing another dragon in this one - Ciarán. Zi was abused and neglected as a hatchling and now tries to get what he didn't growing up by being the best in everything zi does. Having Ashling here will upset the dynamics that zi was used to. Things will not be easy for Ashling going forward...
Chapter 84: A Rival Emerges


“Get your fins and scales out of bed!” roared a dragon, and it startled Ashling awake. Not even the first rays of morning were discernable yet through the ocean, but the bustle of dragons told Ashling that training was starting momentarily. After a quick stretch, she swam after the rest of the Royal Guardsdragons to the training grounds. Yesterday’s events flashed across Ashling’s memory, but she shook her head in attempt to rid of herself of any distractions. Today is a new day. I need to stay focused and continue to prove myself.


“Alright fall in line. You know the drill. Answer when your name is called,” barked out Douglas, and soon he was calling out each name within the ranks, each of them quickly responding with a gruff “here.” There was a couple of dragons falling in after Douglas started, but it seemed they were never called out prior to their arrival. The Guardian’s flash of recognition with each dragon falling in made it seem intentional to Ashling…along with not calling out her name.

“Okay, you know the drill, start laps around the palace grounds. First three to drop out will have cleaning duties after the morning routines,” Douglas commanded, and he gave a snide look towards Ashling, “And don’t try be the last one swimming of the pack. Stay there long enough and you can join your comrades in the cleaning duties too.”

Douglas flicked his tail, indicating for everyone to start swimming. Everyone else knew where they were going, so Ashling followed them, keeping pace with the dragons that trailed the group. Sometimes there were unexpected twists and turns, but no one tried to guide Ashling in the slightest. Instead, if she somehow accidentally bumped into a nearby dragon, they’d attempt to bat her away with a fin or limb in retaliation. Thankfully, Ashling’s quick reflexes saved her in those moments getting seriously hurt.

After a few laps, Ashling knew the route and decided to pull up more ahead within the group. She had swam at faster paces in her training and felt confident in her abilities. It surprised the dragons around her, and all of them tried to block her path by pushing their bodies closer together as she approached. However, the pushing and shoving made them clumsy, and Ashling was able to snake around them until she was neck and neck leading the group with another Undertide with deadly looking fangs.


“So the newbie is trying to lead this formidable crew? Sorry, my dear, but you have some training yet to finish before you are in the same league as I am,” the Undertide said in a sickly sweet tone, and zir tail whipped out so quickly that Ashling was unable to dodge it, only blocking the jab partially with her wings. It caused a scratch across her scales that bled slightly, and she grimaced at the stinging sensation.

It also caused her to be pushed back towards the incoming dragons, who did nothing to slow down or avoid her. Even though she attempted to swim to the side, the blows against her back were enough to knock the breath out of her lungs. She tried to catch her breath quickly, wincing slightly at the pain in her back and sides. Gonna feel that one for a bit… she thought bitterly, but it did not dissuade her to push forward and weave around the dragons until she was beside the Undertide from earlier.

The Undertide looked surprised for a brief moment and then grinned, “Well, hungry for more? I have to applaud you for your perseverance, but I’m afraid you still cannot keep up to the likes of me.” This time, zi swam faster ahead, and it caused the dragons behind them to complain, “Ciarán! You know we all can’t keep up with you! Douglas is going make all of us do cleaning duty if you pull up too far ahead!”

But Ciarán ignored them and simply gave a grin towards Ashling, challenging her silently to try to keep up. Ashling never backed down from a challenge, so she swam faster, ignoring the pains from her body that protested from her change of pace. She eventually caught up to Ciarán, and they swam beside each other. This time the Undertide did not try to lash out, focusing all of zir energy and focus into speed and agility towards the training grounds (which was the end of the current lap).

Ashling couldn’t hear anything except the rush of water flowing past her, the other dragons’ groaning long gone as they were far ahead of everyone else. In one last push, the two used the rest of their energy and strength to see who would land at the center of the training grounds first… and Ashling beat Ciarán by a nose.

But neither of them could speak or shout in celebration or protest. Both of them collapsed, breathing heavily on the ground. Douglas swam over after seeing how Ashling was able to beat Ciarán to the spot. But his words were not of praise, “On some sort of joy ride? Enjoying the thrill? Well, it’s a sign you are unable to think of the group and put yourself first,” Douglas scolded. Ashling couldn’t yet respond, but anger flashed in her eyes. “I think I’ll make an exception to my usual rule of the first three to dropping out to do cleaning duty. If you want to leave everyone behind, then take some time cleaning as everyone else leaves you behind after training.”

Douglas then turned around to see the rest of the guard falling in, most of them also landing on the ground and trying to catch their breath. If it wasn’t for the Douglas’ punishment, Ashling would have chuckled at how silly they all seemed. Instead, she was fuming at the lack of fairness.

“You beat me…no one has done that since I first started in the Royal Guard,” a voice said incredulously from behind her. Ashling looked to see Ciarán with an unusual look on zir face. It wasn’t surprise nor anger. Was it admiration? Perhaps. Yet, there also seemed to be flicker of ill intent that caused a chill run down Ashling’s spine.

“Well, get used to it,” Ashling rebuked, “Because I am not going to make it easy for you to win.” Ciarán only swam closer to her until zir face was uncomfortably close, “I suppose not,” zi whispered silkily. Ashling recoiled in disgust, causing Ciarán to laugh. She decided to swim away far enough to keep some distance between her and Ciarán, but zir gaze never left Ashling.

“Hey, Ciarán, why’d you do that?” a fellow Guardian remarked. “Yeah, Douglas could’ve given us all extra duties because we can’t keep up with you,” a Skydancer muttered. But they both noticed how Ciarán didn’t look away from Ashling. “Hey, do we need to crush this newbie? She getting in your way?” they asked Ciarán.

But they were surprised at the way zi looked angrily their way, “If anyone will crush her, it will only be me.” The two dragons looked surprised and frightened at zir reaction, “Oh…okay. We won’t get in your way.” Ciarán regained zir composure and smiled at the pair of dragons, pulling each of them in on either side of zir, “If you want to slow her down for me though, I won’t object.” This caused the Guardian and Skydancer to smile, “You got it. We’ll let the others know.”

“Make sure you do,” Ciarán remarked, and zi looked back at Ashling as the pair swam amidst the ranks. Ashling tried to not look at Ciarán at all, and it caused Ciarán to smile wickedly. You’re cute when you’re flustered. But your actions today will be punished. I’m the best in this guard, and there’s no room for another. You won’t dare try to beat me again after I am through with you…


Ashling winced when she lowered herself into her nest. Her whole body was hurting due to the combination of rigorous training, extra duties, and blows from the other dragons in the guard. Even though she showed that she could win against the best of them, she felt it created more enemies than friendships. Shaking her head, she cursed her inability to keep a level head and give in to her competitive nature. Ashling could hear her mother’s words in her head, “Pace yourself. Nan’nalu was not erected in a day.” Now Ashling’s actions created an expectation that she would have to uphold, otherwise Douglas will think she is incapable of progressing.

And then there was Ciarán. Zi seemed like the dragon that was the strongest and most skilled dragon of the group, but zi was also a bully. She saw the fear in the others when zi was around, and if anyone stepped ahead of Ciarán, zi would put them in their place. But Ciarán seemed to paint a target on Ashling too, one that was large enough to cause everyone to pull her down. Beating Ciarán during their impromptu race made Ashling Ciarán’s rival, something she was certain of. Somehow, she needed to prevail against the other Undertide, because if she didn’t, she knew zi would attempt to completely crush her.

A sharp pain flared when she adjusted her body, and she froze until it passed. She would have to pace herself to last through this experience and achieve her goal of proving herself worthy of a Royal Guardsdragon role. Her body needed rest, and with training again tomorrow morning, she knew such rest was limited. With a sigh, she carefully adjusted herself so she was comfortable enough to fall asleep. Tomorrow was another day…

@Sunken Dreams pinglist

Introducing another dragon in this one - Ciarán. Zi was abused and neglected as a hatchling and now tries to get what he didn't growing up by being the best in everything zi does. Having Ashling here will upset the dynamics that zi was used to. Things will not be easy for Ashling going forward...
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Dragons for Sale

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Oh, what a fun chapter! I am going to very much enjoy this rivalry (I may ship them a little...). Ashling is just the sort of character that I tend to get attached to, I will be watching her journey with interest!

Oh, what a fun chapter! I am going to very much enjoy this rivalry (I may ship them a little...). Ashling is just the sort of character that I tend to get attached to, I will be watching her journey with interest!
b7742e507b7cf8e2cd71c4f2ffd5a17c3b9f9e2e.png 7ae5f576df9583faed137e7e0ca37146ab2a57b6.pnga6562add08eab1563b3f067ebd5e56834bb18267.png